So...i had another inspiration for a poem. and this one i know God brought to mind. it basically began as this picture of a dance and grew from there. enjoy!
The Dance
Music spilled softly through
The double doors.
The girl got glimpses
Of the dancers
As she slowly strode up.
Taking a breath, straightening
One last thing,
She climbed up the stairs.
The man at the door bowed,
And opened it,
Motioning her inside with
A gentle hand.
She walked into the Room,
Glancing about tentatively,
And took an open seat.
The girl watched the dancers,
Admiring the ones
Who seemed to dance effortlessly,
Laughing and talking.
Her eyes narrowed curiously
As she noticed
Dancers who seemed to be
New and unsure.
Others appeared to have
Been dancing together
But not as long as
The firsts she had seen.
The girl gazed down towards
The other end
Of the Room,
And wondered why
She could not see
The way out.
Suddenly, a voice clearing its
Throat nervously
Caused her to look up.
A young man gazed at her,
Holding out his hand
Few moments,
Before smiling, and shyly
Took his hand.
The young man drew her out
To the dance floor.
He began to lead her,
And she knew.
They bumped into each other,
Stumbling a bit
As the boy could not
Make up his mind
Where to go.
The song seemed to end,
Though the music continued.
He looked at her and then led
Her back to the chair
She had had before.
And silently, he bowed
Walking away.
The girl sighed, taking
Her seat.
Her dress had changed
During the dance,
And now she appeared
A bit older
Than when she had first
Come in.
The man came up to her,
A sure grin on his face.
The girl smiled, taking his hand,
And was pulled into the dance.
He led demandingly,
Pushing her along the floor,
Too fast and too soon.
The song finished swiftly,
And she firmly pulled away,
Her eyes flashing angrily.
He held up his hands,
Backing away,
And off to find a
New partner.
Weary physically and emotionally,
She sank into a chair,
Near the front door
But a bit further down.
She saw him coming
Towards her.
She had noticed him
Watching her dance.
Sighing, the woman almost
Turned him down,
But she looked into his eyes
And something whispered
To take his hand, to
Try once more.
His arms held her shyly
But firmly
As he led her around
The floor.
She found it easy to
Follow him.
He skillfully led her,
Gently pushing when needed
But also as a request,
Knowing she could refuse.
Suddenly, their song had stopped,
And both stood,
Gazing at each other,
Almost bewilderedly.
Where had the time gone?
The man released her but
Both walked to the
Refreshments, getting a drink.
A new song began to play,
And he looked at her,
His eyes questioning.
The woman smiled at him,
The man comfortably
Took her hand,
And they danced.
Song after song, the music
Never fading,
Moving down the floor.
As they kept changing,
Growing older and more relaxed.
As the dance progressed,
She realized
They were moving unwittingly
Down the floor,
Further from the front
And towards the other end
Of the Room.
The further they got, the more
Comfortable they became,
Until they were dancing
With no effort
And simply concentrating on
Each other,
Laughing, talking,
With no worry
Of a new step.
The man paused, the woman glancing
Up at him curiously
And then to where
He stared.
The double-doors were thrown open,
Leading outside.
Out of it danced,
Strode couples,
Dressed in an array
Of wedding dresses
And tuxedoes,
Bright simple Rings
Glittering on each
Of their fingers.
The man looked down
At her,
His arms tightening
About her.
He leaned down and
Whispered into her ear,
Soft words only she heard.
Then, he let her go.
The woman’s eyes went from
The doors to him,
Back to the doors,
And finally rested on him.
The man had taken a
Step away,
Waiting, his eyes fixed on her.
The woman smiled shyly
At him,
Reaching out a hand
Of invitation.
The man grasped it,
Drawing her close to him.
A new song began to play,
One only they could
Together, they began
To dance
In a way they had not
They moved to the door,
Effortlessly going through it,
Rings gently encircling
Their fingers
As they danced to
Their Song.
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