As this year comes to a close, I am amazed at how quickly it's flown by. It felt so long during the days, but suddenly it's the last day of 2010.
I took some time yesterday to read over my blogs from this year as well as look through my journals. And what I've realized and remembered is that this year has had its ups and downs, though honestly has felt like a pretty bleh year, for me at least. Nothing too amazing happened, lots of things that we wanted to, didn't. I struggled with a lot of things, lost some good friends for various reasons, and overall it's just been hard.
However, there's been great things that have happened, and that's what I will think about when I think of this year. We moved into a wonderful condo that has continually blessed us and feels like home. It has served us very well, and has enabled us to help out friends when needed as well as have friends be able to stay over and hang out.
I have been able to figure out what I'm doing with my life. I started at a CC in Early Childhood Education, and have been loving it. I cannot wait to finish up the units so that I can become a preschool teacher. I miss working with kids, and I have loved learning about how they develop and grow.
My hubby and I celebrated 2 years together by going on a cruise, which we've decided to try to do every year. It was such a blessing to relax and be together with no worries for 9 1/2 days, also the longest vacation we've taken together. As I've said, we're going to do it again this year and boy are we looking forward to it!
I am also so happy to see how much we've grown together, even more so than last year. We've pushed, helped, encouraged, and otherwise enabled each other to grow and become confident in who we are. He loves me and I love him, no matter what, and there is such freedom that comes with that.
Personally, I've become stronger in who I am and more confident. I've had some hard things go on this year and I've had to do a lot of soulsearching, but I am (finally) completely content in who I am. Not that I think I don't have any more growing to do (HA!). But I am honestly content in being me. I used to get so freaked out cause I couldn't figure out who I was or what I was or who I should be, etc etc etc, and I've finally just come to the conclusion that I am me, with all of my good things and bad things (that I'm working on), with all my ups and downs, "warts and all", and I don't need to pin myself in those specific words in a box to describe me.
I picked Gypsy as my word to describe this year. And I initially chose that because I thought I would have a lot of changes coming along, mostly in the physical practical sense. The only huge physical "change" in my life was that I switched schools to one nearer my condo. I then thought that I didn't really "live" this year as a Gypsy, like I thought I would. But...the more I think on it, the more I realize that that's completely untrue. While I didn't have too much new physical things happen (Moving once and switching schools), this has been the year of me growing in who I am. I've become content in who I am, what that means, what's important to me, and how I show that. I've learned to love people in different ways, I've taken control of issues that I needed to, and I've let myself change as I've needed. I know who I am and I am happy and content. I know I'll keep growing, but I don't know how much HUGE change will happen like the mental work that did this year. We shall see.
I've gotten closer to friends, grown apart from them, and made new ones. I've gotten closer to my in-loves and have been so blessed to be accepted into their family. I've grown in my love for my husband in such deep ways that it's hard to explain in words. And I've reached that stage where I accept who I am (I know, I've said this a lot, but it's a huge deal to me!), and I love it.
So here's to 2010. You've been a hard but growing year, with your own ups and downs and frustrations and satisfactions.
Let's see where 2011 takes us and what it brings. I need to think up a word for you but for now, I'm just content in relaxing in the last few hours of 2010.
Have a wonderful evening, have fun, and be safe.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Not a long post today but just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!
Hope your holidays are wonderful and blessed.
Lots of love,
Aaron and Beth
Hope your holidays are wonderful and blessed.
Lots of love,
Aaron and Beth
Monday, December 13, 2010
Better late than never and bits in between.
Oh my gosh, you guys, I totally forgot to do a post about the fact this past Friday was Lover's and I's anniversary of our first date! It's been 4 years since we first went out! So I guess I'll have to do it now, and go "Better late than never!"
So. Friday, the 10th, was our fourth anniversary of being together. Four years ago on that day (It was a Sunday), after church, Lover took me on the Metro down to Downtown to "study" and hang out. He had me at "8 story library". So we studied and wandered the library for a while, and then went up to Hollywood for dinner (amazing beefdip sandwich place that is now our favorite ever!), and then Universal CityWalk where he bought me my first Dodger cap (cue the "dawwww"s). We--actually, he--spent entirely too much money on me on that first date, but oh man, was it fun! A year after that, we were in Laguna where he proposed and of course I said yes!
I can hardly believe it's been four years. It doesn't feel that long, and yet, I can barely remember what my life was like without him. I am so happy, and it honestly feels like I've been with him my whole life. We've grown and matured together. We've helped each other become who we are and comfortable/confident in who we are. He loves me for who I am, all of me, and I love him for the same reasons. We complete each other, push each other to grow, and otherwise fit together. I can't imagine going through Life with anyone else. He encourages me to follow my dreams, pursue my interests, and to do the silly things I enjoy doing.
So here's to us, Darling. Four years and stronger than ever, I can hardly believe this will be our 5th Christmas together. I love you, darling boy.
Also, in celebration of our anniversary and such, Thursday night we went out to Benihana for dinner. Oh my goodness, such great amazing food. So yummy! We also sat at a table with another friendly awesome couple, so we chatted joked the entire dinner. Then Friday night, we had our office Christmas Party, which was a blast with such great food. I also got my Christmas gift from my boss (yay bonus!!), and then Saturday, we left bright and early to head off to San Diego. Where I spent the day with my girlfriends, and Lover went up to do some fun things with teh guys.
I got to have tea/lunch/coffeedate with my best friend. We were able to chat, hang out, relax, and otherwise just get some much needed time together. We have such great conversations together and needed to hang out badly. I also got to better meet her son (OMG so cute!). We went on a walk, exchanged presents (she got me a gorgeous wall calendar!), and otherwise just relaxed with each other. It was lovely.
Then I met up with another friend to go shopping at the Nordstrom Rack. Oh my goodness, so many amazing clothes! I got my first pair of jeggings (Yes I know) that when I put on Lover's eyes went HUGE in that way that tells me I look great. I also found an adorable purple military style jacket, another cute sweater/layering thing, an amazing sexy librarian dress, a gorgeous black lacy tunic, and these gorgeous red heels for more than 1/2 off their original price!! I love this store, and thus my pocketbook is going to hate me.
Again, it was such a great time of hanging out and getting some much needed girl-time. We exchanged gifts as well (She got me adorable lipgloss, gloves, socks to go with my oxford's, and a really lovely bottle opener). All of us then met up to do dinner, and it was a lovely raucous time together.
Overall, a much needed wonderful weekend! I am so glad it all worked out.
This week is going to be incredibly busy and fun as Lover's family is coming into town on Friday, and then Christmas is in a week. I need to decorate and clean and bake some more. Eep! I also have some fun shopping trips planned, and other stuff.
That was my weekend. Better late than never with a little bit in between. ;)
So. Friday, the 10th, was our fourth anniversary of being together. Four years ago on that day (It was a Sunday), after church, Lover took me on the Metro down to Downtown to "study" and hang out. He had me at "8 story library". So we studied and wandered the library for a while, and then went up to Hollywood for dinner (amazing beefdip sandwich place that is now our favorite ever!), and then Universal CityWalk where he bought me my first Dodger cap (cue the "dawwww"s). We--actually, he--spent entirely too much money on me on that first date, but oh man, was it fun! A year after that, we were in Laguna where he proposed and of course I said yes!
I can hardly believe it's been four years. It doesn't feel that long, and yet, I can barely remember what my life was like without him. I am so happy, and it honestly feels like I've been with him my whole life. We've grown and matured together. We've helped each other become who we are and comfortable/confident in who we are. He loves me for who I am, all of me, and I love him for the same reasons. We complete each other, push each other to grow, and otherwise fit together. I can't imagine going through Life with anyone else. He encourages me to follow my dreams, pursue my interests, and to do the silly things I enjoy doing.
So here's to us, Darling. Four years and stronger than ever, I can hardly believe this will be our 5th Christmas together. I love you, darling boy.
Also, in celebration of our anniversary and such, Thursday night we went out to Benihana for dinner. Oh my goodness, such great amazing food. So yummy! We also sat at a table with another friendly awesome couple, so we chatted joked the entire dinner. Then Friday night, we had our office Christmas Party, which was a blast with such great food. I also got my Christmas gift from my boss (yay bonus!!), and then Saturday, we left bright and early to head off to San Diego. Where I spent the day with my girlfriends, and Lover went up to do some fun things with teh guys.
I got to have tea/lunch/coffeedate with my best friend. We were able to chat, hang out, relax, and otherwise just get some much needed time together. We have such great conversations together and needed to hang out badly. I also got to better meet her son (OMG so cute!). We went on a walk, exchanged presents (she got me a gorgeous wall calendar!), and otherwise just relaxed with each other. It was lovely.
Then I met up with another friend to go shopping at the Nordstrom Rack. Oh my goodness, so many amazing clothes! I got my first pair of jeggings (Yes I know) that when I put on Lover's eyes went HUGE in that way that tells me I look great. I also found an adorable purple military style jacket, another cute sweater/layering thing, an amazing sexy librarian dress, a gorgeous black lacy tunic, and these gorgeous red heels for more than 1/2 off their original price!! I love this store, and thus my pocketbook is going to hate me.
Again, it was such a great time of hanging out and getting some much needed girl-time. We exchanged gifts as well (She got me adorable lipgloss, gloves, socks to go with my oxford's, and a really lovely bottle opener). All of us then met up to do dinner, and it was a lovely raucous time together.
Overall, a much needed wonderful weekend! I am so glad it all worked out.
This week is going to be incredibly busy and fun as Lover's family is coming into town on Friday, and then Christmas is in a week. I need to decorate and clean and bake some more. Eep! I also have some fun shopping trips planned, and other stuff.
That was my weekend. Better late than never with a little bit in between. ;)
Best friends,
Friday, November 12, 2010
Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!
So, today was one of those odd days. We had weekend plans, were excited for them, and then basically decided that it wasn't really what we wanted to do. So we changed them. Now just hanging out with Hubby and Cousin. Which is also nice.
I've been dealing with some pretty severe loneliness, and lately, it's been causing me to take it out on the people I love, mainly Hubby. Which has been hard for both of us, but thankfully we've been able to have some good talks because of it. I love the relationship I have with him. We're so intune with each other, we can sometimes read each other's minds. ....Ok, maybe not that much, but we are very intune. To the point of talking without doing anything besides looking and raising an eyebrow.
.....Heh. I actually got the relationship that Sheldon and Davy had. I always wanted that.
But! The weekend is looking up. We get our "spending/play" money tomorrow, and I'm going shopping. I'm dying my hair tonight. A light golden brown. Specifically for dark hair colors. It'll most likely have some red in it from the red, but I'm excited. I'm also getting my nails done at a new place tomorrow morning, as well as going shopping tomorrow. I'm hoping to find some sales, but what I really "need" to get are a couple good pairs of leggings (for work and fun), some new girly items (mine have all worn out), and.....I'm going to be looking at some jeggings.. I know, I know. I swore I would never look at those, but I saw some really cute ones at Nordstrom's and I was done for. Literally done for. They're soft and durable!
I'm also venturing, for the first time, officially into Forever 21 to do shopping. Iv'e wandered in and out of there with friends, but never to actually shop for myself. I figure two things might happen. I'll either adore the place and refuse to go anywhere else, or I'll hate it. I'm going for the former, given I have been in there before and I really loved most of the stuff I saw.
I also want to buy some new shoes. All (and I do mean all) of my high heels have broken. As in, full on heel SNAPPED on me at work. That's kind of a problem when I need to wear heels at work. So, time to find new ones. Though I'm thinking Target and/or Payless for those. I'm not a fan on spending 100 bucks on a pair of shoes unless they're amazing (And no, I haven't found a pair that amazing yet!). Though I am eyeing some awesome boots from Fredericks that would almost be there....but going to wait for now.
Oh, and eating has been going well. I'm not quite at eating every three hours, but I'm definitely getting there. I've also been counting calories and noticing more, which is helping me eat better. I'm more aware of what and how much I'm putting into my body. Also, as a reader pointed out, 3500 calories equals a pound. By cutting down to 1468 or less calories a day, I'm cutting out about 500-600 calories of my diet, which means over the course of a week, losing 3500 calories or a pound a week. Pretty cool, isn't it?
So, what I ate today:
Oatmeal 160
Yogurt: 180
Mocha Frap Light: 160! (I am so glad I found that out!)
Hardboiled egg:78
Dinner: 800
Total: 1378!
I might get a snack later....we shall see.
ALSO! My amazing maidofhonor/bestfriend is due TOMORROW. I am soooo excited for her and her hubby! They're expecting a little son who should arrive anyday now. At least, we hope. He seems to be taking his time and enjoying it. ;)
I've been dealing with some pretty severe loneliness, and lately, it's been causing me to take it out on the people I love, mainly Hubby. Which has been hard for both of us, but thankfully we've been able to have some good talks because of it. I love the relationship I have with him. We're so intune with each other, we can sometimes read each other's minds. ....Ok, maybe not that much, but we are very intune. To the point of talking without doing anything besides looking and raising an eyebrow.
.....Heh. I actually got the relationship that Sheldon and Davy had. I always wanted that.
But! The weekend is looking up. We get our "spending/play" money tomorrow, and I'm going shopping. I'm dying my hair tonight. A light golden brown. Specifically for dark hair colors. It'll most likely have some red in it from the red, but I'm excited. I'm also getting my nails done at a new place tomorrow morning, as well as going shopping tomorrow. I'm hoping to find some sales, but what I really "need" to get are a couple good pairs of leggings (for work and fun), some new girly items (mine have all worn out), and.....I'm going to be looking at some jeggings.. I know, I know. I swore I would never look at those, but I saw some really cute ones at Nordstrom's and I was done for. Literally done for. They're soft and durable!
I'm also venturing, for the first time, officially into Forever 21 to do shopping. Iv'e wandered in and out of there with friends, but never to actually shop for myself. I figure two things might happen. I'll either adore the place and refuse to go anywhere else, or I'll hate it. I'm going for the former, given I have been in there before and I really loved most of the stuff I saw.
I also want to buy some new shoes. All (and I do mean all) of my high heels have broken. As in, full on heel SNAPPED on me at work. That's kind of a problem when I need to wear heels at work. So, time to find new ones. Though I'm thinking Target and/or Payless for those. I'm not a fan on spending 100 bucks on a pair of shoes unless they're amazing (And no, I haven't found a pair that amazing yet!). Though I am eyeing some awesome boots from Fredericks that would almost be there....but going to wait for now.
Oh, and eating has been going well. I'm not quite at eating every three hours, but I'm definitely getting there. I've also been counting calories and noticing more, which is helping me eat better. I'm more aware of what and how much I'm putting into my body. Also, as a reader pointed out, 3500 calories equals a pound. By cutting down to 1468 or less calories a day, I'm cutting out about 500-600 calories of my diet, which means over the course of a week, losing 3500 calories or a pound a week. Pretty cool, isn't it?
So, what I ate today:
Oatmeal 160
Yogurt: 180
Mocha Frap Light: 160! (I am so glad I found that out!)
Hardboiled egg:78
Dinner: 800
Total: 1378!
I might get a snack later....we shall see.
ALSO! My amazing maidofhonor/bestfriend is due TOMORROW. I am soooo excited for her and her hubby! They're expecting a little son who should arrive anyday now. At least, we hope. He seems to be taking his time and enjoying it. ;)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Eating Better
So, I am starting a new thing. I am going to count calories (*gasp!*) and eat every three hours. Why, you may ask? To lose more weight, silly! Also, it's healthier. And I've noticed a change in how I am at work, just doing it for two days. I'm more alert, more relaxed, and not starving by the time lunch or dinner rolls around, thus not gorging myself on food.
So, I'm going to do my best to post on here every day what I ate that day. And hopefully, this will work!
A person of my height and weight, to lose weight, needs to eat about 1468 calories a day. Doable, I think, given I don't eat too much to begin with.
So today, I ate:
Oatmeal: 160
Tea: 1
Kudos Bar: 100
Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate: 300 (So sad!)
Yogurt: 160
Dinner: Guess around 600.
Kudos Bar: 100
Total: 1421!
Apparently, if I do this, I should lose a pound a week. Let's see! Maybe once I'm a bit lower I'll be brave enough to post my weight. For now, no thank you!
So, I'm going to do my best to post on here every day what I ate that day. And hopefully, this will work!
A person of my height and weight, to lose weight, needs to eat about 1468 calories a day. Doable, I think, given I don't eat too much to begin with.
So today, I ate:
Oatmeal: 160
Tea: 1
Kudos Bar: 100
Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate: 300 (So sad!)
Yogurt: 160
Dinner: Guess around 600.
Kudos Bar: 100
Total: 1421!
Apparently, if I do this, I should lose a pound a week. Let's see! Maybe once I'm a bit lower I'll be brave enough to post my weight. For now, no thank you!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Glee Sectionals
I know what you're thinking. You're wondering what I'm talking about. Well, let me explain.
Last Wednesday, Glee on Facebook did a status update of basically the first 200 people to email the address they had posted would get 2 tickets to see the "Sectionals" recording. Naturally, I leaped on it, unsure of whether or not I would actually win. I thought I had a decent chance given that it had just been posted a minute or two beforehand. Well, Thursday comes and I hit up lunch rather late. Thus far, no email saying I had won. I just assumed I had missed it, like I had the last time. I took a nap over lunch and woke up a bit earlier than I needed to. I checked my phone and saw an email from an address I didn't recognize with allcaps CONFIRMATION. I opened it up and saw that yes, indeed, I had WON TICKETS. I was, needless to say, freaking out. I hurriedly texted a friend of mine to see if she could come with me.
Lots of squeeing and freaking out and rearranging schedules later, and Friday afternoon at 2:15, we were off on our way to Glendale to watch the recording of Glee Sectionals.
We got there about 3:15-3:30ish (hit not as much traffic as I'd expected) and found a gloriously close parking spot (seriously, we should not have found it!), and lined up. And proceeded to wait for 2 1/2 hours. They didn't let us into the theater until about 6:15 where we got seated up in the balcony and waited. We saw them setting everything up, we were extremely excited. And then all of a sudden, I glanced up to see Chris Colfer standing right by the railing before going down to the edge of balcony to do Q/A. He answered several questions and was very funny and nice. Then he had to run to get into costume. And from there, we saw several of the other stars, and got to hear them record the Sectionals performances!!
It was freaking amazing.
And let me tell you....Sectionals is going to be epic. And have a LOT of surprises. Which I can't tell you. The songs are wonderful, the performances gorgeous, and there are several surprises in it that are going to knock your socks off.
We were there until 11:00pm. We didn't even notice the time when we got in there. We didn't get home until about midnight where I passed out rather quickly after gushing to my hubby who doesn't watch so it was ok.
The episode won't air until December 7th, but OH MY GOODNESS!! I still can't believe I was there and got to see it! So keep an eye out! You might see me up in the balcony!
And by the way,
I totally have the program to prove it too!
P.s. No, you can't see it. That's cheating!
But..... *squee*
Last Wednesday, Glee on Facebook did a status update of basically the first 200 people to email the address they had posted would get 2 tickets to see the "Sectionals" recording. Naturally, I leaped on it, unsure of whether or not I would actually win. I thought I had a decent chance given that it had just been posted a minute or two beforehand. Well, Thursday comes and I hit up lunch rather late. Thus far, no email saying I had won. I just assumed I had missed it, like I had the last time. I took a nap over lunch and woke up a bit earlier than I needed to. I checked my phone and saw an email from an address I didn't recognize with allcaps CONFIRMATION. I opened it up and saw that yes, indeed, I had WON TICKETS. I was, needless to say, freaking out. I hurriedly texted a friend of mine to see if she could come with me.
Lots of squeeing and freaking out and rearranging schedules later, and Friday afternoon at 2:15, we were off on our way to Glendale to watch the recording of Glee Sectionals.
We got there about 3:15-3:30ish (hit not as much traffic as I'd expected) and found a gloriously close parking spot (seriously, we should not have found it!), and lined up. And proceeded to wait for 2 1/2 hours. They didn't let us into the theater until about 6:15 where we got seated up in the balcony and waited. We saw them setting everything up, we were extremely excited. And then all of a sudden, I glanced up to see Chris Colfer standing right by the railing before going down to the edge of balcony to do Q/A. He answered several questions and was very funny and nice. Then he had to run to get into costume. And from there, we saw several of the other stars, and got to hear them record the Sectionals performances!!
It was freaking amazing.
And let me tell you....Sectionals is going to be epic. And have a LOT of surprises. Which I can't tell you. The songs are wonderful, the performances gorgeous, and there are several surprises in it that are going to knock your socks off.
We were there until 11:00pm. We didn't even notice the time when we got in there. We didn't get home until about midnight where I passed out rather quickly after gushing to my hubby who doesn't watch so it was ok.
The episode won't air until December 7th, but OH MY GOODNESS!! I still can't believe I was there and got to see it! So keep an eye out! You might see me up in the balcony!
And by the way,
I totally have the program to prove it too!
P.s. No, you can't see it. That's cheating!
But..... *squee*
Monday, October 25, 2010
Of course this is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?
Well, it's been almost a month since I last talked with you. I would love to say that's because life has been crazy and busy and going going going....
In reality, it's just been going, and not very exciting and nothing worthwhile to actually blog about. (I don't even want to think about the last time I journaled was! I should get back to that too....).
October is nearly over. When on earth did that happen? All of a sudden, November is suddenly saying hello. The weather certainly has been feeling that sudden as well. It almost just decided, "Oh you know what, it's almost November. We should probably stop mucking about", and now it's been rainy and cloudy and chilly for the last two weeks. Needless to say, I am loving this weather!
Saturday was one busy long day, but in a really fun way. I had a baby shower and a birthday party! (No, not for me.)
The baby shower was in honor of my dear friend and also Maid of Honor who is due in 3 weeks! The shower was lovely and not too crazy. It was also simply wonderful to be able to see her and hang out. Her little boy is about ready to come any day now, which is very exciting! It's always interesting to think back and realize how much we've done and been through together. I remember one summer visiting Hubby who was living on campus at the time and meeting her outside the doors and her excitedly showing me the picture of the wedding gown she had just gotten. Seems like such a long time ago that we were both planning our weddings and getting excited and overjoyed about being married, and now it's been over 2 years for me, a year for her, and she's about to become a momma. Wow. Time flies.
The birthday party was for another dear friend (whose birthday is technically tomorrow). She wanted to have an autumnal celebration/birthday party where everyone would bring a favorite autumnal food or drink and also a poem/story to read. While I was thinking last week on what to bring on both accounts, I remembered when I was younger, we used to always make this delicious mini-pumpkin muffins. I didn't have the recipe but hey, google is awesome. Then I had to figure out what story or poem to bring. As I was browsing through my books and I couldn't settle on anything, I finally decided that I would just write one for her. I meant to do a short story but it turned into a poem. I then read it aloud (which always makes me nervous, because I'm terrified that no one will like it), and got the couple seconds pause when it was done and then clapping and a few "Wow"'s. So I felt a bit better. Overall, it was wonderful to celebrate autumn and her birthday! I was blessed to be a part of it and got to meet and catch up with some new and old friends.
This week is proving to be very very busy. Tonight I have class, as usual. Tomorrow is the Glee Rocky Horror Picture Show episode which I am so excited for. I'm going to a friend's house tomorrow night to watch the original and then the show episode, because a few other people are also coming who haven't seen the original, and that just won't do. Then Wednesday, we have another dear friend coming over for sketti and garlic bread and salad and wine and lots of relaxing and hanging out. Thursday I have nothing going on except lots of cleaning because Friday evening, J&C&C are coming to hang out!! I am so excited to see them and to visit. We haven't seen them since my birthday, so I'm very excited. Plus this will give me the excuse and buddy to watch our hubbies interact and just shake our heads. Hehe.
Then on Saturday, I'm collapsing and sleeping in. Well, it depends on if our guests stay the evening or not. If they do, then we'll probably get up to go on a walk, have some coffee, and then hit up Crepes and Grapes. If not, then definitely collapsing. Oh. Right. It's Hallowe'en, isn't it? Well, I have no idea what we're doing for that weekend. At all. I have a costume (yay!), but nothing to go to. So we shall see, I suppose.
Finances are finally clearing up and getting settled. We're finally just about caught up from the cruise, which threw us off for most of September, as we figured it would. By the 15th, though, we'll be much more settled. Just have those last few bills to take care of. But just in time for the holidays! Which, by the way, are coming up way too fast. But it does mean Christmas music and lots of goodies and treats and amazing food. You know, I should probably go get that gym membership as soon as possible.... Hehe.
Speaking of which, when our finances are finally settled, we'll have some extra cash that we decided to split each paycheck for us to use as we would like. (After paying off all the bills and such, of course). I'm very excited, cause it means I can go out and get the books I've been wanting to get and the random shoes and clothes I haven't gotten because they haven't been a need so much as a fun want. So yes. Now I shall be able to get some of the fun wants I would like as well as stop changing my hair all the time because I shall be getting some more fun things to do. Oh, the one thing I am going to do to my hair though is come December ish (going to give it another month or so), I'm going to have it done professionally and dye it light brown with blond highlights, so I can go back to being blonde with some fun red streaks. Actually, depending on how light my hair gets in December, might just do straight blonde. We shall see. Have also decided that I am going to once again attempt to grow it out. I miss being able to braid it and put it up in a ponytail and otherwise have fun long hair. We'll see how long this lasts of course. But, patience is a good virtue to practice, I suppose. Besides, I've pretty much feel like I've run the gambit of short hairstyles to do and I haven't really found one I love.
I'm going to start a new thing today, and it will be called:
Things that Amuse (and by amuse, I mean annoy generally) Me At Work:
1. Having FedEx attempt to deliver a package at 7:20AM on a Monday. We're a business. Logically, this makes sense, right?
2. No one loads their dishes into the dishwasher. Ever. Or rinses them for that matter. So I come back from lunch to find the entire sink FULL with an empty dishwasher.
3. Any--and I do mean any--issue that happens at work is my fault and magically I'm supposed fix it instantaneously. Case in point: The internet was down last week for a couple of days. I called Tech Support, spent a good hour on the line with them before they told me that the soonest they could get a tech out was 7pm that night. When we close at 5. So next day it would be, between 8-5, which is normal for tech support people. Cue the angry and yelling of some of the attorneys, one of whom called my boss at home to complain. It all worked out in the end, but really?
4. Getting told that in order to fix something, can't you just wiggle the doohickey and unplug-plug in the whatchamacallit?
5. Having to hit the printer in order to fix the LCD screen on it. Per the tech on the phone's request.
6. The coffee bought by the non-coffee drinker and decides bulk is better than flavor.
7. No one actually puts the next roll of toilet paper on the holder. Ever.
8. Typing up my boss's Bible Studies.
9. The way the office goes to pieces when I'm sick and there's no one there to make coffee or answer the phones. *Gasp!*
10. Last but not least, the insane senile old lady who calls and leaves messages on every machine at all hours of the day. Today, I had 98 of them. On one of the machines.
And that, is all I have for now, folks. I will post the poem I wrote for my friend a bit later. I actually typed it up on a typewriter, so I need to type it up to save on my netbook. Which I shall do over lunch, I think.
Here's to actually blogging a bit more regularly. If I start getting new stuff, I probably shall if only to post pictures and get all excited over them.
P.s. I also finished rereading Book7 last week. And I cried. The movie comes out on the 19th. I am SO EXCITED!!!
In reality, it's just been going, and not very exciting and nothing worthwhile to actually blog about. (I don't even want to think about the last time I journaled was! I should get back to that too....).
October is nearly over. When on earth did that happen? All of a sudden, November is suddenly saying hello. The weather certainly has been feeling that sudden as well. It almost just decided, "Oh you know what, it's almost November. We should probably stop mucking about", and now it's been rainy and cloudy and chilly for the last two weeks. Needless to say, I am loving this weather!
Saturday was one busy long day, but in a really fun way. I had a baby shower and a birthday party! (No, not for me.)
The baby shower was in honor of my dear friend and also Maid of Honor who is due in 3 weeks! The shower was lovely and not too crazy. It was also simply wonderful to be able to see her and hang out. Her little boy is about ready to come any day now, which is very exciting! It's always interesting to think back and realize how much we've done and been through together. I remember one summer visiting Hubby who was living on campus at the time and meeting her outside the doors and her excitedly showing me the picture of the wedding gown she had just gotten. Seems like such a long time ago that we were both planning our weddings and getting excited and overjoyed about being married, and now it's been over 2 years for me, a year for her, and she's about to become a momma. Wow. Time flies.
The birthday party was for another dear friend (whose birthday is technically tomorrow). She wanted to have an autumnal celebration/birthday party where everyone would bring a favorite autumnal food or drink and also a poem/story to read. While I was thinking last week on what to bring on both accounts, I remembered when I was younger, we used to always make this delicious mini-pumpkin muffins. I didn't have the recipe but hey, google is awesome. Then I had to figure out what story or poem to bring. As I was browsing through my books and I couldn't settle on anything, I finally decided that I would just write one for her. I meant to do a short story but it turned into a poem. I then read it aloud (which always makes me nervous, because I'm terrified that no one will like it), and got the couple seconds pause when it was done and then clapping and a few "Wow"'s. So I felt a bit better. Overall, it was wonderful to celebrate autumn and her birthday! I was blessed to be a part of it and got to meet and catch up with some new and old friends.
This week is proving to be very very busy. Tonight I have class, as usual. Tomorrow is the Glee Rocky Horror Picture Show episode which I am so excited for. I'm going to a friend's house tomorrow night to watch the original and then the show episode, because a few other people are also coming who haven't seen the original, and that just won't do. Then Wednesday, we have another dear friend coming over for sketti and garlic bread and salad and wine and lots of relaxing and hanging out. Thursday I have nothing going on except lots of cleaning because Friday evening, J&C&C are coming to hang out!! I am so excited to see them and to visit. We haven't seen them since my birthday, so I'm very excited. Plus this will give me the excuse and buddy to watch our hubbies interact and just shake our heads. Hehe.
Then on Saturday, I'm collapsing and sleeping in. Well, it depends on if our guests stay the evening or not. If they do, then we'll probably get up to go on a walk, have some coffee, and then hit up Crepes and Grapes. If not, then definitely collapsing. Oh. Right. It's Hallowe'en, isn't it? Well, I have no idea what we're doing for that weekend. At all. I have a costume (yay!), but nothing to go to. So we shall see, I suppose.
Finances are finally clearing up and getting settled. We're finally just about caught up from the cruise, which threw us off for most of September, as we figured it would. By the 15th, though, we'll be much more settled. Just have those last few bills to take care of. But just in time for the holidays! Which, by the way, are coming up way too fast. But it does mean Christmas music and lots of goodies and treats and amazing food. You know, I should probably go get that gym membership as soon as possible.... Hehe.
Speaking of which, when our finances are finally settled, we'll have some extra cash that we decided to split each paycheck for us to use as we would like. (After paying off all the bills and such, of course). I'm very excited, cause it means I can go out and get the books I've been wanting to get and the random shoes and clothes I haven't gotten because they haven't been a need so much as a fun want. So yes. Now I shall be able to get some of the fun wants I would like as well as stop changing my hair all the time because I shall be getting some more fun things to do. Oh, the one thing I am going to do to my hair though is come December ish (going to give it another month or so), I'm going to have it done professionally and dye it light brown with blond highlights, so I can go back to being blonde with some fun red streaks. Actually, depending on how light my hair gets in December, might just do straight blonde. We shall see. Have also decided that I am going to once again attempt to grow it out. I miss being able to braid it and put it up in a ponytail and otherwise have fun long hair. We'll see how long this lasts of course. But, patience is a good virtue to practice, I suppose. Besides, I've pretty much feel like I've run the gambit of short hairstyles to do and I haven't really found one I love.
I'm going to start a new thing today, and it will be called:
Things that Amuse (and by amuse, I mean annoy generally) Me At Work:
1. Having FedEx attempt to deliver a package at 7:20AM on a Monday. We're a business. Logically, this makes sense, right?
2. No one loads their dishes into the dishwasher. Ever. Or rinses them for that matter. So I come back from lunch to find the entire sink FULL with an empty dishwasher.
3. Any--and I do mean any--issue that happens at work is my fault and magically I'm supposed fix it instantaneously. Case in point: The internet was down last week for a couple of days. I called Tech Support, spent a good hour on the line with them before they told me that the soonest they could get a tech out was 7pm that night. When we close at 5. So next day it would be, between 8-5, which is normal for tech support people. Cue the angry and yelling of some of the attorneys, one of whom called my boss at home to complain. It all worked out in the end, but really?
4. Getting told that in order to fix something, can't you just wiggle the doohickey and unplug-plug in the whatchamacallit?
5. Having to hit the printer in order to fix the LCD screen on it. Per the tech on the phone's request.
6. The coffee bought by the non-coffee drinker and decides bulk is better than flavor.
7. No one actually puts the next roll of toilet paper on the holder. Ever.
8. Typing up my boss's Bible Studies.
9. The way the office goes to pieces when I'm sick and there's no one there to make coffee or answer the phones. *Gasp!*
10. Last but not least, the insane senile old lady who calls and leaves messages on every machine at all hours of the day. Today, I had 98 of them. On one of the machines.
And that, is all I have for now, folks. I will post the poem I wrote for my friend a bit later. I actually typed it up on a typewriter, so I need to type it up to save on my netbook. Which I shall do over lunch, I think.
Here's to actually blogging a bit more regularly. If I start getting new stuff, I probably shall if only to post pictures and get all excited over them.
P.s. I also finished rereading Book7 last week. And I cried. The movie comes out on the 19th. I am SO EXCITED!!!
Baby shower,
Best friends,
Friday, October 1, 2010
Feeling New
(I'm sure you're all wondering what the heck the title is about. Hang on, you'll find out soon enough)
So, I haven't updated in a while. In fact, quite a while. I just haven't felt like I've had anything worthwhile to say, honestly. Life hasn't seemed exciting and, I must admit, I've been in a bit of a funk. Life has just seemed, well, rather dull lately. Work, school, eat, sleep. Over and over and over and over again.
I have exciting things (well, I think they're exciting at least) to talk about.
A few weeks ago (almost 4 now), I decided I wanted to switch birth controls. The appeal of going for three months without the dreaded she-who-will-not-be-named-time was great, I must admit. I did a lot of research as well, though, because I'm not a fan of screwing around with my hormones anymore than necessary. What I discovered was that it is healthier for you, better for your body, and has no more severe side effects than any other birth control. So I decided to take the plunge and I switched to Seasonique.
Oh guys, if there are any reading this, you might want to just skip over the next paragraph if you're squeamy about girlish times of the month talk. Just know switching birth control has made me feel better and healthier than I've felt in a while.
And let me tell you, I noticed differences in about three days off of the Patch and on Seasonique. My body felt better, I've lost weight (I'll go into that more later), I have no moodswings besides the normal frustrations, my skin is softer, I have no more migraines. I'm not bloated and things are firming up that I didn't expect to. Seriously. Hubby is noticing. Overall, I feel amazing. My body feels like it's evened out, so to speak. And the funny thing is I never realized how much the Patch had been messing with me until I got off of it. I just thought I needed to "power through the bad days" because it's birth control, so of course it'll cause weird things. Boy was I wrong.
Which leads me into the weight loss.
I've been on a "diet" of sorts for the past four-five weeks. I decided that I was giving up carbs (breads and pastas), sugars (mostly candy and soda), and most dairy products. Which left me with eating lots of protein, fruits, veggies, and yogurt. Now, I do cheat. Sometimes. (C'mon, garlic bread?) But the point is more that I'm concentrating on not eating them as regularly as I have been, especially for snacks and lunchtimes at work. Which means I've been eating yogurt for breakfast and a hardboiled egg with veggies for lunch, usually. Or some yummy chicken with garlic and veggies. That sort of thing.
Now, to clarify, I have done some dieting off and on since the beginning of the summer, but haven't ever really found anything that worked long term for me. I'd lose some, then I'd stop and gain it back.
But, that yo-yo dieting included, I have lost a good 18 pounds. I'm still curvy (obviously), and I still have a bit of a belly because, well, I've come to grips that I probably will always have a belly bump of some sort. But that's not the point. The point is I've lost 18 pounds, 10 of which in the last 4-5 weeks.
Mix that with the new birthcontrol, and I really do feel new. My body doesn't feel weighted down anymore because of all the evil trans-fats and carb heavy food I was eating. I feel healthy. I feel wonderful.
And I seriously do blame Seasonique and the change in diet.
I haven't felt this good in years. And people are noticing (not just Hubby, either!). It's wonderful.
Oh, and this past week we got to see our best friend and her hubby from up north for a visit. Which was lovely. We got to reconnect. Though I miss her terribly (we both do). So skype dates it is!
Also, I got my hair cut. It's awesome. I look like Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim (without the bubblegum boss would have a cow if I showed up for work with it that color. Sad panda).
All that to say. I'm feeling better than I have in a long while. It's awesome.
So that's my update for now. I'll get better at updating daily instead of bi-weekly.
P.s. Ok. Thunderstorms and pouring October. Last week it was 115. What. The. Hell. 0_0
So, I haven't updated in a while. In fact, quite a while. I just haven't felt like I've had anything worthwhile to say, honestly. Life hasn't seemed exciting and, I must admit, I've been in a bit of a funk. Life has just seemed, well, rather dull lately. Work, school, eat, sleep. Over and over and over and over again.
I have exciting things (well, I think they're exciting at least) to talk about.
A few weeks ago (almost 4 now), I decided I wanted to switch birth controls. The appeal of going for three months without the dreaded she-who-will-not-be-named-time was great, I must admit. I did a lot of research as well, though, because I'm not a fan of screwing around with my hormones anymore than necessary. What I discovered was that it is healthier for you, better for your body, and has no more severe side effects than any other birth control. So I decided to take the plunge and I switched to Seasonique.
Oh guys, if there are any reading this, you might want to just skip over the next paragraph if you're squeamy about girlish times of the month talk. Just know switching birth control has made me feel better and healthier than I've felt in a while.
And let me tell you, I noticed differences in about three days off of the Patch and on Seasonique. My body felt better, I've lost weight (I'll go into that more later), I have no moodswings besides the normal frustrations, my skin is softer, I have no more migraines. I'm not bloated and things are firming up that I didn't expect to. Seriously. Hubby is noticing. Overall, I feel amazing. My body feels like it's evened out, so to speak. And the funny thing is I never realized how much the Patch had been messing with me until I got off of it. I just thought I needed to "power through the bad days" because it's birth control, so of course it'll cause weird things. Boy was I wrong.
Which leads me into the weight loss.
I've been on a "diet" of sorts for the past four-five weeks. I decided that I was giving up carbs (breads and pastas), sugars (mostly candy and soda), and most dairy products. Which left me with eating lots of protein, fruits, veggies, and yogurt. Now, I do cheat. Sometimes. (C'mon, garlic bread?) But the point is more that I'm concentrating on not eating them as regularly as I have been, especially for snacks and lunchtimes at work. Which means I've been eating yogurt for breakfast and a hardboiled egg with veggies for lunch, usually. Or some yummy chicken with garlic and veggies. That sort of thing.
Now, to clarify, I have done some dieting off and on since the beginning of the summer, but haven't ever really found anything that worked long term for me. I'd lose some, then I'd stop and gain it back.
But, that yo-yo dieting included, I have lost a good 18 pounds. I'm still curvy (obviously), and I still have a bit of a belly because, well, I've come to grips that I probably will always have a belly bump of some sort. But that's not the point. The point is I've lost 18 pounds, 10 of which in the last 4-5 weeks.
Mix that with the new birthcontrol, and I really do feel new. My body doesn't feel weighted down anymore because of all the evil trans-fats and carb heavy food I was eating. I feel healthy. I feel wonderful.
And I seriously do blame Seasonique and the change in diet.
I haven't felt this good in years. And people are noticing (not just Hubby, either!). It's wonderful.
Oh, and this past week we got to see our best friend and her hubby from up north for a visit. Which was lovely. We got to reconnect. Though I miss her terribly (we both do). So skype dates it is!
Also, I got my hair cut. It's awesome. I look like Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim (without the bubblegum boss would have a cow if I showed up for work with it that color. Sad panda).
All that to say. I'm feeling better than I have in a long while. It's awesome.
So that's my update for now. I'll get better at updating daily instead of bi-weekly.
P.s. Ok. Thunderstorms and pouring October. Last week it was 115. What. The. Hell. 0_0
Best friends,
Birth control,
Feeling wonderful tonight,
new hair,
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sick and corsets
This week was one of those weeks. Not really bad, necessarily, but not good either. Monday, I got paid (yay!). Tuesday, I got up to go to work, felt a bit ill, and went, "Nah, I'll be fine. I'll just make sure to grab some medicine over lunch." Two hours in, I could barely stand up straight and my head and sinuses felt like they were attempting to explode out of my head. I told Hubby that I was going home. Well, around 2:30 I get a call from Hubby going, "I'm sick. Please pick me up". I got up from my sleep, dressed (barely), and drove to grab him. Then we got home and passed out until 9pm. We then woke up, made breakfast for dinner, and passed out again. Yesterday, we both got up feeling alright and went to work. I had steadily felt better but Hubby steadily was feeling worse again. We got home, I went to visit a friend (more on that in a bit). When I got home last night, Hubby was in bed already with a huge migraine. When I woke up this morning, he had a fever, so I ordered him to stay at home. Thus the reason I am now at work, by myself, bored, and wishing I were home comforting Hubby.
The visit with my friend last night was a lot of fun. We were supposed to meet up in Anaheim to go dancing but sadly, the club had closed for the week. So on the way home, when I was bummed out about it, Hubby suggested I call her and go hang out. So I did. We hung out, made coffee with my whipped cream, had brownies, watched youtube videos, chatted, and otherwise just hung out. It was amazing. Also, she had me try on one of her corsets she bought at a Ren Faire a while back. Let me tell you, it was the real deal. Bone and practically knee in the back tightening. It was amazing. And gorgeous. I was born in the wrong century.
Alrighty. Urgent project to finish up. Bleh.
The visit with my friend last night was a lot of fun. We were supposed to meet up in Anaheim to go dancing but sadly, the club had closed for the week. So on the way home, when I was bummed out about it, Hubby suggested I call her and go hang out. So I did. We hung out, made coffee with my whipped cream, had brownies, watched youtube videos, chatted, and otherwise just hung out. It was amazing. Also, she had me try on one of her corsets she bought at a Ren Faire a while back. Let me tell you, it was the real deal. Bone and practically knee in the back tightening. It was amazing. And gorgeous. I was born in the wrong century.
Alrighty. Urgent project to finish up. Bleh.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Account of Anniversary Adventure Number Two!
Because I know you've all been waiting, here is the Anniversary Adventure Account. Or something like that.
To begin, that weekend we did most of our packing. I got most of mine done as I did laundry Friday evening/Saturday morning. It was a lot less stressful than I expected and I ended up not forgetting anything! w00t!
Saturday was spent relaxing, cleaning, packing, and otherwise getting ready to go. That afternoon, we had a dear friend come visit and also ran to BIOLA to drop off keys to my best friend who had agreed to come over to take care of Alice and pick up our mail, etc. I crashed by 2AM. Hubby didn't come to bed till....5? I think. Which was fine because he never can sleep before vacation anyway.
Sunday morning saw us both up by 9 to be ready for our friend picking us up at 10:30. She arrived right on time and we said goodbye to Alice, loaded everything up, locked the doors, and were off! The drive took about 20-30 minutes, little traffic (thank goodness!). Made a quick stop at WalMart to take out some cash and also pick up a few essentials that we needed. Then she dropped us off at the dock and we checked in and then....waited. Because we had gotten there early, our check-in number was 3, which meant we only had to wait an hour before they called us to start going aboard. After two things of security of course.
The ship was beautiful. Like a regular city. When we got on board, we were instructed to go up to Deck 9 (Lido) to get some food from the buffet, enjoy drinks until the rooms were opened (about another hour and a half later). Hubby "ordered" me to stay at our table while he went to go arrange our room. Then he came back and led me in. It was perfect. Tiny, of course, because it was an inner stateroom but just wonderful!! And we were on Deck9, about 30 seconds from the pool and buffet. Did I forget to mention? Hehe.
We unpacked and then went back to the Deck because we had a meetup with some people we had been talking to on a cruise forum. It was interesting and fun. I also got a drink at the bar (this amazing pina colada type with strawberry in it!) and ended up chatting with this older Aussie who was traveling on the ship too. That was loads of fun. Aaron went exploring and I just relaxed. Come 8:15 was dinnertime and we were already setting sail for Mexico! And come around then...I started getting seasick. So I went to the store, bought some anti-seasick meds and slept until Monday morning where I woke up refreshed and feeling totally normal again!
Monday: It was our anniversary. So to celebrate we slept in, relaxed, went swimming (pool was freezing), hottubbing, and otherwise just enjoyed being together. Aaron had made reservations for us at the Steak House that night. We got all dressed up and showed up promptly at 7:15 and were seated with little waiting. Let me tell you, this was the best meal I have ever had. It started out with hot handmade bread for you to munch on with three different kinds of spread to put on it. Then a complimentary item from the chef (I got this tomato soup and Aaron got a lobster something or other). Then, when you're ready to order, the waiter comes and does a fullon meat presentation of what you could get, going over the types of meat what cut it was, how it was cooked, etc. Talk about making you hungry! Aaron ended up getting a filet mignon (I think), and I got Surf and Turf, which was a 4oz filet mignon and half a lobster tail. The first course was an appetizer of your choosing (I got mushrooms! Hubby got soup), and the second was salad. The third was your entrée with a side dish (mushrooms for me again, baked potato for Hubby). Let me tell you, everything melted in your mouth and has gorgeous presentation. Half the time it was too pretty to eat. Then the course was dessert. Hubby ordered cheesecake. Oh my goodness. The thing looked like a slice of cake but was the lightest cheesecake I have ever tasted. Totally divine. I got a mix of sorbet and icecream, all handmade.
Frankly, don't remember much after that. We didn't finish dinner until 9:30pm (yes, a two hour affair!). We then wandered around and relaxed. Unfortunately, I passed out by 11 (this is a reoccuring theme. I blame the no windows and lack of couch in our room).
Tuesday: This was our second day at sea, and while we were having a great time, we both were looking forward to getting our feet on land again on Wednesday. Tuesday we had designated our relax and watch shows and "play" day. So we wandered around, got food, and chatted with people. It was really lovely and a lazy day, which was wonderful. We ate at the dining room Tuesday evening. It was lovely. And our waiter (because you have the same waiter and busboy, in our case girl for the week) asked if I was feeling better and told him very much so. The dining there was so nice and also very classy. I don't remember what I ate, but I know it was yummy, as everything was. During this time, I'd also developed a taste for tea and was drinking it constantly, which I think also helped my upset stomach (not upset anymore). That evening we saw one of the shows at 10:15. It was a rather fun dance production, kind of like what you would see in Vegas.
Wednesday: Ah! Port day! This was Puerto Vallarta, which was a huge shopping area, apparently, for jewels and such. For Hubby and I (who weren't interested in that type of thing), it was a day to wander around. Despite the awful humidity. We were off the ship by about eleven, hit up an internet cafe that was right across the street, and then wandered about. We found this good taco stand, and then decided that it was hot, not much to do when you're not shopping, and went back on board. I also bought a ring from one of the sellers on the way back and bargained him down. Well, Hubby did. It was fun.
We really wanted to do some sort of excursion that included snorkeling or kayaking. So we looked at them all and decided to do on in Mazatlan (next day) where we got to go to this private island with provided lunch and drinks, wander around, hike, and kayak around the island. It was one of the cheaper ones and one of the ones we wanted to try, so we signed up for it. Very exited.
Thursday: We got up bright and early for our excursion to embark. Already we noticed the day was going to be muggy and humid. We arrived at 9AM in the Spectacular Lounge to get instructions for our excursion. They didn't arrive until 9:30AM and they came with bad news. Apparently, because of the tropical storms brewing, the port was closed, along with the beaches. So no kayaking for us because it was too dangerous. Incredibly disappointed (but money refunded!), we decided to just go back to bed. And slept through Mazatlan. Yes, you read that right. We slept through it. Woke up at 6pm and went, "Oh....guess we were tired..." Then we got hungry early, so decided to hit up the buffet instead of the dining room (word to the wise: Do early dining.).
Friday: Ah, today was Cabo! The shortest port but also the prettiest! We both were highly excited to be going ashore, hoping to swim and snorkel in the Sea of Cortez. Sadly, during breakfast, they announced that there was a red flag on shore, which meant the beaches were closed. No swimming, snorkeling, or kayaking. We were pretty disappointed (especially Hubby. He had really wanted to go swimming in the Sea of Cortez). However, we went ashore by 10AM, taking a thing called a Tender, and ended up wandering some fun markets, through the mall, and we also decided to do a glass-bottom-boat tour! It was fun, though not the same as swimming. Got to see a school of barracuda! And sea lions. We also did most of our shopping there. I got a dress and a rosary. Hubby got our friend a Viking helmet. All in all, it was a lot of fun and hot. I also got sunburned on my back but it turned into a tan, whee!!
We were back on the boat by 2pm, and decided with our refunded money to go back to the steakhouse, to experience it again. We also got massages because they were doing a special sale. Oh my goodness, they were wonderful and so very relaxing.
Saturday: This was our last official day on board. Which made us incredibly sad. We got up, relaxed, didn't start packing (whoops!). This day we just spent doing lots of nothing special. We got ready for dinner around 7 and decided to go wander about. We relaxed in this bar called "The Cool", listening to a jazz band play and got free drinks. We had a lovely meal, said goodbye to our waiter and busgirl from whom I got a huge hug from (cute Russian gal going home in the morning too!). After dinner, we were waiting for the club to get busy and ended up going into this bar called the Grand Piano Lounge. It had a guy in the middle of the bar playing piano. But it was a singalong and by that I mean when you sat down, he had a five page list of songs he knew. By heart. Talk about lots of fun! Then we walked past the club where we saw this girl sitting all alone. I wandered in and ended up chatting with her for a good two hours until the club started rocking. We exchanged info and she wants to hang out sometime soon (she's from a town not far from here). Then we went back to our cabin (About 2AM), and I packed. By that I mean I threw everything into my suitcase in no particular order.
Sunday: It dawned way too early, and before we knew it, we were debarking from the ship. Talk about sad. My best friend came to pick us up, and we were home.
Overall, an amazing trip, and one we want to do again next year!!!
Here's to two years, and on to the third one, which should be even more awesome!
To begin, that weekend we did most of our packing. I got most of mine done as I did laundry Friday evening/Saturday morning. It was a lot less stressful than I expected and I ended up not forgetting anything! w00t!
Saturday was spent relaxing, cleaning, packing, and otherwise getting ready to go. That afternoon, we had a dear friend come visit and also ran to BIOLA to drop off keys to my best friend who had agreed to come over to take care of Alice and pick up our mail, etc. I crashed by 2AM. Hubby didn't come to bed till....5? I think. Which was fine because he never can sleep before vacation anyway.
Sunday morning saw us both up by 9 to be ready for our friend picking us up at 10:30. She arrived right on time and we said goodbye to Alice, loaded everything up, locked the doors, and were off! The drive took about 20-30 minutes, little traffic (thank goodness!). Made a quick stop at WalMart to take out some cash and also pick up a few essentials that we needed. Then she dropped us off at the dock and we checked in and then....waited. Because we had gotten there early, our check-in number was 3, which meant we only had to wait an hour before they called us to start going aboard. After two things of security of course.
The ship was beautiful. Like a regular city. When we got on board, we were instructed to go up to Deck 9 (Lido) to get some food from the buffet, enjoy drinks until the rooms were opened (about another hour and a half later). Hubby "ordered" me to stay at our table while he went to go arrange our room. Then he came back and led me in. It was perfect. Tiny, of course, because it was an inner stateroom but just wonderful!! And we were on Deck9, about 30 seconds from the pool and buffet. Did I forget to mention? Hehe.
We unpacked and then went back to the Deck because we had a meetup with some people we had been talking to on a cruise forum. It was interesting and fun. I also got a drink at the bar (this amazing pina colada type with strawberry in it!) and ended up chatting with this older Aussie who was traveling on the ship too. That was loads of fun. Aaron went exploring and I just relaxed. Come 8:15 was dinnertime and we were already setting sail for Mexico! And come around then...I started getting seasick. So I went to the store, bought some anti-seasick meds and slept until Monday morning where I woke up refreshed and feeling totally normal again!
Monday: It was our anniversary. So to celebrate we slept in, relaxed, went swimming (pool was freezing), hottubbing, and otherwise just enjoyed being together. Aaron had made reservations for us at the Steak House that night. We got all dressed up and showed up promptly at 7:15 and were seated with little waiting. Let me tell you, this was the best meal I have ever had. It started out with hot handmade bread for you to munch on with three different kinds of spread to put on it. Then a complimentary item from the chef (I got this tomato soup and Aaron got a lobster something or other). Then, when you're ready to order, the waiter comes and does a fullon meat presentation of what you could get, going over the types of meat what cut it was, how it was cooked, etc. Talk about making you hungry! Aaron ended up getting a filet mignon (I think), and I got Surf and Turf, which was a 4oz filet mignon and half a lobster tail. The first course was an appetizer of your choosing (I got mushrooms! Hubby got soup), and the second was salad. The third was your entrée with a side dish (mushrooms for me again, baked potato for Hubby). Let me tell you, everything melted in your mouth and has gorgeous presentation. Half the time it was too pretty to eat. Then the course was dessert. Hubby ordered cheesecake. Oh my goodness. The thing looked like a slice of cake but was the lightest cheesecake I have ever tasted. Totally divine. I got a mix of sorbet and icecream, all handmade.
Frankly, don't remember much after that. We didn't finish dinner until 9:30pm (yes, a two hour affair!). We then wandered around and relaxed. Unfortunately, I passed out by 11 (this is a reoccuring theme. I blame the no windows and lack of couch in our room).
Tuesday: This was our second day at sea, and while we were having a great time, we both were looking forward to getting our feet on land again on Wednesday. Tuesday we had designated our relax and watch shows and "play" day. So we wandered around, got food, and chatted with people. It was really lovely and a lazy day, which was wonderful. We ate at the dining room Tuesday evening. It was lovely. And our waiter (because you have the same waiter and busboy, in our case girl for the week) asked if I was feeling better and told him very much so. The dining there was so nice and also very classy. I don't remember what I ate, but I know it was yummy, as everything was. During this time, I'd also developed a taste for tea and was drinking it constantly, which I think also helped my upset stomach (not upset anymore). That evening we saw one of the shows at 10:15. It was a rather fun dance production, kind of like what you would see in Vegas.
Wednesday: Ah! Port day! This was Puerto Vallarta, which was a huge shopping area, apparently, for jewels and such. For Hubby and I (who weren't interested in that type of thing), it was a day to wander around. Despite the awful humidity. We were off the ship by about eleven, hit up an internet cafe that was right across the street, and then wandered about. We found this good taco stand, and then decided that it was hot, not much to do when you're not shopping, and went back on board. I also bought a ring from one of the sellers on the way back and bargained him down. Well, Hubby did. It was fun.
We really wanted to do some sort of excursion that included snorkeling or kayaking. So we looked at them all and decided to do on in Mazatlan (next day) where we got to go to this private island with provided lunch and drinks, wander around, hike, and kayak around the island. It was one of the cheaper ones and one of the ones we wanted to try, so we signed up for it. Very exited.
Thursday: We got up bright and early for our excursion to embark. Already we noticed the day was going to be muggy and humid. We arrived at 9AM in the Spectacular Lounge to get instructions for our excursion. They didn't arrive until 9:30AM and they came with bad news. Apparently, because of the tropical storms brewing, the port was closed, along with the beaches. So no kayaking for us because it was too dangerous. Incredibly disappointed (but money refunded!), we decided to just go back to bed. And slept through Mazatlan. Yes, you read that right. We slept through it. Woke up at 6pm and went, "Oh....guess we were tired..." Then we got hungry early, so decided to hit up the buffet instead of the dining room (word to the wise: Do early dining.).
Friday: Ah, today was Cabo! The shortest port but also the prettiest! We both were highly excited to be going ashore, hoping to swim and snorkel in the Sea of Cortez. Sadly, during breakfast, they announced that there was a red flag on shore, which meant the beaches were closed. No swimming, snorkeling, or kayaking. We were pretty disappointed (especially Hubby. He had really wanted to go swimming in the Sea of Cortez). However, we went ashore by 10AM, taking a thing called a Tender, and ended up wandering some fun markets, through the mall, and we also decided to do a glass-bottom-boat tour! It was fun, though not the same as swimming. Got to see a school of barracuda! And sea lions. We also did most of our shopping there. I got a dress and a rosary. Hubby got our friend a Viking helmet. All in all, it was a lot of fun and hot. I also got sunburned on my back but it turned into a tan, whee!!
We were back on the boat by 2pm, and decided with our refunded money to go back to the steakhouse, to experience it again. We also got massages because they were doing a special sale. Oh my goodness, they were wonderful and so very relaxing.
Saturday: This was our last official day on board. Which made us incredibly sad. We got up, relaxed, didn't start packing (whoops!). This day we just spent doing lots of nothing special. We got ready for dinner around 7 and decided to go wander about. We relaxed in this bar called "The Cool", listening to a jazz band play and got free drinks. We had a lovely meal, said goodbye to our waiter and busgirl from whom I got a huge hug from (cute Russian gal going home in the morning too!). After dinner, we were waiting for the club to get busy and ended up going into this bar called the Grand Piano Lounge. It had a guy in the middle of the bar playing piano. But it was a singalong and by that I mean when you sat down, he had a five page list of songs he knew. By heart. Talk about lots of fun! Then we walked past the club where we saw this girl sitting all alone. I wandered in and ended up chatting with her for a good two hours until the club started rocking. We exchanged info and she wants to hang out sometime soon (she's from a town not far from here). Then we went back to our cabin (About 2AM), and I packed. By that I mean I threw everything into my suitcase in no particular order.
Sunday: It dawned way too early, and before we knew it, we were debarking from the ship. Talk about sad. My best friend came to pick us up, and we were home.
Overall, an amazing trip, and one we want to do again next year!!!
Here's to two years, and on to the third one, which should be even more awesome!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today is my sister's Sweet Sixteen Birthday!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Natalie!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful day and it's the best one yet!!
Love from both of us!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Just a quick note in the middle of packing. Leaving on our cruise tomorrow and won't be back for a week!!!! So excited!
One whole week of not worrying about work or bills or anything. Also don't have to worry about food or gas or lodgings. All taken care of! Just need to "worry" about food in Mexico and anything else!
Monday marks two years of wonderful marriage to my amazing husband! Soo very happy.
Back to packing. Pictures and all that to come in a week or so when we're back.
One whole week of not worrying about work or bills or anything. Also don't have to worry about food or gas or lodgings. All taken care of! Just need to "worry" about food in Mexico and anything else!
Monday marks two years of wonderful marriage to my amazing husband! Soo very happy.
Back to packing. Pictures and all that to come in a week or so when we're back.
Friday, August 6, 2010
We should be lovers! We can't do that. We should be lovers...and that's a fact.
It's about that time for another blogpost, though nothing interesting has gone on until now, I suppose. Or rather, just been incredibly busy that I haven't had a chance to post. Something like that.
First off, last weekend and this past couple of days we've had a friend over along with his little 3 1/2 year old daughter. Who is Adorable. She is now talking in full sentences and it's the cutest thing I have ever seen. Also adorable when she ran up to Hubby and went, "PPOOOKEEE!!!" and poked him with her finger, and he then lifted her up and started tickling her to which she started shrieking in laughter. A. Dorable. And for the record, Hubby will be an amazing father someday. I cannot wait.
My Birthday is on Tuesday. I will be 23. Odd thing, that. Aaron was Plotting....and then it got slipped to me what he's doing for me. Ah well. All I know is we're going down to San Diego so I can have an amazing coffee date with my girlfriends who just had babies (hello!!!!), and apparently he's still finalizing stuff. So the surprise is still there. Though I probably will be a silly girl and bring the presents I've been holding for the babies for the last couple of months, even if it's my birthday. But I enjoy giftgiving, so there!
Also, day of my birthday (well, evening), I am going thrifting with Kitty who is going to help me pick out outfits for under 25 bucks! So excited! Though priority is a pair of either red or black heels, and to look at the boots. I'm excited to go shopping and to be creative about it! Hoping to find some good outfits to wear on the cruise. Which is in two weeks and 2 days, by the way!
So yesterday, my boss and his wife took me and Hubby out to lunch for my birthday. Because they will be on vacation in Hawaii until the 18th or 19th, so they wanted to celebrate with me. I got this amazing fruit concoction as a birthday dessert. It was some of the best tasting watermelon I have ever had. Literally melted in your mouth. Soo good!
Those are palm trees and little birds carved into the fruit, by the way. My boss got me (well, his wife more) this amazing fun loose black scarf and a set of notepads along with a book. Very fun afternoon. Plus amazing food at this Chinese place. Chicken in garlic sauce with fried rice, yum!!
This week has bee an interesting one, that's for sure. I think I'll purposefully not bring up anything about Prop 8 except that I think there are probably other things that ought to be getting as much if not more focus. Such as child abuse, which is rampant in our fair state. Also, if one little bill getting overturned makes your marriage less meaningful, you probably have more pertinent issues to be worried about. Just saying.
I'm not a fan of getting in the middle of big debates, usually, mostly because I've found the "more reasonable in the middle people" are the ones who get ignored and the really extremes are the ones that always get the attention. So. I'll just go on my merry little way now.
Looking forward to the next two weeks. Lots of exciting things happening. Tomorrow I'm going to the beach with some girlfriends. Tuesday is my birthday and I'm off shopping (as I already said). Then Thursday is hanging out with friends, Friday evening is going out with a couple coworkers to celebrate our birthdays which are just a couple days apart, then Saturday is the "actual" celebration....and then one week until our Cruise!! Which will probably be the longest week of our lives. Besides maybe the week before our wedding, except that flew past too quickly and stressed me out. So perhaps not.
Oh. And also, I have decided to grow my hair out again. I know. Shocking. Well, not really shocking. I totally thought after cutting into a pixie cut I would Never Want to go back to long hair. At least, not for a long while. That obviously changed. Loved my short hair. Was very happy with it. Then my haircutter left for the summer to go back home (she's a student). Which meant it's been growing out for the last three months. Which means I actually really adore it. So. Long Hair it is, again. With Bangs! Also redying it but keeping that part a secret.
I also just finished up the Anniversary (2years!) present for my Hubby. Our Cruise is a bit of our present to each other, but I still love giving him things. So finished that up and hope he likes it. I'm sure he will. I also bought some fun new items for the cruise, just waiting for them to get delivered. The first being a vintage red and white polka dot bikini, with red trim. Gorgeous! Very vintage and 40s pin-up girl like! (Speaking of which, Why couldn't I have been born around that time? I'm the perfect body type for it! Seriously. Look. Btw, if anyone wanted to get me anything off of that site, I'd Love You Forever. ....hmm....maybe I should think about modeling Vintage Pin Up girl stuff.) The second being an awesome corset red/black dress. Smexy! Paired with fishnets and boots and all set.
That's what's been going on in my life currently. Been pretty good. Very content and happy and excited because it's finally in the two week countdown until vacation, and the next two weeks will be past before I know it. And then it will be vacation for a whole week! Sunday to Sunday. Yes!
I also just finished up reading Go Ask Alice, which was rather good. Very gut-wrenchingly real and heartbreaking, but very good. Journal of a 15yearold gal who got mixed up in drugs back in the 60s/70s, and her account of how it affected her. It was a good read, because you can only assume it's gotten worse since then, and that is very frightening, given how bad it was then. Go read it. Seriously.
By the way, mini receptionist rant: I just love when people call 3-6x a day and start asking me if I actually gave the message to the correct party. What am I supposed to say or think of that? "No, of course not. It's not like it's my job to make sure everyone gets their messages when they are received or something." I also just adore when people call a few times, asking the same question, and getting angry that the answer hasn't changed. You know, the whole, "Well, no, Sir, it hasn't changed since the last five minutes you called." Gah! Such is the life in some customer service job, but seriously. I sometimes wonder what is wrong with these people. On the bright side, it has made me incredibly clear, concise, and actually listen when I'm on the phone.
Well, enough from me rambling on and on. This blog post is really quite long enough now.
I am off for the night. Weekend begins in t-minus 60 minutes, and I am going to go enjoy a free dinner at Aculpulco with Hubby! And maybe a margarita too, we shall see.
First off, last weekend and this past couple of days we've had a friend over along with his little 3 1/2 year old daughter. Who is Adorable. She is now talking in full sentences and it's the cutest thing I have ever seen. Also adorable when she ran up to Hubby and went, "PPOOOKEEE!!!" and poked him with her finger, and he then lifted her up and started tickling her to which she started shrieking in laughter. A. Dorable. And for the record, Hubby will be an amazing father someday. I cannot wait.
My Birthday is on Tuesday. I will be 23. Odd thing, that. Aaron was Plotting....and then it got slipped to me what he's doing for me. Ah well. All I know is we're going down to San Diego so I can have an amazing coffee date with my girlfriends who just had babies (hello!!!!), and apparently he's still finalizing stuff. So the surprise is still there. Though I probably will be a silly girl and bring the presents I've been holding for the babies for the last couple of months, even if it's my birthday. But I enjoy giftgiving, so there!
Also, day of my birthday (well, evening), I am going thrifting with Kitty who is going to help me pick out outfits for under 25 bucks! So excited! Though priority is a pair of either red or black heels, and to look at the boots. I'm excited to go shopping and to be creative about it! Hoping to find some good outfits to wear on the cruise. Which is in two weeks and 2 days, by the way!
So yesterday, my boss and his wife took me and Hubby out to lunch for my birthday. Because they will be on vacation in Hawaii until the 18th or 19th, so they wanted to celebrate with me. I got this amazing fruit concoction as a birthday dessert. It was some of the best tasting watermelon I have ever had. Literally melted in your mouth. Soo good!
Those are palm trees and little birds carved into the fruit, by the way. My boss got me (well, his wife more) this amazing fun loose black scarf and a set of notepads along with a book. Very fun afternoon. Plus amazing food at this Chinese place. Chicken in garlic sauce with fried rice, yum!!
This week has bee an interesting one, that's for sure. I think I'll purposefully not bring up anything about Prop 8 except that I think there are probably other things that ought to be getting as much if not more focus. Such as child abuse, which is rampant in our fair state. Also, if one little bill getting overturned makes your marriage less meaningful, you probably have more pertinent issues to be worried about. Just saying.
I'm not a fan of getting in the middle of big debates, usually, mostly because I've found the "more reasonable in the middle people" are the ones who get ignored and the really extremes are the ones that always get the attention. So. I'll just go on my merry little way now.
Looking forward to the next two weeks. Lots of exciting things happening. Tomorrow I'm going to the beach with some girlfriends. Tuesday is my birthday and I'm off shopping (as I already said). Then Thursday is hanging out with friends, Friday evening is going out with a couple coworkers to celebrate our birthdays which are just a couple days apart, then Saturday is the "actual" celebration....and then one week until our Cruise!! Which will probably be the longest week of our lives. Besides maybe the week before our wedding, except that flew past too quickly and stressed me out. So perhaps not.
Oh. And also, I have decided to grow my hair out again. I know. Shocking. Well, not really shocking. I totally thought after cutting into a pixie cut I would Never Want to go back to long hair. At least, not for a long while. That obviously changed. Loved my short hair. Was very happy with it. Then my haircutter left for the summer to go back home (she's a student). Which meant it's been growing out for the last three months. Which means I actually really adore it. So. Long Hair it is, again. With Bangs! Also redying it but keeping that part a secret.
I also just finished up the Anniversary (2years!) present for my Hubby. Our Cruise is a bit of our present to each other, but I still love giving him things. So finished that up and hope he likes it. I'm sure he will. I also bought some fun new items for the cruise, just waiting for them to get delivered. The first being a vintage red and white polka dot bikini, with red trim. Gorgeous! Very vintage and 40s pin-up girl like! (Speaking of which, Why couldn't I have been born around that time? I'm the perfect body type for it! Seriously. Look. Btw, if anyone wanted to get me anything off of that site, I'd Love You Forever. ....hmm....maybe I should think about modeling Vintage Pin Up girl stuff.) The second being an awesome corset red/black dress. Smexy! Paired with fishnets and boots and all set.
That's what's been going on in my life currently. Been pretty good. Very content and happy and excited because it's finally in the two week countdown until vacation, and the next two weeks will be past before I know it. And then it will be vacation for a whole week! Sunday to Sunday. Yes!
I also just finished up reading Go Ask Alice, which was rather good. Very gut-wrenchingly real and heartbreaking, but very good. Journal of a 15yearold gal who got mixed up in drugs back in the 60s/70s, and her account of how it affected her. It was a good read, because you can only assume it's gotten worse since then, and that is very frightening, given how bad it was then. Go read it. Seriously.
By the way, mini receptionist rant: I just love when people call 3-6x a day and start asking me if I actually gave the message to the correct party. What am I supposed to say or think of that? "No, of course not. It's not like it's my job to make sure everyone gets their messages when they are received or something." I also just adore when people call a few times, asking the same question, and getting angry that the answer hasn't changed. You know, the whole, "Well, no, Sir, it hasn't changed since the last five minutes you called." Gah! Such is the life in some customer service job, but seriously. I sometimes wonder what is wrong with these people. On the bright side, it has made me incredibly clear, concise, and actually listen when I'm on the phone.
Well, enough from me rambling on and on. This blog post is really quite long enough now.
I am off for the night. Weekend begins in t-minus 60 minutes, and I am going to go enjoy a free dinner at Aculpulco with Hubby! And maybe a margarita too, we shall see.
P.s. I'm also determined to one day have these shoes. I Will. They are just so sexy and womanly, how can you not want them?
I follow the night
Can't stand the light
When will I begin
To live again?
One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
What more could your Love do for me?
When will Love be through with me?
Why live life from dream to dream?
And dread the day when dreaming ends
One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
Why live life from dream to dream?
And dread the day when dreaming ends
One day I'll fly away
Fly, fly away

I follow the night
Can't stand the light
When will I begin
To live again?
One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
What more could your Love do for me?
When will Love be through with me?
Why live life from dream to dream?
And dread the day when dreaming ends
One day I'll fly away
Leave all this to yesterday
Why live life from dream to dream?
And dread the day when dreaming ends
One day I'll fly away
Fly, fly away

Being a receptionist,
Book review,
Monday, July 26, 2010
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--/ I took the one less traveled by, / And that has made all the difference. - Robert Frost
So. This weekend was rather fun. We went into LA with some friends yesterday by way of Metro. Which is the only way to go, in my opinion. You get to see the sights and smells and atmosphere for the city way better than just driving around. Then again, I tend to love walking around big cities so you can feel the hum of it, with all the people and cars and trains and just everything.
Had an amazing time there. We wandered Olvera Street, the Biltmore, wandered up to the Bank Tower (which is pretty awesome close up, btw! The architecture is beautiful!), went up to Hollywood/Highland, ate at this wonderful sandwich place that makes The Best roast beef sandwiches with au jous I have Ever Tasted. Hands down. We always try to stop by there when we're wandering in LA. We, sadly, forgot to check the time for the LA Library so discovered it was closed when we got there (and that it's closed Sundays and Mondays now. Stupid budget cuts!), so we'll have to try again sometime. I have this feeling I'll be trying to go during the school year to study and do papers and such. That would be loads of fun, I think.
So, I spent all of last night unpacking and putting away our boxes upon boxes of books. I think there were seven-eight boxes. I went through them, put some in a box that we wanted to keep but didn't need to put up (like old school books, that sort of thing), and then another box was the ones to give away to the Little Old Bookstore. Well, we now have shelves of books up that look amazing, a full box to take to the bookstore, and still have one more bin I just didn't get to yet to finish up. But it's amazing that most of the clutter of boxes in our garage was just all the books. Now we have some other odds and ends of boxes to deal with. I'm going to move my desk this evening (with Hubby's help, of course) into our Office/Spare Room/Guest Room. And get my area of it set up, at least. And cleaned up, that way, when Hubby is ready to do his stuff, it'll be pretty simple and easy. Without both of us needing to be able to spread out to clean things up and all that. I'm excited, it's going to look great!
I've also been eating better and decided that I wanted to walk to my lunch everyday. It's been wonderful, because there's a Panera about a mile away that I walk to and from 3x a week, even if I don't eat there, and it has this beautiful outdoor patio to sit at. I've started slimming up, which is nice to realize. And also the walking helps me muse and think things out that I need to without concentrating on driving.
Also, my Birthday is coming up, about 2 weeks away. I'm turning 23. Hubby is apparently Plotting Something. I have no idea what, but I feel bad because I was talking about my BD and he finally just said, "I'm Plotting! Quit trying to figure something out to do!" I'm rather bad at getting surprised, I guess. I'm looking forward to seeing what he comes up with.
Feels like I'm starting a new chapter in my life right now.... With where I'm going in school, where we're at as a couple. We're celebrating 2 years in 3 weeks, I'm turning 23 in 2 weeks, and we're both figuring out our career paths, so to speak.
I've also been eating better and decided that I wanted to walk to my lunch everyday. It's been wonderful, because there's a Panera about a mile away that I walk to and from 3x a week, even if I don't eat there, and it has this beautiful outdoor patio to sit at. I've started slimming up, which is nice to realize. And also the walking helps me muse and think things out that I need to without concentrating on driving.
Also, my Birthday is coming up, about 2 weeks away. I'm turning 23. Hubby is apparently Plotting Something. I have no idea what, but I feel bad because I was talking about my BD and he finally just said, "I'm Plotting! Quit trying to figure something out to do!" I'm rather bad at getting surprised, I guess. I'm looking forward to seeing what he comes up with.
Feels like I'm starting a new chapter in my life right now.... With where I'm going in school, where we're at as a couple. We're celebrating 2 years in 3 weeks, I'm turning 23 in 2 weeks, and we're both figuring out our career paths, so to speak.
Speaking of Life. Been doing a lot of thinking about what I want to do. And I've come to the realization that I honestly don't want to do much else (right now, at least) than get a degree in child education, do some preschool/daycare teaching, and be a Mom. That may change in a few years time, but honestly, right now, I just want to live my life. I don't want to try to follow some grand meta-narrative about how I ought to be doing this because that happened or this did.
(Now, to clarify, I have the utmost respect for people who are able to do a career and be a parent and have a huge goal for their life. It's just not me right now.)
And maybe in a few years time (or several years time!), I'll decide I want to keep going on with my career path. Or maybe I'll decide that it wasn't really for me and I'm content with where I am.
Hubby and I have been talking a great deal about this because of things going on in our lives right now and where we're at. And we're in agreement.
You know all what I want right now? A good job where I can work with kids. A good career job for Hubby who can stay there and not mind being there for the next 10-15 years. A house with a yard within the next 5-7 years. A puppy. And a baby or two. That's all I really want. And right now, that's all that really matters.
No needing to follow grand plans or schemes, no following some grand narrative of how my life should be. No. Just simple.
I used to not understand people who seemed to just live without seeming to want more than just a job, home, family.
Well, now I do.
And really. Is there anything wrong with wanting to just be a mom or just be a dad? That seems like a worthwhile lifetime goal, in and of itself.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Short blogpost today, mainly cause I don't have much to say.
First off, rearranging our condo this weekend (with the help of our "daughters" who are promised pizza). We decided that getting another roommate wasn't going to be feasible, and honestly, no one we know around who we'd want to live with needs housing. So. The other bedroom is getting turned into our office/craft room/spare room (meaning we're keeping the bed and all that for you visitors who come down!). Anyway. We are moving my desk and Hubby's desk out of our bedroom and into that room, clearing up space in our room and also clearing up space in the living room (where Hubby's computer currently is).
This is also our Spring Cleaning (Yes, we should have done it before and we hadn't. So now we are). It's time to actually clean up the boxes and organize the garage. We have some good furniture in there that needs to be used, some good books to still get up in the house and storage space going to waste because we haven't cleaned it up. So that's our projects this weekend. I'm going to do a little bit tonight with some of my stuff, and also cleaning up the patio because my personality twin is coming over tomorrow night for food. Yay!
It's also rather odd to be talking with someone and realize they are a mirror of how you were at that age. That most of what they are saying you said at some point, and that they're practically talking about the same fears and worries and stresses and needs that you had at that time as well. It was....odd, to say the least, but good. Reminded me of how far I'd come. Also blessed me that I was able to give very practical advice and go, "Oh yah, here's how you're feeling and how you're feeling but not telling me, right? Ok. Here's how I dealt with it." Some good practical advice, without (hopefully!) being too biased on one end or the other.
Oh! And Hubby fixed my Netbook! It was a rather easy fix, surprisingly easy. Kind of hilarious. He decided to try it and it was fixed within 5 minutes. I'm amused because his first words were, "Well...if I had known that Iw ould have fixed it months ago. *facepalm*". Hehe. So that's wonderful. I now have my Netbook back and can work on my stories and have my own computer space and such that's wonderful. Yay!
So, I lied. Apparently this is a long blog post. Hope you enjoyed it. I enjoyed rambling a bit about my life.
A single idea from the human mind can build cities. A dream can transform the world and rewrite all the rules.
First off, rearranging our condo this weekend (with the help of our "daughters" who are promised pizza). We decided that getting another roommate wasn't going to be feasible, and honestly, no one we know around who we'd want to live with needs housing. So. The other bedroom is getting turned into our office/craft room/spare room (meaning we're keeping the bed and all that for you visitors who come down!). Anyway. We are moving my desk and Hubby's desk out of our bedroom and into that room, clearing up space in our room and also clearing up space in the living room (where Hubby's computer currently is).
This is also our Spring Cleaning (Yes, we should have done it before and we hadn't. So now we are). It's time to actually clean up the boxes and organize the garage. We have some good furniture in there that needs to be used, some good books to still get up in the house and storage space going to waste because we haven't cleaned it up. So that's our projects this weekend. I'm going to do a little bit tonight with some of my stuff, and also cleaning up the patio because my personality twin is coming over tomorrow night for food. Yay!
It's also rather odd to be talking with someone and realize they are a mirror of how you were at that age. That most of what they are saying you said at some point, and that they're practically talking about the same fears and worries and stresses and needs that you had at that time as well. It was....odd, to say the least, but good. Reminded me of how far I'd come. Also blessed me that I was able to give very practical advice and go, "Oh yah, here's how you're feeling and how you're feeling but not telling me, right? Ok. Here's how I dealt with it." Some good practical advice, without (hopefully!) being too biased on one end or the other.
Oh! And Hubby fixed my Netbook! It was a rather easy fix, surprisingly easy. Kind of hilarious. He decided to try it and it was fixed within 5 minutes. I'm amused because his first words were, "Well...if I had known that Iw ould have fixed it months ago. *facepalm*". Hehe. So that's wonderful. I now have my Netbook back and can work on my stories and have my own computer space and such that's wonderful. Yay!
So, I lied. Apparently this is a long blog post. Hope you enjoyed it. I enjoyed rambling a bit about my life.
A single idea from the human mind can build cities. A dream can transform the world and rewrite all the rules.
Friday, July 16, 2010
You shouldn't be afraid to dream a little bit bigger, darling.
So...apparently I haven't had caffeine in Quite Some Time.
How do I know this?
I'm currently incredibly jittery (as in talking fast, twitching, etc)....from a Frozen Mocha from Panera. One. Frozen. Drink. That barely has any coffee in it.
This is apparently what happens when I'm running on three hours of sleep and have a frozen mocha over lunch.
Jitters. Like crazy. Enough that Hubby is teasing me about them. I feel like Twitch from South Park. Not quite as bad, of course, but close. Very close to it.
The reason for my lack of sleep and current state of jittery caffeine adrenaline sugar jolted state?
We Saw Inception Last Night.
(And yes, it deserved all capital letters!)
It was beautiful. One of the most mind-thrilling movies I've seen. It literally has so many twists and turns and wheels within wheels within wheels that you always feel like you're three steps behind trying to catch up. But unlike Dark Knight (which starts like a starting gun at a race and never stops momentum), this has you trying to catch up and race ahead with your mind trying to keep track of so many levels upon levels of things going on. My respect for the Nolan Brothers keeps going up with every movie I see, and this one is definitely no different. This is, by far, one of the best ones they've done, in myhumble opinion.
It is incredibly unique in the way it does things, the cinimetography is such I haven't seen before, and the storyline/plot just keeps getting you surprised at every turn. The ending is spectacular in a way that you wouldn't expect anything else of them.
In all honestly, it reminds me a bit of Pan's Labyrinth. By the end of the movie you don't know what's real and what isn't, and you're left trying to figure it out.
Also the cast was phenomenal. I was incredibly impressed with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page's characters, especially. They held their own against the Big Names, so to speak. I'd almost say they stole the show. Almost.
Go See It. It will blow you away.
We saw it just in regular theaters. Once a certain friend gets back from Cambridge, I think us, him, and another friend will go see it in IMAX. Yep. I think so.
And that is all from me.
Though after watching that movie you won't ever think of dreams the same way again. And it's also odd to realize someone else thinks of dreams in a similar way as I do. Hrm.
Happy Weekend, Everyone! Stay cool! (It's currently almost 100 here, and I feel like I'm back where I was living during HS. Ugh. Though a pregnant friend of mine is currently braving 100+ in Palm Desert, so I shouldn't complain)
How do I know this?
I'm currently incredibly jittery (as in talking fast, twitching, etc)....from a Frozen Mocha from Panera. One. Frozen. Drink. That barely has any coffee in it.
This is apparently what happens when I'm running on three hours of sleep and have a frozen mocha over lunch.
Jitters. Like crazy. Enough that Hubby is teasing me about them. I feel like Twitch from South Park. Not quite as bad, of course, but close. Very close to it.
The reason for my lack of sleep and current state of jittery caffeine adrenaline sugar jolted state?
We Saw Inception Last Night.
(And yes, it deserved all capital letters!)
It was beautiful. One of the most mind-thrilling movies I've seen. It literally has so many twists and turns and wheels within wheels within wheels that you always feel like you're three steps behind trying to catch up. But unlike Dark Knight (which starts like a starting gun at a race and never stops momentum), this has you trying to catch up and race ahead with your mind trying to keep track of so many levels upon levels of things going on. My respect for the Nolan Brothers keeps going up with every movie I see, and this one is definitely no different. This is, by far, one of the best ones they've done, in my
It is incredibly unique in the way it does things, the cinimetography is such I haven't seen before, and the storyline/plot just keeps getting you surprised at every turn. The ending is spectacular in a way that you wouldn't expect anything else of them.
In all honestly, it reminds me a bit of Pan's Labyrinth. By the end of the movie you don't know what's real and what isn't, and you're left trying to figure it out.
Also the cast was phenomenal. I was incredibly impressed with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page's characters, especially. They held their own against the Big Names, so to speak. I'd almost say they stole the show. Almost.
Go See It. It will blow you away.
We saw it just in regular theaters. Once a certain friend gets back from Cambridge, I think us, him, and another friend will go see it in IMAX. Yep. I think so.
And that is all from me.
Though after watching that movie you won't ever think of dreams the same way again. And it's also odd to realize someone else thinks of dreams in a similar way as I do. Hrm.
Happy Weekend, Everyone! Stay cool! (It's currently almost 100 here, and I feel like I'm back where I was living during HS. Ugh. Though a pregnant friend of mine is currently braving 100+ in Palm Desert, so I shouldn't complain)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tonight I feel wonderful, for several reasons. The first being we're going on our cruise in 5 weeks 4 days, and have started planning on doing what where. I made my hubby smile and laugh even though he had a bit of a blah day. I made a raspberry pie from scratch and it turned out beautifully. I felt very wifey because I got flour on my clothes from baking. I've decided to start eating better, which includes actually planning out meals beforehand and getting lunches ready for the next day. We did our big trip to Costco and now I have lots of creative things to make for dinner.
And I've started singing/humming to myself again. My own song. This makes me incredibly Happy. That is all.
Edit: Here's a picture of the pie (I need to make some whipped cream to go on top):

And I've started singing/humming to myself again. My own song. This makes me incredibly Happy. That is all.
Edit: Here's a picture of the pie (I need to make some whipped cream to go on top):

Friday, July 9, 2010
Long Day
Long day ahead (well, half over at least).
I was out till 2:30 with friends and Hubby. We went and saw Predators which was, surprisingly, actually pretty decent. Lost that whole 80s action feel (thank goodness!), and Adrien Brody was actually believable as a Black Ops/Blackwater (they never really say) guy. I'm impressed. Overall, good silly fun. Also, the take on the Predator culture was fun and intriguing. And they definitely left it open for a sequel.
Because of the late night, I'm currently operating on auto-pilot and just waiting for the day to run out. Then it's the weekend which I will take to recuperate and relax and enjoy being out in the sun. Maybe a beach trip would be in order, that might be fun. Or just out by the pool. Either way, determined to enjoy the weekend.
Next week should be exciting, mostly because Inception is coming out. So Excited! Seeing it with Hubby and a friend on IMAX. Whee!
Also. Planning stuff for Our Cruise. And getting excited as it keeps coming closer....even if it's still 5 weeks and a few days away.
That's all from my front. Am suddenly feeling rather ill. I am probably dehydrated and all that. I'm going to find water and crackers.
I also have this song stuck in my head from a preview last night and find it rather intriguing.
"Sympathy For The Devil"
Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith
And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game
I stuck around St. Petersberg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the Czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain
I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the Blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
What's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah
I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the Gods they made
I shouted out
"Who killed the Kennedys?"
When after all
It was you and me
Let me please introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
And I laid traps for troubadors
Who get killed before they reached Bombay
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint
So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, um yeah
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, um baby, get down
Woo, who
Oh yeah, get on down
Oh yeah
Oh yeah!
Tell me baby, what's my name
Tell me honey, baby guess my name
Tell me baby, what's my name
I tell you one time, you're to blame
Ooo, who
Ooo, who
Ooo, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Oh, yeah
What's my name
Tell me, baby, what's my name
Tell me, sweetie, what's my name
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Oh, yeah
I was out till 2:30 with friends and Hubby. We went and saw Predators which was, surprisingly, actually pretty decent. Lost that whole 80s action feel (thank goodness!), and Adrien Brody was actually believable as a Black Ops/Blackwater (they never really say) guy. I'm impressed. Overall, good silly fun. Also, the take on the Predator culture was fun and intriguing. And they definitely left it open for a sequel.
Because of the late night, I'm currently operating on auto-pilot and just waiting for the day to run out. Then it's the weekend which I will take to recuperate and relax and enjoy being out in the sun. Maybe a beach trip would be in order, that might be fun. Or just out by the pool. Either way, determined to enjoy the weekend.
Next week should be exciting, mostly because Inception is coming out. So Excited! Seeing it with Hubby and a friend on IMAX. Whee!
Also. Planning stuff for Our Cruise. And getting excited as it keeps coming closer....even if it's still 5 weeks and a few days away.
That's all from my front. Am suddenly feeling rather ill. I am probably dehydrated and all that. I'm going to find water and crackers.
I also have this song stuck in my head from a preview last night and find it rather intriguing.
"Sympathy For The Devil"
Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith
And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game
I stuck around St. Petersberg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the Czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain
I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the Blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
What's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah
I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the Gods they made
I shouted out
"Who killed the Kennedys?"
When after all
It was you and me
Let me please introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
And I laid traps for troubadors
Who get killed before they reached Bombay
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint
So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, um yeah
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, um baby, get down
Woo, who
Oh yeah, get on down
Oh yeah
Oh yeah!
Tell me baby, what's my name
Tell me honey, baby guess my name
Tell me baby, what's my name
I tell you one time, you're to blame
Ooo, who
Ooo, who
Ooo, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Oh, yeah
What's my name
Tell me, baby, what's my name
Tell me, sweetie, what's my name
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Ooo, who, who
Oh, yeah
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