You are probably very annoyed that it's taken me a while to get around to writing your 7month post! Well that is because you have been one busy little girl!
You love baby food. You've started army crawling (I expect you'll be crawling within two weeks). You keep talking and talking and talking. And because of all of this, have kept Momma and Daddy on their toes!
I have video of you attempting to eat sketti noodles and combat crawling, but I have yet to get those uploaded.
Here are pictures though!
You love Daddy's Computer! And our phones. And the mouse. And the remote. We decided to dig out one of Daddy's old keyboards that you can pound on just so you'll stop trying to eat ours when we're working. Hehe.
The proper way to sleep, apparently, is with bears on your head!
Holidays are coming up so quickly! Soon you'll be 8months old, it'll be Christmas time, and grandparents will be in town! Time is flying! You'll be crawling by then, I'd wager.
Daddy got a new job and is starting come December. That should make life more interesting and fun!
As always, we love you, Little Frog.