Hey Everyone,
Well...Christmas has come and gone. Twenty-ten starts on Friday. Someone please tell me where the hell did 2009 go?? Wasn't only just yesterday that we were celebrating the '09 New Year? Well, apparently not.
Christmas was good. We had a wonderful time with our family. Had the day off, had wonderful food, and hanging out with family. Church was beautiful as usual. Ended up hanging out till almost 11:30. Then instead of going home, my hubby surprised me and took me to see the midnight showing of Sherlock Holmes at Downtown Disney. Such a wonderful Christmas surprise! Christmas morning, we took Mom/Dad/Tall-Little Bro to LAX for their flight home. Which was sad. We miss them already.
Oh, yes. Remember that food poisoning my hubby got? Wasn't food poisoning. It was the flu. Bright side: I lost some weight. Bad side: I was sick for two days straight, missed work, and felt awful. You know, I never really saw the appeal of bulimia. Now I really don't. Yuck yuck yuck. I'm slowly getting my appetite back, but it's slow in coming. I think I've eaten one full meal a day since Wednesday, and I'm not getting any urge to eat more. Ah well.
Sherlock Holmes was an amazing movie. I was a bit unsure how well they were going to stay to the book (I knew it wasn't an actual plot from any of the stories, but to the character/spirit of the book itself), and needless to say, it exceeded my expectations. Not only did they stay true to the characters, they also did so many little hints of things from the book. Such as showing you the clues as Holmes saw them. When he's thinking and figuring stuff out, it quickly zooms all over the clues--giving you, I'd assume, the ability to solve it if you were smart enough. They also had erratic violin playing (Yay!), the playful hilarious love/hate relationship with Holmes/Watson. Even down to the socially awkward Holmes is in person and out and about. I think one of my favorite things was the supernatural aspect of the movie like every story has. All in all, amazing! Go see it.
For once, I was actually excited to get back into work. After being gone since last Monday (not really of my own volition), I felt rested enough to be happy to be at work again. Though I realized today that I have Friday off again because of New Year's, which I totally forgot about. So, yay a three-day weekend!! I have no idea what we're doing, considering our money is pretty tight right now. It's cause of Finals week/graduation. Once the 15th pay period comes around, things should start evening out and settling into a pattern. It will definitely help that Hubby is going from 23 hours every two weeks to 80 hours. Huzzah!
Hubby and I had some fun printing out pictures of projects/wishlists to keep track of things we should/want to get. The top priority for me is glasses. My eyes are getting bad, and I desperately need them. Probably will at least help stop the migraines I get. So that's the top priority for me, though with some fun things and practical things thrown in. Hehe. Now I just need to get a board so we can pin them up and take them down as they are accomplished. Hm....
Overall, I'm rather excited to get this New Year going. It should be pretty fun and full of some great changes. For once, I'm looking forward to change and new experiences and new things. I generally like staying comfortable, but...for some odd reason, I'm excited to experience new things and be put in new situations.
I don't do New Year's Resolutions, generally, because they always have a habit of breaking and getting forgotten. But I might this year. We shall see. This New Year is going to have some fun changes, that it seems a shame not to have a couple New Years Resolutions. I'll have to think about it.
Oh! We also saw Pirate Radio on a whim last night with friends at the dollar theater. Pretty entertaining. And the soundtrack is awesome. Though, I probably would watch anything that had Kenneth Branagh's name on it. Shameless fangirl, I do admit. Also, Emma Thompson had a small role!! Which makes such sense, considering that they always do things together. It's very entertaining. Go see it if you enjoy good classic rock and roll, British humor, don't mind cussing and some slight sexuality. Well, there's nothing graphic or anything, more just lots of talking about it. I'm going to go find the soundtrack now.
Speaking of British humor, I need to catch up on Dr. Who. Gah!!
And one of the other awesome Christmas Presents I got was a Palm Pixi from my wonderful mom-in-love. Hubby and I needed to upgrade our phones, which we did, and I ended up getting a wonderful phone that suits me amazingly. Hubby got a Hero HTC, which he's absolutely loving.
All in all, a wonderful week it's been (besides the whole sick thing).
I've just been informed it's time for lunch. Time to wrap this up!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
bingle bongle dingle dangle lickety do lickety da ping pong lippy tappy too ta
Well, it's been a while. It's almost 2AM, I am still up because Hubby got a bad case of food poisoning so I'm staying awake for now to make sure he's alright. stupid food poisoning :(
Big things have been happening. The biggest of which is that Hubby graduated!! We've been celebrating all weekend, and we are all so proud of him. Because of graduation, Hubby's family came out from VA. It's been sooo good to visit with them and hang out and see them. As Mom states, "It's soo good to be able to touch you!" :-)
Christmas is in a week. I can hardly believe it. This semester and year feels like they've flown by so very quickly. It feels like we were just celebrating our first married Christmas together. Now we're celebrating our second, with Hubby's family in town. This entire year has had its ups and downs as years always do. But it's been such a good year for both of us, and an awesome time of growth and learning and love between us as a married couple.
Hubby's family saw us and coudln't stop complimenting both of us about how good we looked and how awesome things were going for us. It really blesses us, because we've been trying our hardest to keep life good for both of us and to do what God has called us to do.
The speaker at Hubby's graduation said a not exactly profound but interesting point of how we should find the Lane God wants us in and just keep going straight. It is very true, and a good reminder. I haven't had the best relationship with God this year as I would have liked, but with circumstances, it makes sense. But no matter what, I always keep trying to do what I;m supposed to wherever I am. And God has blessed us immensely over this past year, and especially the last month or so. It's hard to remember sometimes, but He really has blessed us, and things could be a lot worse. That being said, I"m going to just keep doing what God would have me do, and support Hubby as he figures out life post-graduation (though to be fair, we haw figured some of it out) and just see what God has in store for us over the next few months.
Hubby and I are both sooo happy to have our family in town (since I know you read this, Mom :-) xo). We've been blessed to see everyone and to be able to hang out and have some fun. God has truly blessed us with an amazing awesome supportive family. I am very blessed and overjoyed about this fact.
Btw, Avatar is the most amazing movie I have ever seen in 3D EVER!!!!!!! Go see it. The story is good. The characters are awesome, and the cinematography is sooo awesome. The 3D feels like it actually enhances the story, not as some cheap trick to get more money. First time I"ve watched a movie and tried ot wipe away the dirt getting flung at my face,
Ok, I think it's time for a doze now,
In the words of Dr. Who:
bingle bongle dingle dangle lickety do lickety da ping pong lippy tappy too ta
Big things have been happening. The biggest of which is that Hubby graduated!! We've been celebrating all weekend, and we are all so proud of him. Because of graduation, Hubby's family came out from VA. It's been sooo good to visit with them and hang out and see them. As Mom states, "It's soo good to be able to touch you!" :-)
Christmas is in a week. I can hardly believe it. This semester and year feels like they've flown by so very quickly. It feels like we were just celebrating our first married Christmas together. Now we're celebrating our second, with Hubby's family in town. This entire year has had its ups and downs as years always do. But it's been such a good year for both of us, and an awesome time of growth and learning and love between us as a married couple.
Hubby's family saw us and coudln't stop complimenting both of us about how good we looked and how awesome things were going for us. It really blesses us, because we've been trying our hardest to keep life good for both of us and to do what God has called us to do.
The speaker at Hubby's graduation said a not exactly profound but interesting point of how we should find the Lane God wants us in and just keep going straight. It is very true, and a good reminder. I haven't had the best relationship with God this year as I would have liked, but with circumstances, it makes sense. But no matter what, I always keep trying to do what I;m supposed to wherever I am. And God has blessed us immensely over this past year, and especially the last month or so. It's hard to remember sometimes, but He really has blessed us, and things could be a lot worse. That being said, I"m going to just keep doing what God would have me do, and support Hubby as he figures out life post-graduation (though to be fair, we haw figured some of it out) and just see what God has in store for us over the next few months.
Hubby and I are both sooo happy to have our family in town (since I know you read this, Mom :-) xo). We've been blessed to see everyone and to be able to hang out and have some fun. God has truly blessed us with an amazing awesome supportive family. I am very blessed and overjoyed about this fact.
Btw, Avatar is the most amazing movie I have ever seen in 3D EVER!!!!!!! Go see it. The story is good. The characters are awesome, and the cinematography is sooo awesome. The 3D feels like it actually enhances the story, not as some cheap trick to get more money. First time I"ve watched a movie and tried ot wipe away the dirt getting flung at my face,
Ok, I think it's time for a doze now,
In the words of Dr. Who:
bingle bongle dingle dangle lickety do lickety da ping pong lippy tappy too ta
Monday, November 30, 2009
Life and all that jazz....
Well, it's been a month. And what a month. Hard to believe time's flown by that fast. Haven't had as much success as I would have hoped to get things cleared up in my own head, but that's life for you, I suppose.
Thanksgiving was very fun. We spent it at Hubby's aunt's house, and had amazing food, good fellowship, and just hanging out time. Hard to believe Thanksgiving has come and gone. December is tomorrow. Where on earth did the month go? It's crazy how fast this year has been going.
Hubby graduates in a few weeks which means both of us have finals and papers piled on to finish up before the end of school. Which also means the house is in disarray to the point of making me want to scream, but it's either cleaning or writing the 15 page research paper I have due... So the cleaning gets put on hold. But once this paper is done, I shall do a massive cleaning, decorating of our house, and loads of baking. I'll probably end up doing that Wednesday night, since I'm having some girlfriends over to do a Girl's Night Thursday. So...yah, Wednesday shall be my designated clean, bake, and cook day.
We found out a few weeks ago that both of our best friends are expecting babies (one, in fact, is expecting twins!). Such an amazing thing to hear! We're so happy for them!! Talk about a wonderful Christmas present. Both of them are going to make such good parents. Can't wait to have little ones running around calling me "Aunti!" Hehe.
Speaking of that fifteen page research paper....I should get to it. I'll be back more regularly now, though I really don't know how many actually read this.
Merry Christmas!
Thanksgiving was very fun. We spent it at Hubby's aunt's house, and had amazing food, good fellowship, and just hanging out time. Hard to believe Thanksgiving has come and gone. December is tomorrow. Where on earth did the month go? It's crazy how fast this year has been going.
Hubby graduates in a few weeks which means both of us have finals and papers piled on to finish up before the end of school. Which also means the house is in disarray to the point of making me want to scream, but it's either cleaning or writing the 15 page research paper I have due... So the cleaning gets put on hold. But once this paper is done, I shall do a massive cleaning, decorating of our house, and loads of baking. I'll probably end up doing that Wednesday night, since I'm having some girlfriends over to do a Girl's Night Thursday. So...yah, Wednesday shall be my designated clean, bake, and cook day.
We found out a few weeks ago that both of our best friends are expecting babies (one, in fact, is expecting twins!). Such an amazing thing to hear! We're so happy for them!! Talk about a wonderful Christmas present. Both of them are going to make such good parents. Can't wait to have little ones running around calling me "Aunti!" Hehe.
Speaking of that fifteen page research paper....I should get to it. I'll be back more regularly now, though I really don't know how many actually read this.
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Hey everyone,
Taking a break from blogging for a little bit. Not sure how long, but there's a lot I need to think on and figure out.
In other news, Rent in person with the original male leads is amazing.
Also, our two kittens got out the window because people either didn't shut the window or put the screen in place correctly. Please pray they come home. This is just another thing we didn't need to happen right now.
See you when I see you.
EDIT: Alice (the one who escaped yesterday) we found bedraggled, cold, and wet in the rain gutter off of our building. Looks like she jumped out the window, onto the carport roof and wandered to the edge where she knew our windows were, and sat in the corner of the rain gutter, trying to get in. She must have been there the entire day, cause Hubby and I got home from work, were in the bedroom talking when we heard htis little "meow". I ran outside calling her. Hubby yelled for me that he'd found her, and our next door neighbor bravely walked onto the roof and pulled her. One flea bath, flea spray, dry later, and she's as good as new and more cuddly than ever. Though probably never running away again. Thank goodness.
Taking a break from blogging for a little bit. Not sure how long, but there's a lot I need to think on and figure out.
In other news, Rent in person with the original male leads is amazing.
Also, our two kittens got out the window because people either didn't shut the window or put the screen in place correctly. Please pray they come home. This is just another thing we didn't need to happen right now.
See you when I see you.
EDIT: Alice (the one who escaped yesterday) we found bedraggled, cold, and wet in the rain gutter off of our building. Looks like she jumped out the window, onto the carport roof and wandered to the edge where she knew our windows were, and sat in the corner of the rain gutter, trying to get in. She must have been there the entire day, cause Hubby and I got home from work, were in the bedroom talking when we heard htis little "meow". I ran outside calling her. Hubby yelled for me that he'd found her, and our next door neighbor bravely walked onto the roof and pulled her. One flea bath, flea spray, dry later, and she's as good as new and more cuddly than ever. Though probably never running away again. Thank goodness.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
It's no longer summer!
I'm sure most of you are going, Well, duh! It's October. And maybe where you're at, it's been nice and chilly since September, but let me tell you, it just started getting chilly here. Last week was 95 with humidity! This week it's down to the low 70s, and hopefully will be staying that way! No more heat, please. I love summer. And here in SoCal it's a gorgeous time of the year with the heat, running around in skirts and dresses and all that, but it's nice to have the heatwave break, and for fall to show up.
I love fall because of things like hot coffee, sweaters, curling up under covers, being cold in the morning, wearing sweats, boots, jackets. Being able to leave my hair down without dying of heat stroke. (My hair is thick.) The feeling of briskness in the air as you walk around, the way the cold air snaps in your face. Wanting to eat soup and bread, chili and cornbread. Hardier meals. ...I don't think I'd mind living in a colder place eventually. I like seasons a lot. The heat of summer, swimming, going to the beach. The snappiness of fall when it starts getting chilly. The winter--which, honestly, I've never really experienced, having never been where it snowed, but I have experienced decently cold winters--for Christmas, the jolliness of the seasons, all of the yummy things to eat and drink. Spring because it's a gorgeous time when things start blooming and popping out everywhere. Just warm enough to wear skirts and dresses but chilly enough to wear cardigans. It's fun, and I enjoy all the different outfits you can wear for all of them.
All that to say, I could live where the seasons are much more pronounced. I think I would enjoy it. I've always thought about living somewhere like NYC or DC or around there...though I would be sad to leave the West Coast. Of course, I also wouldn't mind living up in Berkeley area or San Diego. Or a small countryside town in Ireland or France or England. So I guess I ought to be a gypsy and wander around the world. I suppose there are two "problems" with that: Money. And Hubby. I can't just go off and leave him to travel the world. Hehe. Though maybe we can go together...hmm....
I have two big projects due next week. That's exciting. One I'm looking forward to doing, if a bit hard to do, and the other one I'm not so much, mainly because our group has to present on it for a good hour and a half. I hate talking in front of people. But hopefully being up there with the rest of my group and also knowing my subject will allow that to go well. Here's hoping, at least.
I've been doing some good self-evaluating. Processing how I got to where I am, who I am, why I am the way that I am, and what might have happened if I had changed one choice or decision. Intriguing.
I've come to decide I am more myself now than I have ever been in my life. Because I've finally embraced myself and "the shoes I wear" and I am happy with who I am and how I am. And that is a very good thing.
Hubby and I are growing together as we both realize who we are and how we are supposed to interact with each and go through life together as a married couple, and planning figuring out what to do in the years to come. I am really excited to see what happens!
Alrighty, almost done with work. I should get back.
Until next time!
P.s. See? I told you it wouldn't be as long as before.
P.p.s. I'm working out now, and have already lost 5-6 pounds. Huzzah!
I love fall because of things like hot coffee, sweaters, curling up under covers, being cold in the morning, wearing sweats, boots, jackets. Being able to leave my hair down without dying of heat stroke. (My hair is thick.) The feeling of briskness in the air as you walk around, the way the cold air snaps in your face. Wanting to eat soup and bread, chili and cornbread. Hardier meals. ...I don't think I'd mind living in a colder place eventually. I like seasons a lot. The heat of summer, swimming, going to the beach. The snappiness of fall when it starts getting chilly. The winter--which, honestly, I've never really experienced, having never been where it snowed, but I have experienced decently cold winters--for Christmas, the jolliness of the seasons, all of the yummy things to eat and drink. Spring because it's a gorgeous time when things start blooming and popping out everywhere. Just warm enough to wear skirts and dresses but chilly enough to wear cardigans. It's fun, and I enjoy all the different outfits you can wear for all of them.
All that to say, I could live where the seasons are much more pronounced. I think I would enjoy it. I've always thought about living somewhere like NYC or DC or around there...though I would be sad to leave the West Coast. Of course, I also wouldn't mind living up in Berkeley area or San Diego. Or a small countryside town in Ireland or France or England. So I guess I ought to be a gypsy and wander around the world. I suppose there are two "problems" with that: Money. And Hubby. I can't just go off and leave him to travel the world. Hehe. Though maybe we can go together...hmm....
I have two big projects due next week. That's exciting. One I'm looking forward to doing, if a bit hard to do, and the other one I'm not so much, mainly because our group has to present on it for a good hour and a half. I hate talking in front of people. But hopefully being up there with the rest of my group and also knowing my subject will allow that to go well. Here's hoping, at least.
I've been doing some good self-evaluating. Processing how I got to where I am, who I am, why I am the way that I am, and what might have happened if I had changed one choice or decision. Intriguing.
I've come to decide I am more myself now than I have ever been in my life. Because I've finally embraced myself and "the shoes I wear" and I am happy with who I am and how I am. And that is a very good thing.
Hubby and I are growing together as we both realize who we are and how we are supposed to interact with each and go through life together as a married couple, and planning figuring out what to do in the years to come. I am really excited to see what happens!
Alrighty, almost done with work. I should get back.
Until next time!
P.s. See? I told you it wouldn't be as long as before.
P.p.s. I'm working out now, and have already lost 5-6 pounds. Huzzah!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Life is crazy at the moment
Well, hello there, dear old blog. Yes, I know I've been neglecting you. I'm very very sorry. Life has been insane lately. Don't look at me like that. I said I was sorry. Yes, yes, I'm going to update now.
So, life has been insane lately. School started, and literally I haven't a moment of down time. At least, not enough to sit at the computer and blog. Makes me sad, but such is life, I suppose?
Starting third week of classes. And so far, I'm enjoying my Monday Night one and disliking--a lot--the Tuesday night one because the prof isn't really doing his job and teaching waht we're supposed to be learning. It's supposed to be an Intro to Psych (Developmental Psych), and so far, we've only had 3 hours of talking about what he wants us to talk about, and not understanding a thing. He's teaching it like it's a discussion class when it's supposed to be a hard science class. I'm a bit annoyed and sad about that. I was really looking forward to this class. Here's hoping they (the department) figures out what to do about it.
My Monday night class, however, I'm loving. It's really hard but the prof is very good, and I'm learning a lot. I'm sooo glad I was able to take this class. The assignments are going to be intense--the whole class is!--and very good. Very glad of that.
What else is new....Oh!! We were able to work it out to get a brand new 2010 Scion xB, black. It's gorgeous!! We are so happy with it. It drives like a dream, and it's so nice to have a new car with a warranty and we're not worried will break down or anything like that. I named him Sirius. Yes, I'm a nerd. Hubby calls it a Golf Cart Out of Hell--cause it's small and drives like a golf cart. Hehe. We're doing really well, financially right now, which is awesome and a relief.
We have a buddy living with us right now ("Marine"). Marine called us up a few week's ago, with no where to go, and we told him to come crash on our couch, which he has been doing for the last few weeks. It's been interesting, to say the least. Mostly because we went from having no roommates to having 2 within a month of each other. It's working out well. He's searching for a job, does some cleaning around the apartment considering me, Hubby, and Kitty are out of the house from 7:45AM-10PM on normal days. Overall though, we're all settled in together. It's been good.
Though Hubby and I are realizing having roommates make for some interesting ways to get time to ourselves, especially when we want to just go out and talk without worrying about someone overhearing. Just those good married talks, and stuff. So we've been finding creative ways to do that--considering it's been so hot out still, our room is boiling during the daytime, Ick. Yesterday, we spent almost three hours out in the car, just talking about everything and anything and nothing. It was really nice. We've also been going on more dates--well, not more, just making a point of--to get time to ourselves. It's been good for us, and given our already insanely busy schedules, having roommates just reinforces the fact we need time together.
Having roommates, though, I've discovered, makes me get a bit more creative in getting away to relax and have some time to think and journal and write. When I'm at work 9 hours a day, then at class for three hours...it gets a bit wearying to then come home and have roommates around wanting to hang out or talk. I've taken to retreating to the bedroom with the netbook to write and read before falling asleep. On nights without classes, I usually will go out to coffee or onto campus to get some quiet time to myself. Which is nice for Hubby, too, cause then he gets time to himself as well.
Overall, life is incredibly good right now. I got to see one of my best friend's the other day--she surprised me by emailing me and going, "I'm in town on Saturday!! You free? I want to see you!!!". So we went to coffee for 3 hours, and talked, caught up, and just spent quality time together. It was such a blessing. Then Saturday evening, Kitty and I did some fun photoshoot stuff. We went with the whole Vintage "Pin-Up" theme, and the pictures turned out beautifully! I had a blast, and realized I enjoy getting photographed more than I thought I did. I probably just need to do pictures I like or something. Hehe. Sunday was spent realxing until we realized ants were invading. Then we battled them, relaxed some more. Friends came over later that night, and we all hung out, watched movies, ate dinner, and just enjoyed fellowship.
Overall, it was a wonderful weekend. And life is good.
Now, I need to get reading my homework for tonight. Until next time, and I promise it won't be as long as last time!!
So, life has been insane lately. School started, and literally I haven't a moment of down time. At least, not enough to sit at the computer and blog. Makes me sad, but such is life, I suppose?
Starting third week of classes. And so far, I'm enjoying my Monday Night one and disliking--a lot--the Tuesday night one because the prof isn't really doing his job and teaching waht we're supposed to be learning. It's supposed to be an Intro to Psych (Developmental Psych), and so far, we've only had 3 hours of talking about what he wants us to talk about, and not understanding a thing. He's teaching it like it's a discussion class when it's supposed to be a hard science class. I'm a bit annoyed and sad about that. I was really looking forward to this class. Here's hoping they (the department) figures out what to do about it.
My Monday night class, however, I'm loving. It's really hard but the prof is very good, and I'm learning a lot. I'm sooo glad I was able to take this class. The assignments are going to be intense--the whole class is!--and very good. Very glad of that.
What else is new....Oh!! We were able to work it out to get a brand new 2010 Scion xB, black. It's gorgeous!! We are so happy with it. It drives like a dream, and it's so nice to have a new car with a warranty and we're not worried will break down or anything like that. I named him Sirius. Yes, I'm a nerd. Hubby calls it a Golf Cart Out of Hell--cause it's small and drives like a golf cart. Hehe. We're doing really well, financially right now, which is awesome and a relief.
We have a buddy living with us right now ("Marine"). Marine called us up a few week's ago, with no where to go, and we told him to come crash on our couch, which he has been doing for the last few weeks. It's been interesting, to say the least. Mostly because we went from having no roommates to having 2 within a month of each other. It's working out well. He's searching for a job, does some cleaning around the apartment considering me, Hubby, and Kitty are out of the house from 7:45AM-10PM on normal days. Overall though, we're all settled in together. It's been good.
Though Hubby and I are realizing having roommates make for some interesting ways to get time to ourselves, especially when we want to just go out and talk without worrying about someone overhearing. Just those good married talks, and stuff. So we've been finding creative ways to do that--considering it's been so hot out still, our room is boiling during the daytime, Ick. Yesterday, we spent almost three hours out in the car, just talking about everything and anything and nothing. It was really nice. We've also been going on more dates--well, not more, just making a point of--to get time to ourselves. It's been good for us, and given our already insanely busy schedules, having roommates just reinforces the fact we need time together.
Having roommates, though, I've discovered, makes me get a bit more creative in getting away to relax and have some time to think and journal and write. When I'm at work 9 hours a day, then at class for three hours...it gets a bit wearying to then come home and have roommates around wanting to hang out or talk. I've taken to retreating to the bedroom with the netbook to write and read before falling asleep. On nights without classes, I usually will go out to coffee or onto campus to get some quiet time to myself. Which is nice for Hubby, too, cause then he gets time to himself as well.
Overall, life is incredibly good right now. I got to see one of my best friend's the other day--she surprised me by emailing me and going, "I'm in town on Saturday!! You free? I want to see you!!!". So we went to coffee for 3 hours, and talked, caught up, and just spent quality time together. It was such a blessing. Then Saturday evening, Kitty and I did some fun photoshoot stuff. We went with the whole Vintage "Pin-Up" theme, and the pictures turned out beautifully! I had a blast, and realized I enjoy getting photographed more than I thought I did. I probably just need to do pictures I like or something. Hehe. Sunday was spent realxing until we realized ants were invading. Then we battled them, relaxed some more. Friends came over later that night, and we all hung out, watched movies, ate dinner, and just enjoyed fellowship.
Overall, it was a wonderful weekend. And life is good.
Now, I need to get reading my homework for tonight. Until next time, and I promise it won't be as long as last time!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September: Happy Birthday Sis!
Oh my goodness, it's September already! When did that happen?? Man, the summer flew past, and now school's in full swing.
First things first: Happy Birthday, Sis!! You're 15 today! I can hardly believe it. I hope you have a wonderful day, and enjoy your birthday! We love you lots!! You're in our thoughts always.
We had a lovely anniversary, went down to San Diego and hit up the Wild Animal Park, the Zoo, and Sea World for five days. I haven't been there since...little. I have a vague sense I've been to Sea World when in my teens, but the Zoo not since 10 or so. Anyway, we had a marvelous time, and I have a ton of pictures I need to sort through so I can post them. So excited it's been a year, and can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us. So here goes year 2! w00t! :-)
Things have been going well, for the most part. I've been thinking through some stuff and just doing a lot of processing of me, who I am, etc. It's been hard but good. God has really been taking care of us. Though I joke that He could do it sooner than making me stress and worry and freak out, and then suddenly taking care of it. Taking care of it right away would be fine with me too, you know. Hehe.
I have a wedding this weekend. My maid of honor is finally getting married! So excited for her!! First wedding I'm in (besides my own of course). We have these cute blue strapless dresses with pockets. I'm headed down Thursday night with Linus for a Girls' night in with the bride and then helping out on Friday and the wedding is Saturday morning. I have so much to do between now and then, though. I need to finish their gift, get shoes, and do a couple other things. I think I'll probably finish their gift tonight, work on something else tomorrow night, and get shoes after work before church. (Ash, if you're reading this, don't you dare start worrying!) I'm rather excited though because with Friday off, I'll have a 4 day weekend! Hooray! So blessed to be a part of this wedding. I'm sure I'll have some pictures to post.
I'm really excited about my classes this semester. You know, all two of them! I'm taking a Dysfunctional Families/Child Abuse class on Monday night, and Foundations of Development Tuesday nights. Excited because they're actually in the direction I want to be going. Monday night class will be intense but good. And we'll see about tonight's.
That's all for now, I have to get back to work. Just thought I'd update.
Oh, in prayer for the fires burning. We were up at a camp this past weekend near them, and it was insane. Praying for Hubby's aunt as well, cause her neighborhood is on watch for the fires. Thanks go out to the firefighters!
First things first: Happy Birthday, Sis!! You're 15 today! I can hardly believe it. I hope you have a wonderful day, and enjoy your birthday! We love you lots!! You're in our thoughts always.
We had a lovely anniversary, went down to San Diego and hit up the Wild Animal Park, the Zoo, and Sea World for five days. I haven't been there since...little. I have a vague sense I've been to Sea World when in my teens, but the Zoo not since 10 or so. Anyway, we had a marvelous time, and I have a ton of pictures I need to sort through so I can post them. So excited it's been a year, and can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us. So here goes year 2! w00t! :-)
Things have been going well, for the most part. I've been thinking through some stuff and just doing a lot of processing of me, who I am, etc. It's been hard but good. God has really been taking care of us. Though I joke that He could do it sooner than making me stress and worry and freak out, and then suddenly taking care of it. Taking care of it right away would be fine with me too, you know. Hehe.
I have a wedding this weekend. My maid of honor is finally getting married! So excited for her!! First wedding I'm in (besides my own of course). We have these cute blue strapless dresses with pockets. I'm headed down Thursday night with Linus for a Girls' night in with the bride and then helping out on Friday and the wedding is Saturday morning. I have so much to do between now and then, though. I need to finish their gift, get shoes, and do a couple other things. I think I'll probably finish their gift tonight, work on something else tomorrow night, and get shoes after work before church. (Ash, if you're reading this, don't you dare start worrying!) I'm rather excited though because with Friday off, I'll have a 4 day weekend! Hooray! So blessed to be a part of this wedding. I'm sure I'll have some pictures to post.
I'm really excited about my classes this semester. You know, all two of them! I'm taking a Dysfunctional Families/Child Abuse class on Monday night, and Foundations of Development Tuesday nights. Excited because they're actually in the direction I want to be going. Monday night class will be intense but good. And we'll see about tonight's.
That's all for now, I have to get back to work. Just thought I'd update.
Oh, in prayer for the fires burning. We were up at a camp this past weekend near them, and it was insane. Praying for Hubby's aunt as well, cause her neighborhood is on watch for the fires. Thanks go out to the firefighters!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Vacation soon
Today was an odd waking up day. The alarm went off--well, I should start from last night. Yesterday was an odd day, a bit, at leas--The weekend. Gosh, I'm off today. Saturday I slept in and relaxed because I hadn't had a Saturday to relax in for quite some time. It was glorious. Then Saturday evening, Hubby took me and a friend out to watch District9. A movie I am still trying to wrap my head around...but one that I probably won't watch again. Not because it is a bad movie. It is a very well-done good movie. Just makes you think, and is very very poignant. Once I have a better idea of my thoughts on it, I will post a review. As of right now, I do believe everyone should watch it--won't guarantee you will like it. However, it is one of those movies that you ought to watch.
Then yesterday did not feel like Sunday at all, even though we went to church and everything. I dyed my hair (yay!), and Hubby loves it. He can't stop looking at me, which is quite fun. Then Jason came over to visit last night and we made dinner, and hung out together for quite a while. Then He and Hubby went to see District 9 again, and I went to bed with a headache but happy.
So all that long intro to say, I woke up today hardly believing it was Monday--groaning that it was Monday--and then my mind did the "Oh wait, I'm only working 3 days this week! Hooray!!" and made Monday quite more tolerable.
Our one year anniversary is Sunday. I can hardly believe it's been a year, but also can easily. We are taking 3 days off work and going off on an adventure. One with a kingsized bed and hottub thrown in the mix. Hehe. I shall post more (and hopefully some pictures!) when we get back. However, for now, I can hardly wait.
That's all for now. Been doing a lot of thinking, and once my head gets into shape, I'll blog on it.
Then yesterday did not feel like Sunday at all, even though we went to church and everything. I dyed my hair (yay!), and Hubby loves it. He can't stop looking at me, which is quite fun. Then Jason came over to visit last night and we made dinner, and hung out together for quite a while. Then He and Hubby went to see District 9 again, and I went to bed with a headache but happy.
So all that long intro to say, I woke up today hardly believing it was Monday--groaning that it was Monday--and then my mind did the "Oh wait, I'm only working 3 days this week! Hooray!!" and made Monday quite more tolerable.
Our one year anniversary is Sunday. I can hardly believe it's been a year, but also can easily. We are taking 3 days off work and going off on an adventure. One with a kingsized bed and hottub thrown in the mix. Hehe. I shall post more (and hopefully some pictures!) when we get back. However, for now, I can hardly wait.
That's all for now. Been doing a lot of thinking, and once my head gets into shape, I'll blog on it.
District 9,
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Something new I wrote. I think I would mix this with an art project (if I did art projects. Lol) Let me know what you think, please!
She waits impatiently, tapping her feet, glancing and then not glancing. She sighs, shifting more, twisting blankets in her fists as she rocks back and forth on the bed.
She looks and crumples. She sits there, curled over herself in a small ball, the test lying discarded on the floor.
Again? She moans, tears running down her cheeks, …Why? Why again??
She crosses her arms protectively around herself, head almost touching her knees.
Did I do something wrong?
Tall, curvy, long flowing hair. She looks like a goddess, standing there. A skirt hints at well-formed hips and legs, a shirt hugs around her, showing just enough to be teasing…and wishing for more.
Confident, sexy, as she picks a box off the shelf. She sways to checkout, meeting a young girl’s wide eyes. She smirks, and with a wink, is gone.
The small woman—girl, just barely old enough—bounces across the stage. Moving, dancing, feeling the music course through her. She ignores the smoke and the smell of beer wafting about.
She flirts and listens to breathless whispers. Nodding or shaking her head, she moves. The clock ticking until she can go home to her lover, waiting impatiently.
The tired woman smiles in relief as the tiny bundle settles down to sleep…finally. She watches, marveling at the tiny fingers and toes.
She runs a hand over the tiny nose, smiling, and all the weariness fades away, leaving just a smiling face, relaxed and happy. Content with her life, confident in herself, and relaxed, watching the bundle sleep soundly.
She waits impatiently, tapping her feet, glancing and then not glancing. She sighs, shifting more, twisting blankets in her fists as she rocks back and forth on the bed.
She looks and crumples. She sits there, curled over herself in a small ball, the test lying discarded on the floor.
Again? She moans, tears running down her cheeks, …Why? Why again??
She crosses her arms protectively around herself, head almost touching her knees.
Did I do something wrong?
Tall, curvy, long flowing hair. She looks like a goddess, standing there. A skirt hints at well-formed hips and legs, a shirt hugs around her, showing just enough to be teasing…and wishing for more.
Confident, sexy, as she picks a box off the shelf. She sways to checkout, meeting a young girl’s wide eyes. She smirks, and with a wink, is gone.
The small woman—girl, just barely old enough—bounces across the stage. Moving, dancing, feeling the music course through her. She ignores the smoke and the smell of beer wafting about.
She flirts and listens to breathless whispers. Nodding or shaking her head, she moves. The clock ticking until she can go home to her lover, waiting impatiently.
The tired woman smiles in relief as the tiny bundle settles down to sleep…finally. She watches, marveling at the tiny fingers and toes.
She runs a hand over the tiny nose, smiling, and all the weariness fades away, leaving just a smiling face, relaxed and happy. Content with her life, confident in herself, and relaxed, watching the bundle sleep soundly.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Birthday Weekend!
So...this past weekend was my birthday. Well, technically Monday, but Aaron celebrated all weekend with me. Saturday we just had a relaxing day at home. Slept in, watched some movies, had a yummy dinner, he got me ice-cream. (Yay!) Sunday we woke up bright and early to head to an airsoft game in support of a field we liked but they closed down--well, more like the cranky old lady got annoyed and refused to say it was ok with us to play there, so the county closed it down--we were up there till about...1 or 2 ish? It was freaking hot out, we were all a bit miserable, but it was fun. I got a bit sunburnt too. Hehe.
Then we came home, showered, rested. And Aaron took me out to dinner. Now, he had been telling me all this time that he had wanted to try to do something big for my birthday, but we weren't going to be able to afford it and all this stuff, so he was planning a bunch of medium/small things. And he also told me it was going to be for Monday night after work. So I get all ready to go to a nice dinner with my husband and stuff... we get to Aculpulco--amazing Mexican restaurant!--and round the corner to be seated, and I see a bunch of my friends' heads. Now, silly me, I'm sitting there going, "Why is Brett here? Or Fernando? Janelle?"
....then when they all said, "Surprise!!" it dawned on me that my husband was a sneak bugger and threw me a surprise party with my friends. So I turn bright red--apparently matched my dress, which is quite a feat--and sat down, and had a wonderful night of conversation and food and cake with good friends who all took time out of their busy schedules to come--some drove 2+ hours to be there!!--hang out with me and make my day special. So thank you, my friends.
Then on Monday night, Aaron took me to Borders to spend one of my Borders cards (thank you, Pineapple!)--I got a couple books. Hooray!--and then we headed down to Downtown Disney, where we wandered around the little bookstore by the movie theater until it was time to go see Julie/Julia, which I had been wanting to see. It was better than I expected, and we both loved it. Go see it, if you haven't. I was amazed at how well Meryl Streep channeled Julia Child, and how well Amy Adams did as a quirky government worker who sits in a cubicle all day and decides she wants to do something--cook through Mastering the Art of French Cooking--and write a blog about it. The way they go back and forth between both stories--because you're also getting Julia Child's story of how she wrote the book--is very well-done, and not confusing at all.
Then the next day (Tuesday), my boss and his wife took Aaron and I out to Lascari's for my birthday, and gave me a gift-card to Kohl's, which I was ordered to use on myself, and not on anything practical.
Overall, it was a wonderful birthday, and came well placed at a time where I'm dealing...well, struggling really, with a lot. I haven't slept well the last couple nights...been very restless, and feeling very much alone where I am right now. So it was nice to be reminded of friends who care and love me and are there for me.
My hair is changing up again this weekend too. Very excited about that. And next Thursday we leave for our anniversary trip! We're taking 5 days off (well, technically 3), and I'm so very excited about it!!
That's all for now.
Then we came home, showered, rested. And Aaron took me out to dinner. Now, he had been telling me all this time that he had wanted to try to do something big for my birthday, but we weren't going to be able to afford it and all this stuff, so he was planning a bunch of medium/small things. And he also told me it was going to be for Monday night after work. So I get all ready to go to a nice dinner with my husband and stuff... we get to Aculpulco--amazing Mexican restaurant!--and round the corner to be seated, and I see a bunch of my friends' heads. Now, silly me, I'm sitting there going, "Why is Brett here? Or Fernando? Janelle?"
....then when they all said, "Surprise!!" it dawned on me that my husband was a sneak bugger and threw me a surprise party with my friends. So I turn bright red--apparently matched my dress, which is quite a feat--and sat down, and had a wonderful night of conversation and food and cake with good friends who all took time out of their busy schedules to come--some drove 2+ hours to be there!!--hang out with me and make my day special. So thank you, my friends.
Then on Monday night, Aaron took me to Borders to spend one of my Borders cards (thank you, Pineapple!)--I got a couple books. Hooray!--and then we headed down to Downtown Disney, where we wandered around the little bookstore by the movie theater until it was time to go see Julie/Julia, which I had been wanting to see. It was better than I expected, and we both loved it. Go see it, if you haven't. I was amazed at how well Meryl Streep channeled Julia Child, and how well Amy Adams did as a quirky government worker who sits in a cubicle all day and decides she wants to do something--cook through Mastering the Art of French Cooking--and write a blog about it. The way they go back and forth between both stories--because you're also getting Julia Child's story of how she wrote the book--is very well-done, and not confusing at all.
Then the next day (Tuesday), my boss and his wife took Aaron and I out to Lascari's for my birthday, and gave me a gift-card to Kohl's, which I was ordered to use on myself, and not on anything practical.
Overall, it was a wonderful birthday, and came well placed at a time where I'm dealing...well, struggling really, with a lot. I haven't slept well the last couple nights...been very restless, and feeling very much alone where I am right now. So it was nice to be reminded of friends who care and love me and are there for me.
My hair is changing up again this weekend too. Very excited about that. And next Thursday we leave for our anniversary trip! We're taking 5 days off (well, technically 3), and I'm so very excited about it!!
That's all for now.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Summer lovin' had me a blast Summer lovin', happened so fast
Had an amazing weekend with my best friend. She had called me up a few weeks ago and we were chatting and she said, "Hey, you should come up for a weekend!!" So I talked with Aaron about when/budget would work, and ended up going this past weekend. Took Friday off work, rode a 7:30AM train (ick!) up to Grover Beach where my friend picked me up with another friend I hadn't seen in....oh gosh, I think we said 5-6 years?? Something like that. Probably has been longer. I've known both of these girls for over....oh gosh, 10 years. No...my best friend since I was 6/7 (we went to AWANA together, no idea how we actually met. We think it was through dance-class, back in the day), and my other friend....well....we were in dance together since I was like....3? 4? Around there. So seeing both of them and getting to hang out with them was amazing. I miss them a lot, and being in that area. Though I have realized I've adapted to LA, and am now in love with big cities. Ah well.
The weather was gorgeous too!! Played in the ocean, wandered around the shops, went to see Harry Potter6 again with her. Oh, and yesterday she showed me a cute chick-flick called Sydney White. Retelling of Snow White or something like that. It was cute. Hehe. Overall, this weekend was an amazing time and a grand success!! Must do that more often! And the train isn't all that bad, as long as you have someone picking you up and all that.
Sad to see the weekend end, but I wouldn't want to be on vacation forever either. Back at work today. Wish I had today off...ah well. School starts in a few weeks (Eeee....where did the time go??), my birthday is in two weeks--well, two weeks from today--and our anniversary is coming up in a bit too. So excited about that! It's almost been a year, I can hardly believe it. Seems like forever. I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am now. I can think of only a few things that would make me happier, but...on the whole, I am happy.
It's odd to think that I'll be starting another half-time year at Biola. I'll be taking 2 night classes that I'm really excited about. I think I finally figured out what road I want to take with my schooling, and I'm very excited about what I want to do. The game-plan, somewhat loose right now in timing, is to get a psychology/counseling degree to work with child victims of abuse. Maybe get a minor in Christian Ministries or something....depends if I stay at Biola (which depends on what Aaron does after graduation and career paths for him). Either way, I know what path I'm going to take, and I believe it's where God wants me.
I can't wait to be able to focus fully on this path, and work on it full-time. Aaron is fully supportive and is very excited for me. There's something to be said of knowing where you're going and the goal you're reaching for, and it giving you more energy, instead of feeling like you're listing around (in school), not quite sure where/what you're supposed to be doing. Or even what you want to be doing. So this is a relief somewhat, and also very exciting.
I should get back to work now. Mail came in and needs sorting. I'll be honest, I can't wait for the day I won't have to be working here, and I can concentrate fully on my schooling. All in good--well, rather God's--time.
The weather was gorgeous too!! Played in the ocean, wandered around the shops, went to see Harry Potter6 again with her. Oh, and yesterday she showed me a cute chick-flick called Sydney White. Retelling of Snow White or something like that. It was cute. Hehe. Overall, this weekend was an amazing time and a grand success!! Must do that more often! And the train isn't all that bad, as long as you have someone picking you up and all that.
Sad to see the weekend end, but I wouldn't want to be on vacation forever either. Back at work today. Wish I had today off...ah well. School starts in a few weeks (Eeee....where did the time go??), my birthday is in two weeks--well, two weeks from today--and our anniversary is coming up in a bit too. So excited about that! It's almost been a year, I can hardly believe it. Seems like forever. I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am now. I can think of only a few things that would make me happier, but...on the whole, I am happy.
It's odd to think that I'll be starting another half-time year at Biola. I'll be taking 2 night classes that I'm really excited about. I think I finally figured out what road I want to take with my schooling, and I'm very excited about what I want to do. The game-plan, somewhat loose right now in timing, is to get a psychology/counseling degree to work with child victims of abuse. Maybe get a minor in Christian Ministries or something....depends if I stay at Biola (which depends on what Aaron does after graduation and career paths for him). Either way, I know what path I'm going to take, and I believe it's where God wants me.
I can't wait to be able to focus fully on this path, and work on it full-time. Aaron is fully supportive and is very excited for me. There's something to be said of knowing where you're going and the goal you're reaching for, and it giving you more energy, instead of feeling like you're listing around (in school), not quite sure where/what you're supposed to be doing. Or even what you want to be doing. So this is a relief somewhat, and also very exciting.
I should get back to work now. Mail came in and needs sorting. I'll be honest, I can't wait for the day I won't have to be working here, and I can concentrate fully on my schooling. All in good--well, rather God's--time.
Best friends,
Harry Potter6,
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Summer life, so far...
I just realized I said "Summer life, so far..." and realized that the summer is half-way, if not over half-way, done. And so far, it's been mostly work and business. We had three weddings, friends visiting, but that's been about it. We haven't really had time/money to go on a vacation (yet, saving that up for our 1 year anniversary). I mean, I haven't even been to the beach yet this summer! Sad! Though necessary, I suppose.
Had some rough days this past week, but God is good. Aaron and I had a long talk while at work yesterday and into the night and cleared up a lot of stuff. God is good, as He keeps reminding me. The odd one I've realized is that the attitude I have currently towards God is that He is Good and King and trustworthy...in spite of life being hard and the world...well, as Rorschach puts it "God doesn't make the world this way. We do." I've adopted that idea, to be honest, to help deal with a lot. Not willing to do the whole "Satan is tempting me/persecuting me!!" thing...seems a bit cocky to assume that the lord of Hell who screws with nations, would stoop to tempt you, a puny human, himself. It is one where I do enjoy Piercing the Darkness, This Present Darkness. The demons have ranks and are all kinds...I think it's pretty accurate, and it frustrates me and annoys me to no end when people rebuke Satan himself or claim he's tempting them. I kind of scratch my head and go, "Um..healthy fear is a good thing. You should be afraid or at least wary of something that the archangels can't rebuke themselves..."
Ah. Rant. Sorry about that. It was on my mind for some reason.
Saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince the other night. It was really good. I enjoyed it alot. They did some interesting things with the plot, along with take out some stuff I wish they had left in. Overall though, it was very well-done, I enjoyed it, and I think they did a good job of portraying (most) of the spirit of the book. Really really! excited for the next two!!
We're headed to Savers tonight to see if we can find any thrift-store finds! And then to dinner at an amazing Mexican place that just started doing a " $8.99 all you can eat combos". Yummy!
Trying to figure out what to do this weekend...we'll see. Maybe I'll dye my hair or something...that could be fun. Or get my nails done again.
Back to work for me. Ta!
Had some rough days this past week, but God is good. Aaron and I had a long talk while at work yesterday and into the night and cleared up a lot of stuff. God is good, as He keeps reminding me. The odd one I've realized is that the attitude I have currently towards God is that He is Good and King and trustworthy...in spite of life being hard and the world...well, as Rorschach puts it "God doesn't make the world this way. We do." I've adopted that idea, to be honest, to help deal with a lot. Not willing to do the whole "Satan is tempting me/persecuting me!!" thing...seems a bit cocky to assume that the lord of Hell who screws with nations, would stoop to tempt you, a puny human, himself. It is one where I do enjoy Piercing the Darkness, This Present Darkness. The demons have ranks and are all kinds...I think it's pretty accurate, and it frustrates me and annoys me to no end when people rebuke Satan himself or claim he's tempting them. I kind of scratch my head and go, "Um..healthy fear is a good thing. You should be afraid or at least wary of something that the archangels can't rebuke themselves..."
Ah. Rant. Sorry about that. It was on my mind for some reason.
Saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince the other night. It was really good. I enjoyed it alot. They did some interesting things with the plot, along with take out some stuff I wish they had left in. Overall though, it was very well-done, I enjoyed it, and I think they did a good job of portraying (most) of the spirit of the book. Really really! excited for the next two!!
We're headed to Savers tonight to see if we can find any thrift-store finds! And then to dinner at an amazing Mexican place that just started doing a " $8.99 all you can eat combos". Yummy!
Trying to figure out what to do this weekend...we'll see. Maybe I'll dye my hair or something...that could be fun. Or get my nails done again.
Back to work for me. Ta!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
So...bored at work currently. My boss is out of town, and the phones are really quiet today. At least, this morning they are. It's not too bad though, I like having quiet days. I just wish I could pass the time better.
I've started reading Dracula and The Problem of Pain. An odd mix, I admit, but one's fiction and the other is nonfiction. So it works, though seriously does make for some odd mixing of thoughts and stuff.
Dracula is one creepy book! I'm enjoying it, but man, I won't read it at night by myself or right before bed. Would rather not dream about creepy vampires, thanks very much. It's the structure that does it, a bit.
The structure of the novel, a carefully interlaced web of journal and dairy entries, letters, and newspaper reports, is not original, but very effectively conveys the complex details of a constantly surprising story.
That sums it up quite nicely.
The Problem of Pain I'm reserving judgment until I have finished it. I like it so far, albeit it is starting out a bit slow. It should be a good read.
On another note, Hubby and I went to see Public Enemies Saturday evening. (I mean, come on, Johnny Depp and Christian Bale in the same movie?!?) It was a very good intriguing movie about the bank-robber John Dillinger and his life and how he acted etc. Depp did a marvelous job, and Bale did a good job as the FBI agent hunting him down. It's rated R for language and violence. There's practically no nudity, and overall, a very intriguing movie and story. The ending will blow your mind. In a "WTF?" kind of way. Go see it.
And of course, Hubby and I and a couple newly engaged friends are going to see Harry Potter 6 next week!!!!!!! So excited!! In case you couldn't tell. I'm sad though...I've read the books and I know what's coming and..yah. Good movie/book though. cannot wait.
Wow....I'm rambling today. Probably cause the day feels like it's taking forever.
Life's been good lately. So, money's been tight the last couple of weeks. Two weddings, 3 drives to Temecula, 1 drive to Glendale (Yay for gas eating money!). So anywhoo, I was trying to figure out how/what we were going to eat for the next week or so. Got home from the movie on Saturday to find groceries sitting on our porch. 3 boxes of MacNCheese, some box pasta (made it last night, yum!), and sandwich stuff. Along with milk, butter, yogurt, laundry detergent. Don't know who left it for us (asked some people we thought it was, turned out it wasn't). So, whoever you are, many thanks for the food that is helping us get through this week. Actually, cut our meals in half, cause I can actually make stuff for dinner. And for showing me those boxed pastas. I shall have to get a bunch for our pantry.
God is good and provides when you least expect it.
Also, a hi out to my mom-in-law, currently teaching in South Korea!! If you're reading this, Hi!! We love you and are praying for you!! xo xo xo xo
Well, almost time for lunch. I shall be going now. Hope things are going well for all the readers (whoever/how many you are). I enjoy seeing all the towns/regions that pop up on the side. Say hi sometime.
I've started reading Dracula and The Problem of Pain. An odd mix, I admit, but one's fiction and the other is nonfiction. So it works, though seriously does make for some odd mixing of thoughts and stuff.
Dracula is one creepy book! I'm enjoying it, but man, I won't read it at night by myself or right before bed. Would rather not dream about creepy vampires, thanks very much. It's the structure that does it, a bit.
The structure of the novel, a carefully interlaced web of journal and dairy entries, letters, and newspaper reports, is not original, but very effectively conveys the complex details of a constantly surprising story.
That sums it up quite nicely.
The Problem of Pain I'm reserving judgment until I have finished it. I like it so far, albeit it is starting out a bit slow. It should be a good read.
On another note, Hubby and I went to see Public Enemies Saturday evening. (I mean, come on, Johnny Depp and Christian Bale in the same movie?!?) It was a very good intriguing movie about the bank-robber John Dillinger and his life and how he acted etc. Depp did a marvelous job, and Bale did a good job as the FBI agent hunting him down. It's rated R for language and violence. There's practically no nudity, and overall, a very intriguing movie and story. The ending will blow your mind. In a "WTF?" kind of way. Go see it.
And of course, Hubby and I and a couple newly engaged friends are going to see Harry Potter 6 next week!!!!!!! So excited!! In case you couldn't tell. I'm sad though...I've read the books and I know what's coming and..yah. Good movie/book though. cannot wait.
Wow....I'm rambling today. Probably cause the day feels like it's taking forever.
Life's been good lately. So, money's been tight the last couple of weeks. Two weddings, 3 drives to Temecula, 1 drive to Glendale (Yay for gas eating money!). So anywhoo, I was trying to figure out how/what we were going to eat for the next week or so. Got home from the movie on Saturday to find groceries sitting on our porch. 3 boxes of MacNCheese, some box pasta (made it last night, yum!), and sandwich stuff. Along with milk, butter, yogurt, laundry detergent. Don't know who left it for us (asked some people we thought it was, turned out it wasn't). So, whoever you are, many thanks for the food that is helping us get through this week. Actually, cut our meals in half, cause I can actually make stuff for dinner. And for showing me those boxed pastas. I shall have to get a bunch for our pantry.
God is good and provides when you least expect it.
Also, a hi out to my mom-in-law, currently teaching in South Korea!! If you're reading this, Hi!! We love you and are praying for you!! xo xo xo xo
Well, almost time for lunch. I shall be going now. Hope things are going well for all the readers (whoever/how many you are). I enjoy seeing all the towns/regions that pop up on the side. Say hi sometime.
Harry Potter6,
Public Enemies
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Life and stuff....
Actually found time to post and something to post about. The last couple weeks have been filled with work and weddings. This past weekend we went to Hubby's old roommate's wedding to a beautiful girl. It was a gorgeous small wedding, and we were so blessed to have been included (Hubby as a groomsman, me as an observer). Tomorrow we have another wedding to go to, another of Hubby's roommates getting hitched. Should be a fun wedding, and I'm looking forward to being able to sit with my hubby and friends, instead of not knowing anyone and the only person I know is either family of the groom or at the bridal party table. We both had a wonderful time and were so thankful and blessed to be there to celebrate with them.
It's rather exciting to see all these weddings going on! Hubby and I joke a bit that we started a trend, considering it seems like after we got married, all of our friends decided to get married too! (With the exception of Il Duce and Lush, who beat us by 2 months) It's exciting to see our friends getting married and starting a new life with each other. Many blessings on all of you! Marriage rocks.
In other news, I just finished a book I had doubts I would enjoy as much as I ended up enjoying. Last time we were down visiting, Lush let me borrow Dr. Laura's The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage. She explained that while most of it was stuff I probably had already talked about/figured out, it was a good reminder, to say the least. I didn't get around to starting it until a few days to go and finished it up today at work. Needless to say, I enjoyed it tremendously! I was sort of expecting a typical self-help marriage book, that talks about things you should and shouldn't do as a wife/married couple...almost more obvious things that I knew already or came naturally to me. I was right, there were definitely parts of the book that I went "Well, duh..." but there were other parts that served as a great reminder or encouragement that things I was doing as my hubby's wife were in the right direction. Also some nice tips on how to deal with things and balance duties as wife/housekeeper/FT worker, and all that. So all in all, this is one book I will definitely recommend to married/engaged friends if they want something like this to read. It helped me a lot, if just for the encouragement. Thanks so much, Lush!
I've been doing a lot of thinking about healing and pain and the difference between being "Better" and "Healing". And talking with some close friends about it, and the trend we've noticed is that people seem to assume that since you look/sound/act/are doing "better", it automatically means you're not in pain anymore. "Oh you're doing better, so that must mean you don't hurt anymore!" is the attitude we've noticed. It saddens me because I see a lot of people hurt by this attitude...cause it makes them feel like people don't care anymore...or are annoyed when the person is hurting and actually showing it. It's like people forget how permeated everything is, and how things affect your life. So just because someone who's going through a lot is smiling and happy, don't assume they aren't hurting anymore. A better thing to assume--no, not assume--think is that the pain is lesser today, than it could have been. More like you took some Tylenol, so it's a dull ache instead of a throbbing too painful to move pain.
People aren't simple. People dealing with hurts and pains and trauma and stress and whatever-else, aren't simple. Just remember, all you see is what the person lets you see. You don't know what's going on in their head. So don't act like you do simply because they act fine. (You know what F.I.N.E. stands for, right?)
It's been something pressing on my heart lately for a lot of reasons, and it frustrates me to see people who are hurting get treated like they shouldn't be hurting and should have moved on or what not. Ok. End Rant.
And on one final note, we have a new kitten!! Her name is Alice, after Alice in Wonderland. A 3 1/2 month old orange/blonde long hair, and she is adorable and so curious. She and Bella have been getting along decently well. They started playing last night for real, instead of Alice playing, Bella watching and then hissing and running away. They were chasing each other and pouncing their tails, so that's fun. Still don't quite trust them to keep them mixed while at work, but hopefully in the next couple weeks we'll be able to.
It's rather exciting to see all these weddings going on! Hubby and I joke a bit that we started a trend, considering it seems like after we got married, all of our friends decided to get married too! (With the exception of Il Duce and Lush, who beat us by 2 months) It's exciting to see our friends getting married and starting a new life with each other. Many blessings on all of you! Marriage rocks.
In other news, I just finished a book I had doubts I would enjoy as much as I ended up enjoying. Last time we were down visiting, Lush let me borrow Dr. Laura's The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage. She explained that while most of it was stuff I probably had already talked about/figured out, it was a good reminder, to say the least. I didn't get around to starting it until a few days to go and finished it up today at work. Needless to say, I enjoyed it tremendously! I was sort of expecting a typical self-help marriage book, that talks about things you should and shouldn't do as a wife/married couple...almost more obvious things that I knew already or came naturally to me. I was right, there were definitely parts of the book that I went "Well, duh..." but there were other parts that served as a great reminder or encouragement that things I was doing as my hubby's wife were in the right direction. Also some nice tips on how to deal with things and balance duties as wife/housekeeper/FT worker, and all that. So all in all, this is one book I will definitely recommend to married/engaged friends if they want something like this to read. It helped me a lot, if just for the encouragement. Thanks so much, Lush!
I've been doing a lot of thinking about healing and pain and the difference between being "Better" and "Healing". And talking with some close friends about it, and the trend we've noticed is that people seem to assume that since you look/sound/act/are doing "better", it automatically means you're not in pain anymore. "Oh you're doing better, so that must mean you don't hurt anymore!" is the attitude we've noticed. It saddens me because I see a lot of people hurt by this attitude...cause it makes them feel like people don't care anymore...or are annoyed when the person is hurting and actually showing it. It's like people forget how permeated everything is, and how things affect your life. So just because someone who's going through a lot is smiling and happy, don't assume they aren't hurting anymore. A better thing to assume--no, not assume--think is that the pain is lesser today, than it could have been. More like you took some Tylenol, so it's a dull ache instead of a throbbing too painful to move pain.
People aren't simple. People dealing with hurts and pains and trauma and stress and whatever-else, aren't simple. Just remember, all you see is what the person lets you see. You don't know what's going on in their head. So don't act like you do simply because they act fine. (You know what F.I.N.E. stands for, right?)
It's been something pressing on my heart lately for a lot of reasons, and it frustrates me to see people who are hurting get treated like they shouldn't be hurting and should have moved on or what not. Ok. End Rant.
And on one final note, we have a new kitten!! Her name is Alice, after Alice in Wonderland. A 3 1/2 month old orange/blonde long hair, and she is adorable and so curious. She and Bella have been getting along decently well. They started playing last night for real, instead of Alice playing, Bella watching and then hissing and running away. They were chasing each other and pouncing their tails, so that's fun. Still don't quite trust them to keep them mixed while at work, but hopefully in the next couple weeks we'll be able to.
Book review,
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Book Review and other ramblings....
So, yesterday, I went to Barnes and Noble with a friend and picked up a couple books. It was grand fun! One of the books I picked up was The Tale of Despereaux. I finished it this evening and decided I would write a book review of it.
It was a very intriguing children's fairy tale. The premise of the story (actually, there are three-four main characters) is about the littlest mouse named Despereaux, with abnormally large ears, and he doesn't know how to behave as a mouse. There are other characters, such as Princess Pea, the rat Roscuro, the maid Mig. The story is about how their stories all weave in and out. A big theme of the story is consequences and how actions will always lead to consequences, which I found intriguing in a children's story, a fairy tale, no less. It's not something that is talked about much, especially in children's stories, and the way the author wove it into the story was very well-done.
The way she wrote the story was also intriguing. She frequently (almost every other chapter) stopped the story to "talk" to the reader. An example would be something like this (simply an example, not an actual quotation from the book):
And then Despereaux looked down the stairs into the darkness of the dungeon.
Reader, let us pause and think about what would be goign through his heart right now.
It gave the story a very...personable feel. It was slightly confusing for me because this is one of the first books I have read that has literally used it as a huge plot-device for the story.
Overall, it was a very good, well-written children's story that I will probably read aloud to my kids someday. I enjoyed it tremendously.
So, the more and more I get to know people and start solidifying (as much as I can right now) my views of life, how to interact with people and such things, I'm realizing that there is a very strong pull towards indviduality. (Well, duh. Yay Enlightenment!) It's been coming up in odd ways, though. Just talking with people about certain ideals and ideas, and realizing that while in some ways I am very much an individualist, there are very specific things where I am most definitely am not and cannot be one. It's essentially a type of loyalty that people seem to not understand or have as much anymore.
It's an odd thing I've been noticing and will post more once I have finalized some of my thoughts a bit more. I will mention this, though. It seems when dealing with hard situations, individualism is not always the best way to deal with said situation. It depends on the person and the situation...but it's not something you can easily just say, "By not doing x, you're not healing properly."
Though, I will be the first to admit everyone heals and deals with things differently, with different approaches. Yay for the beauty and messiness of human beings.
And with that, I am going to go curl up with some tea (feeling a bit sick) and work on some story plots.
'Night all.
It was a very intriguing children's fairy tale. The premise of the story (actually, there are three-four main characters) is about the littlest mouse named Despereaux, with abnormally large ears, and he doesn't know how to behave as a mouse. There are other characters, such as Princess Pea, the rat Roscuro, the maid Mig. The story is about how their stories all weave in and out. A big theme of the story is consequences and how actions will always lead to consequences, which I found intriguing in a children's story, a fairy tale, no less. It's not something that is talked about much, especially in children's stories, and the way the author wove it into the story was very well-done.
The way she wrote the story was also intriguing. She frequently (almost every other chapter) stopped the story to "talk" to the reader. An example would be something like this (simply an example, not an actual quotation from the book):
And then Despereaux looked down the stairs into the darkness of the dungeon.
Reader, let us pause and think about what would be goign through his heart right now.
It gave the story a very...personable feel. It was slightly confusing for me because this is one of the first books I have read that has literally used it as a huge plot-device for the story.
Overall, it was a very good, well-written children's story that I will probably read aloud to my kids someday. I enjoyed it tremendously.
So, the more and more I get to know people and start solidifying (as much as I can right now) my views of life, how to interact with people and such things, I'm realizing that there is a very strong pull towards indviduality. (Well, duh. Yay Enlightenment!) It's been coming up in odd ways, though. Just talking with people about certain ideals and ideas, and realizing that while in some ways I am very much an individualist, there are very specific things where I am most definitely am not and cannot be one. It's essentially a type of loyalty that people seem to not understand or have as much anymore.
It's an odd thing I've been noticing and will post more once I have finalized some of my thoughts a bit more. I will mention this, though. It seems when dealing with hard situations, individualism is not always the best way to deal with said situation. It depends on the person and the situation...but it's not something you can easily just say, "By not doing x, you're not healing properly."
Though, I will be the first to admit everyone heals and deals with things differently, with different approaches. Yay for the beauty and messiness of human beings.
And with that, I am going to go curl up with some tea (feeling a bit sick) and work on some story plots.
'Night all.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Goodness...long time, no write, isn't it? Not since Memorial Day. Sheesh. Well, life's been busy but not at the same time. And I really haven't had much to blog about lately.
Life's been going. School's out (hooray!!). Allison's been here visiting, which has been an absolute blast. I really miss her, so I'm glad to have gotten some time to visit with her before she heads so far North don't know if I'll ever get up to visit her...unless I'm going to Ashland or something (sorry friend!). We (her, me, and hubby) went to see UP! last night. It was really good. I enjoyed it a lot. Though...I do have to admit, the first five minutes are shocking, kind of. I certainly wasn't expecting the tone it created. All in all, amazing fun adventure story you should go see and take someone you love to go watch it too. It made me cry several times, which is saying a lot.
Other than that, just getting ready for the mass weekends of weddings (wwweeelll...not mass, really. more like swarm or parade or..no no, swarm of weddings). I don't mind, weddings are happy events and all that. Just time consuming, but very glad to be there with the ones we love to support and congratulate (and very sorry to any of the ones we're going to have to miss). I'll probably be making some nice homemade gifts for them, which I hope they shall like.
I've also been watching Dr. Who, which is a new favorite show. Though I'm a bit behind on watching it (considering there's four seasons already). It's been grand fun, and it's very well-written. The banter and dialogue of all the characters together. That and the fact they're practically all British is fun. Though it makes for some odd accent picking up. I pick up accents very easily if I'm in the environment or watching something that's heavily one accent, so I get funny eye-rolling looks from my hubby. I don't mind, though. I'm a nerd in my own way, just as he's a nerd in his own way. We really balance each other out. It's amazing. Hard to believe it'll be one year in August. Or that I'll be 22. Geez, I feel old. (Older friends, don't mind me.) There's just something to be said of passing over 21...like, when you're 18, it's a deal. Then it's looking foward to being 21....what's after 21? 24 finishes it, I suppose, but it's nothing exciting. Weird sensation. 30, maybe? Well, can't wait to see what adventures start coming our way. Or, rather, keep coming our way.
(Disclaimer: this next part I'm writing on is about feeling and noticing patterns, not singling anyone out. So don't feel like I'm talking directly about you. Ok? Good? Ok.)
I've been extremely lonely lately. Not in a "Gee, I wish people would hang out with me" kind of way. More of a realizing this time in my life is ending, rather soon. In about six months, Hubby will be graduated, and we'll be starting a new step in our married life together. That's not much time, and it's starting to hit me as the calendar starts filling up with stuff that we need/have to do, and plan for things we know are coming up. Six months sounds like a long time, until people ask you what's going on for the next few months, you list it out, and then realize, "Holy crap...then it's November/December, and Hubby's graduated and we're moving on. Whoa." When you look at it like that, it's a bit mindblowing. Also makes me realize things I hope to get done between now and then, and also things I wish I could have gotten done or done. Not in a resentful way, but in a "during this time of my life, I kinda wish I had done this...ah well."
It also makes watching other people's lives who still have a year or more left interesting. Because you watch them be so busy or so stressed about little things, and you want ot just reach out and go, "It won't matter in a few months or a year!" or "Look, prioritize! What's more important?" ..but it's not my place in the slightest to do that. If asked, sure. But I won't try to make people do things. It's just not who I am. I just hope that they don't look back with any kind of regrets for missed opportunities.
Looking back, sure, there are things I can think of I wish I could have done. But...I'm satisifed-no, not quite the word...-content-there it is!-with where I am at, and what I've gotten done. Sure, things go on, and change. They always do. Life doesn't stand still just because you want it to, and you shouldn't want it to...
Overall, I am ready for this next chapter to begin. It's that odd feeling of knowing you're almost there, but not quite yet--so it's bugging you and making you antsy and wanting something to happen. Time can't move fast enough or slow enough.
Going to end with a new poem I wrote. I hope you enjoy. It was just something I had been thinking about lately
Hope is fair
And dear,
Her sister is dark
And cold,
Despair is
Her name.
Together they walk
Hand in hand,
Stride for stride,
Without both,
No true
Separate the two
Life becomes
A farce,
A misery.
Because twain
Are they,
And balancing
They are.
Life's been going. School's out (hooray!!). Allison's been here visiting, which has been an absolute blast. I really miss her, so I'm glad to have gotten some time to visit with her before she heads so far North don't know if I'll ever get up to visit her...unless I'm going to Ashland or something (sorry friend!). We (her, me, and hubby) went to see UP! last night. It was really good. I enjoyed it a lot. Though...I do have to admit, the first five minutes are shocking, kind of. I certainly wasn't expecting the tone it created. All in all, amazing fun adventure story you should go see and take someone you love to go watch it too. It made me cry several times, which is saying a lot.
Other than that, just getting ready for the mass weekends of weddings (wwweeelll...not mass, really. more like swarm or parade or..no no, swarm of weddings). I don't mind, weddings are happy events and all that. Just time consuming, but very glad to be there with the ones we love to support and congratulate (and very sorry to any of the ones we're going to have to miss). I'll probably be making some nice homemade gifts for them, which I hope they shall like.
I've also been watching Dr. Who, which is a new favorite show. Though I'm a bit behind on watching it (considering there's four seasons already). It's been grand fun, and it's very well-written. The banter and dialogue of all the characters together. That and the fact they're practically all British is fun. Though it makes for some odd accent picking up. I pick up accents very easily if I'm in the environment or watching something that's heavily one accent, so I get funny eye-rolling looks from my hubby. I don't mind, though. I'm a nerd in my own way, just as he's a nerd in his own way. We really balance each other out. It's amazing. Hard to believe it'll be one year in August. Or that I'll be 22. Geez, I feel old. (Older friends, don't mind me.) There's just something to be said of passing over 21...like, when you're 18, it's a deal. Then it's looking foward to being 21....what's after 21? 24 finishes it, I suppose, but it's nothing exciting. Weird sensation. 30, maybe? Well, can't wait to see what adventures start coming our way. Or, rather, keep coming our way.
(Disclaimer: this next part I'm writing on is about feeling and noticing patterns, not singling anyone out. So don't feel like I'm talking directly about you. Ok? Good? Ok.)
I've been extremely lonely lately. Not in a "Gee, I wish people would hang out with me" kind of way. More of a realizing this time in my life is ending, rather soon. In about six months, Hubby will be graduated, and we'll be starting a new step in our married life together. That's not much time, and it's starting to hit me as the calendar starts filling up with stuff that we need/have to do, and plan for things we know are coming up. Six months sounds like a long time, until people ask you what's going on for the next few months, you list it out, and then realize, "Holy crap...then it's November/December, and Hubby's graduated and we're moving on. Whoa." When you look at it like that, it's a bit mindblowing. Also makes me realize things I hope to get done between now and then, and also things I wish I could have gotten done or done. Not in a resentful way, but in a "during this time of my life, I kinda wish I had done this...ah well."
It also makes watching other people's lives who still have a year or more left interesting. Because you watch them be so busy or so stressed about little things, and you want ot just reach out and go, "It won't matter in a few months or a year!" or "Look, prioritize! What's more important?" ..but it's not my place in the slightest to do that. If asked, sure. But I won't try to make people do things. It's just not who I am. I just hope that they don't look back with any kind of regrets for missed opportunities.
Looking back, sure, there are things I can think of I wish I could have done. But...I'm satisifed-no, not quite the word...-content-there it is!-with where I am at, and what I've gotten done. Sure, things go on, and change. They always do. Life doesn't stand still just because you want it to, and you shouldn't want it to...
Overall, I am ready for this next chapter to begin. It's that odd feeling of knowing you're almost there, but not quite yet--so it's bugging you and making you antsy and wanting something to happen. Time can't move fast enough or slow enough.
Going to end with a new poem I wrote. I hope you enjoy. It was just something I had been thinking about lately
Hope is fair
And dear,
Her sister is dark
And cold,
Despair is
Her name.
Together they walk
Hand in hand,
Stride for stride,
Without both,
No true
Separate the two
Life becomes
A farce,
A misery.
Because twain
Are they,
And balancing
They are.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
Stranger tread lightly,
'tis holy ground here;
in death's cold embrace
a soldier sleepeth here.
And you who are listening:
may you look upon his grave
and be proud of the fallen soldiers
'tis holy ground here;
in death's cold embrace
a soldier sleepeth here.
And you who are listening:
may you look upon his grave
and be proud of the fallen soldiers
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Summer and long weekends..
It's been a couple weeks since my last post. I think. Lol. I didn't happen to check to see...seems like a long time for me. Business with the end of school, beginning of summer, long weekend (hooray!) and just life in general. Had some crazy stuff happen in the last few days that I wasn't expecting. Pretty draining but l'm glad I was there for them.
So...summer's looking to be a pretty busy time. All of June is pretty booked, July looks to be relaxing, and August is my birthday and our wedding anniversary. Then school starts...and suddenly, summer seems a lot shorter than I wish... Heh. Remember as kids, summer seemed to last forever and everything was magical. Though, summer is still pretty magical for me, but it's that type of magic that's more grown up? Not sure what the right term for it is.
Just finished reading Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book. Amazing book.Very intriguing storyline and the way he deals with death and mythological things in a very...understandable way. It's a children's book, and talks about death in a very non amazing way, also his interactions with ghosts and Vampires and Werewolves...all portrayed as nonamazing things, sometimes bad, sometimes good. It's a book I will read to my kids eventually.
So...summer's looking to be a pretty busy time. All of June is pretty booked, July looks to be relaxing, and August is my birthday and our wedding anniversary. Then school starts...and suddenly, summer seems a lot shorter than I wish... Heh. Remember as kids, summer seemed to last forever and everything was magical. Though, summer is still pretty magical for me, but it's that type of magic that's more grown up? Not sure what the right term for it is.
Just finished reading Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book. Amazing book.Very intriguing storyline and the way he deals with death and mythological things in a very...understandable way. It's a children's book, and talks about death in a very non amazing way, also his interactions with ghosts and Vampires and Werewolves...all portrayed as nonamazing things, sometimes bad, sometimes good. It's a book I will read to my kids eventually.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Ah, weekend. It's a wonderful thing, especially when knowing there's only one more final and then it's officially summer-time! Good thing too. Starting to get hot outside. Meh. My poor hubby has till Thursday or Friday though...so that sucks. But only one more week till summer!
I'm sitting here on the couch, drinking french press coffee with homemade whipped cream and having some yogurt. Good breakfast. And this coffee is really good. I'll probably never go back to drinking drip coffee again.
Nothing too exciting going on. Tired. Watched Sweeney Todd last night. Summer's just around the corner and everything feels like it's holding its breath, waiting for something to happen....
I'm sitting here on the couch, drinking french press coffee with homemade whipped cream and having some yogurt. Good breakfast. And this coffee is really good. I'll probably never go back to drinking drip coffee again.
Nothing too exciting going on. Tired. Watched Sweeney Todd last night. Summer's just around the corner and everything feels like it's holding its breath, waiting for something to happen....
Monday, May 11, 2009
Only one more week.....
Testing? Hooray! It's working again. Something was screwing around with the Template. Anywhoo, fixed it!
It's almost summer time! Just 2 finals and 2-3 papers to go!! And one more week. Just one more week, and then all I have to worry about is going to and from work. I'm so happy and excited. I have all these projects planned out.
The first being finishing organizing and cleaning our apartment so it's more manageable and uses the space well. I already cleaned up our bedroom as best as I could, with the exception of going through old clothes that I need to, it's all set and ready to go. I'm basically going room by room. So next up is our living room. Going through it, cleaning it, and moving Aaron's desk into our bedroom so he can be working in there while I'm reading in bed and stuff like that. I think we'll put it up against hte window or something....Anyway, that's the plan. Then the other bedroom. It's full of random boxes and stuff we need to clean up. I'm going to enlist the help of a friend. Hehe.
Then I can decorate! That makes me happy. I have loads of pictures and stuff I want to do/make to decorate our place. Also get a good little coffee table since we really don't have a dining room, that's usable at least. It's perfect for two people but...we don't even eat in there. We enjoy eating on the couch. So need to get a nice coffee table or something I can decorate. I also am going to get some slipcovers for our wonderful couches. So...plans are all there. It's just starting them that's hard because of school and business. Hopefully this week/weekend.
One of my favorite plans for this summer is taking a dance class with my friend Janelle. I'm really excited about it!
Back to work. Need to do some projects and then back to studying.
It's almost summer time! Just 2 finals and 2-3 papers to go!! And one more week. Just one more week, and then all I have to worry about is going to and from work. I'm so happy and excited. I have all these projects planned out.
The first being finishing organizing and cleaning our apartment so it's more manageable and uses the space well. I already cleaned up our bedroom as best as I could, with the exception of going through old clothes that I need to, it's all set and ready to go. I'm basically going room by room. So next up is our living room. Going through it, cleaning it, and moving Aaron's desk into our bedroom so he can be working in there while I'm reading in bed and stuff like that. I think we'll put it up against hte window or something....Anyway, that's the plan. Then the other bedroom. It's full of random boxes and stuff we need to clean up. I'm going to enlist the help of a friend. Hehe.
Then I can decorate! That makes me happy. I have loads of pictures and stuff I want to do/make to decorate our place. Also get a good little coffee table since we really don't have a dining room, that's usable at least. It's perfect for two people but...we don't even eat in there. We enjoy eating on the couch. So need to get a nice coffee table or something I can decorate. I also am going to get some slipcovers for our wonderful couches. So...plans are all there. It's just starting them that's hard because of school and business. Hopefully this week/weekend.
One of my favorite plans for this summer is taking a dance class with my friend Janelle. I'm really excited about it!
Back to work. Need to do some projects and then back to studying.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Happy Birthday!
Is wishing her sister a very happy 19th birthday!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!! We love you and miss you...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Life the Universe and Everything....
So...apparently I update about once a week or so... Guess that means that nothing too excited happens until then. Or I let it build up till there's actually something exciting to write about. Nothing really now, but oh well! Updating anyway...
Doing laundry at a friend's house because I can get it all done in four loads for free vs. doing 8 loads for $10 at our laundry for our apartment. Yah....free wins. Hehe. And I get to hang out with friends while I do and enjoy coffee while I do. So I think this will be the plan from now on. Hooray for fun times of coffee, laundry doing, and laundry.
On a happy fun note, I'm typing on our new laptop. Though technically it's a netbook, and it's this little small laptop that's amazing. We named it Bree. It's just the right size to easily fit into your purse or bag or whatever and I can use it to write on my stories easily without having to lug a big laptop around. The keyboard is just perfect size and the screen is too.
I'm currently plotting/working on a new story idea. I've decided to try my hand at writing a murder mystery and I already have the twist figured out (yay!) and I can't wait to start writing on it. I still have to do some more expending of characters and all that, but for the most part I'll start working on the first chapter and see what comes of it. Exciting!
Anyway, time to check my laundry.
Doing laundry at a friend's house because I can get it all done in four loads for free vs. doing 8 loads for $10 at our laundry for our apartment. Yah....free wins. Hehe. And I get to hang out with friends while I do and enjoy coffee while I do. So I think this will be the plan from now on. Hooray for fun times of coffee, laundry doing, and laundry.
On a happy fun note, I'm typing on our new laptop. Though technically it's a netbook, and it's this little small laptop that's amazing. We named it Bree. It's just the right size to easily fit into your purse or bag or whatever and I can use it to write on my stories easily without having to lug a big laptop around. The keyboard is just perfect size and the screen is too.
I'm currently plotting/working on a new story idea. I've decided to try my hand at writing a murder mystery and I already have the twist figured out (yay!) and I can't wait to start writing on it. I still have to do some more expending of characters and all that, but for the most part I'll start working on the first chapter and see what comes of it. Exciting!
Anyway, time to check my laundry.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Summer in April?!?
It's 90 degrees outside. Yesterday was 102. Apparently it's summertime. Wait...it's APRIL. I don't understand it. I swear, the weather is bi-polar or something. One minute it's freezing, the next you should be spending the days at the beach till they close, because it's unbearable anywhere else. But of course...the heat wave only comes on weekdays. Meh.
Spring break was nice. Nothing crazy happened. Just worked, and slept, and hung out with friends, and slept some more. And worked. Last weekend we drove down to Escondido to spend time with some friends, go shooting at their parents' place (FUN!), and do some airsofting. The weather was gorgeous, and everything was so green and pretty. It was a very fun relaxing full weekend.
While we were down there, I had some time to just have some solitude and quiet time. They had all this property with roses and trees, and four dogs running around. I could hear birds singing and the wind blowing through the leaves, and it wasn't broken by sirens, car horns, yells, or anything like that. I had time to just go walking, thinking, enjoying the quiet of nature, while being close enough to people to not feel all alone. I could live up there. I wish I could. Being close enough to the city to not feel far away, but having a place almost to retreat to when you need to, to get away from the hustle and bustle of everything, and have time to hear your thoughts, essentially. I miss that. I used to have that, but don't anymore... There's just not many quiet away places around here. Everything's so bunched in and tight that there's no real places where you won't run into anyone...so I hope to find a place like that someday. I would adore living up in a house like that...or just in the country. Maybe someday...
I keep wondering what I want to do with my life...I want to help people, but my helping people is more in just blessing them and healing them and being there for them. I don't want to be a psychologist or an attorney or anything like that. I'd want to open a bookstore/bakery and just bless people like that. Maybe someday I will...I hope I will. I wish I had a bigger place so I could open it up for people to come over, grab a cookie or coffee, and just relax. I think whenever we get a bigger place (whenever that may be) I'll make it a point of doing that. And maybe even have kids running around in the backyard as I talk with the moms and all that. I really love baking and wish I could do it more, and also do it for family and friends. I just don't have the time right now. Which is sad cause it helps me calm and be relaxed. Kinda like playing piano. That's something I have thought of. Maybe teaching piano lessons (beginners) whenever I have a piano. Or working in a daycare or as a mother's helper or something....
As you can tell, lots of random things have been going on in my head lately. Just a lot of processing, reassessing, figuring out where/what I'm supposed to be doing. Lots and lots of prayers...
On the bright side, God's been really blessing me lately. He brought an amazing woman into my life who I can relate to and talk with, and actually understands. I don't feel so alone anymore...and it's amazing. It feels like God just said, "All I wanted you to do was to ask..." *bam* I'm still hurting and I'm still working through a lot, and a lot of things are fresh and hurt so badly...but...I'm trusting God. I know, even if I don't know how, that He will work things out and heal.
On that note, I'm going to finish up at work and then head off to class. Bleh. I wish I was at the beach right now...instead of getting off work and then running straight to class. But I'm having coffee tonight with a good friend! So that will be fun!
Heat wave is supposed to break tomorrow. Hooray!! Let's see if it actually does.
Spring break was nice. Nothing crazy happened. Just worked, and slept, and hung out with friends, and slept some more. And worked. Last weekend we drove down to Escondido to spend time with some friends, go shooting at their parents' place (FUN!), and do some airsofting. The weather was gorgeous, and everything was so green and pretty. It was a very fun relaxing full weekend.
While we were down there, I had some time to just have some solitude and quiet time. They had all this property with roses and trees, and four dogs running around. I could hear birds singing and the wind blowing through the leaves, and it wasn't broken by sirens, car horns, yells, or anything like that. I had time to just go walking, thinking, enjoying the quiet of nature, while being close enough to people to not feel all alone. I could live up there. I wish I could. Being close enough to the city to not feel far away, but having a place almost to retreat to when you need to, to get away from the hustle and bustle of everything, and have time to hear your thoughts, essentially. I miss that. I used to have that, but don't anymore... There's just not many quiet away places around here. Everything's so bunched in and tight that there's no real places where you won't run into anyone...so I hope to find a place like that someday. I would adore living up in a house like that...or just in the country. Maybe someday...
I keep wondering what I want to do with my life...I want to help people, but my helping people is more in just blessing them and healing them and being there for them. I don't want to be a psychologist or an attorney or anything like that. I'd want to open a bookstore/bakery and just bless people like that. Maybe someday I will...I hope I will. I wish I had a bigger place so I could open it up for people to come over, grab a cookie or coffee, and just relax. I think whenever we get a bigger place (whenever that may be) I'll make it a point of doing that. And maybe even have kids running around in the backyard as I talk with the moms and all that. I really love baking and wish I could do it more, and also do it for family and friends. I just don't have the time right now. Which is sad cause it helps me calm and be relaxed. Kinda like playing piano. That's something I have thought of. Maybe teaching piano lessons (beginners) whenever I have a piano. Or working in a daycare or as a mother's helper or something....
As you can tell, lots of random things have been going on in my head lately. Just a lot of processing, reassessing, figuring out where/what I'm supposed to be doing. Lots and lots of prayers...
On the bright side, God's been really blessing me lately. He brought an amazing woman into my life who I can relate to and talk with, and actually understands. I don't feel so alone anymore...and it's amazing. It feels like God just said, "All I wanted you to do was to ask..." *bam* I'm still hurting and I'm still working through a lot, and a lot of things are fresh and hurt so badly...but...I'm trusting God. I know, even if I don't know how, that He will work things out and heal.
On that note, I'm going to finish up at work and then head off to class. Bleh. I wish I was at the beach right now...instead of getting off work and then running straight to class. But I'm having coffee tonight with a good friend! So that will be fun!
Heat wave is supposed to break tomorrow. Hooray!! Let's see if it actually does.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Day in the Life of a Receptionist.
6:50 AM Alarm rings. Groans. Turns it on snooze until second alarm goes off at 7:05. Turn it off, lay there for a few moments, enjoying the warmth of the bed and hubby curled up around me. Breathe, crawl out of bed. Curse the cold, find nice warm purple fuzzy robe, stumble out of the room. Check the weather (walking to and from bus stops), get ready to go. Out the door and on the bus by 7:50. Stare out the window till my stop, walk to work. Unlock the doors, turn off the alarm, turn on the lights. Drop my purse at my desk, immediately go turn on the printer and start coffee (no coffee = people frantic), check messages, jot them all down. Deliver messages, finally sit down at my desk to check email and try to wake up.
Phone rings. It's one of the attorneys giving a task. "Ok", do it. Sit staring at email, waiting for something to happen. Begins work on some projects boss left. Work, chat with friends online, scan, chat.
Midmorning now, starting to feel a little hungry but lunch is still a couple hours off. Phone rings, client who is angry attorney hasn't called them back. "I'm sorry they haven't called you, Yes, I gave them your message. It is not my fault he hasn't called. He's been in court hte last few days. No, I can't give out his cell number." Hang up. Sigh. Keep working.
Phone rings again, new client who just wants to make an appointment. "Let me transfer you" Another line ringing. "Hold please" Client who is insistent on speaking with another attorney "Ma'am, he's in a meeting with a client. He's unavailable. No I can't go back and tell him you're on the line. He's with a client. He's with a client. He'll give you a call back, let me grab your number." Goes on for 5 minutes. facepalm
Quiet for an hour. Work work work.
Lunchtime....relax, read, sometimes sleep. Or go out with a friend or hubby. The hour goes by way too quickly, but get back happy that there's only 3 1/2 hours left.
Finishes project for boss, prints it out. Phone rings. New client who doesn't speak very good English, but thinks if they talk louder, it'll be easier to be understood. "No, the attorney is unavailable. He's in court....no I can't give you his cell number. No I can't call him right now. He's in court. You want to hold? He hasn't been in the office all day, he's in court till 5. He wont' be in today. No. I'm just the receptionist. I'll make sure he gets your message. No I can't guarantee he'll call you back today. He's in court. May I get your number? Thank you. I'll see he gets it. Good bye." facepalm frustrating.
4:00, praise and hallelujahs because it's only an hour till home. Finish up anthother project, sit around counting down the minutes.
4:30, begin getting antsy and restless.
4:45, begins to pack things up.
4:50, Cleans up the kitchen, turns off the A/C and locks the front door. Rinses out the coffee maker/pot, make sure the final messages/faxes are delivered.
5:00, Run out the door and head home, by bus or car.
5:30, Home. Relax. Dinner. Laugh at how ridiculous job is...
12:00, go to bed. Ready to get up in the morning and do it all over again.
Phone rings. It's one of the attorneys giving a task. "Ok", do it. Sit staring at email, waiting for something to happen. Begins work on some projects boss left. Work, chat with friends online, scan, chat.
Midmorning now, starting to feel a little hungry but lunch is still a couple hours off. Phone rings, client who is angry attorney hasn't called them back. "I'm sorry they haven't called you, Yes, I gave them your message. It is not my fault he hasn't called. He's been in court hte last few days. No, I can't give out his cell number." Hang up. Sigh. Keep working.
Phone rings again, new client who just wants to make an appointment. "Let me transfer you" Another line ringing. "Hold please" Client who is insistent on speaking with another attorney "Ma'am, he's in a meeting with a client. He's unavailable. No I can't go back and tell him you're on the line. He's with a client. He's with a client. He'll give you a call back, let me grab your number." Goes on for 5 minutes. facepalm
Quiet for an hour. Work work work.
Lunchtime....relax, read, sometimes sleep. Or go out with a friend or hubby. The hour goes by way too quickly, but get back happy that there's only 3 1/2 hours left.
Finishes project for boss, prints it out. Phone rings. New client who doesn't speak very good English, but thinks if they talk louder, it'll be easier to be understood. "No, the attorney is unavailable. He's in court....no I can't give you his cell number. No I can't call him right now. He's in court. You want to hold? He hasn't been in the office all day, he's in court till 5. He wont' be in today. No. I'm just the receptionist. I'll make sure he gets your message. No I can't guarantee he'll call you back today. He's in court. May I get your number? Thank you. I'll see he gets it. Good bye." facepalm frustrating.
4:00, praise and hallelujahs because it's only an hour till home. Finish up anthother project, sit around counting down the minutes.
4:30, begin getting antsy and restless.
4:45, begins to pack things up.
4:50, Cleans up the kitchen, turns off the A/C and locks the front door. Rinses out the coffee maker/pot, make sure the final messages/faxes are delivered.
5:00, Run out the door and head home, by bus or car.
5:30, Home. Relax. Dinner. Laugh at how ridiculous job is...
12:00, go to bed. Ready to get up in the morning and do it all over again.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Been a while....
So....been a while since I've blogged. Just haven't had the time or energy, to be honest. Been a long stretch getting to Spring Break. And I only have 2 classes, which seems kinda pathetic that I'm so worn out from it, but add in working 9 hours a day, being married, and getting to class...it's tiring.
Been realizing something for a while now...9 months and Hubby graduates. Then we don't know where we'll be. We might stay here for a little while, or move, depending on what he gets for a job. Been married for about 7 months now (wow!!), and the way the time's been flying has made me realize how quickly years go by. So...9 months is going to fly by, and before we know it, things are all changed again. Plus best friends are all getting married this summer, and I don't know where they'll end up after being married...it's hard being an adult. I get so worn out and sad though, cause I know my friends who are still in school aren't thinking in those terms really (no blame there, if you have a year or two left, you're not really thinking in terms of where you or your friends will be in a semester), but....it's been hitting me really hard. 9 months or so (maybe a year), and everything will be changed. We might still be in this area, in all probability, we'll be moved at least 2 hours away, if not more. It's made me make it an effort to hang out with friends. It sounds silly but the semester is almost over (6 weeks counting finals and Spring Break?) , then it's the summer where everyone goes home (probably), and next thing you know, it's the last semester, and God only knows what we'll be doing after that.
It's a funny double-perspective that happens. Because on the one hand, it makes you hold on tight to your friends and spend time with them, and on the other hand, it makes you annoyed and frustrated dealing with "little" problems that aren't going to matter in the "real" world. Like homework, tests, whether you should go do this or that, if going to Commons will screw up your homework schedule, etc... I'm patient (usually!) with stuff like this, but it's sometimes frustrating cause it's like, "Ok....but that's not going to matter in a year when you're graduated! It's a wonderful balance to practice. I think I've been doing it ok....hopefully. I'm trying at least.
I've been having some bad days....especially last night. It was just a bad day. I couldn't stop thinking about stuff, and couldn't get images out of my head. And I was just frustrated because I was wishing/wanting/begging for someone I could talk to who would understand what I was going through...Aaron's amazing at listening and holding and comforting...but there are some things he only understands through proxy (right term I think?) because he's a guy. I know it's a long shot...but I've been aching for someone who I can talk to, who's been through it, who understands, to talk with. Cry with, pray with....and I don't...it's just so hard. There are many women I know I can talk with and ask for pray from, but...it's different. Things like schedules, being 3000 miles away, etc. I don't know...I just pray God helps somehow.
Speaking of God...my walk's going...I don't know the right term. Better? I guess that's right one. Heh. I'm not...feeling as close to God as I hope to be one day, but...I'm at peace, and He's been showing me His love in many ways. I've been praying more, and reading more. 2 Corinthians is an amazing book (thanks Matt for the tip!), and...I don't know. I guess I'm just at that point where I want to get closer to God and I want to trust Him, even though I don't know how...I'm trusting He'll teach me in that. I've also...I've realized how much He's been there for me, even when I thought He wasn't. It's been an interesting journey so far, but I know I'm doing better because when I've been so depressed and in dark places, I've begun praying/crying again. It's a start.
Lots of writing ideas going on in my head at the moment....not going to do much about them until I get my laptop thing in the summer. Aaron and I have decided to do our "big" purchases in the summer when we're both working FT and am making a decent amount of money. Hopefully save some as well, we've been trying but we hardly make enough to start saving, unfortunately. We've been doing our best, though. So hopefully over the summer we can get those big things we need. I've begun doing a little bit of the rearranging I'm hoping to do. It's slow going with work and school, but I'm hoping to Thursday night at least move the boxes into the other bedroom and that big table we have that I'm going to use as a craft's table. Then move my writing desk out into the living room, so I have my own space to work on stuff while Aaron's working on his projects too. We'll see how that all goes.
Now I should get back to work. Folding fliers, stuffing them into envelopes, labeling and stamping envelopes. Whee! Heh. Best thing is I get paid to do it. What a life. Hehe.
Been realizing something for a while now...9 months and Hubby graduates. Then we don't know where we'll be. We might stay here for a little while, or move, depending on what he gets for a job. Been married for about 7 months now (wow!!), and the way the time's been flying has made me realize how quickly years go by. So...9 months is going to fly by, and before we know it, things are all changed again. Plus best friends are all getting married this summer, and I don't know where they'll end up after being married...it's hard being an adult. I get so worn out and sad though, cause I know my friends who are still in school aren't thinking in those terms really (no blame there, if you have a year or two left, you're not really thinking in terms of where you or your friends will be in a semester), but....it's been hitting me really hard. 9 months or so (maybe a year), and everything will be changed. We might still be in this area, in all probability, we'll be moved at least 2 hours away, if not more. It's made me make it an effort to hang out with friends. It sounds silly but the semester is almost over (6 weeks counting finals and Spring Break?) , then it's the summer where everyone goes home (probably), and next thing you know, it's the last semester, and God only knows what we'll be doing after that.
It's a funny double-perspective that happens. Because on the one hand, it makes you hold on tight to your friends and spend time with them, and on the other hand, it makes you annoyed and frustrated dealing with "little" problems that aren't going to matter in the "real" world. Like homework, tests, whether you should go do this or that, if going to Commons will screw up your homework schedule, etc... I'm patient (usually!) with stuff like this, but it's sometimes frustrating cause it's like, "Ok....but that's not going to matter in a year when you're graduated! It's a wonderful balance to practice. I think I've been doing it ok....hopefully. I'm trying at least.
I've been having some bad days....especially last night. It was just a bad day. I couldn't stop thinking about stuff, and couldn't get images out of my head. And I was just frustrated because I was wishing/wanting/begging for someone I could talk to who would understand what I was going through...Aaron's amazing at listening and holding and comforting...but there are some things he only understands through proxy (right term I think?) because he's a guy. I know it's a long shot...but I've been aching for someone who I can talk to, who's been through it, who understands, to talk with. Cry with, pray with....and I don't...it's just so hard. There are many women I know I can talk with and ask for pray from, but...it's different. Things like schedules, being 3000 miles away, etc. I don't know...I just pray God helps somehow.
Speaking of God...my walk's going...I don't know the right term. Better? I guess that's right one. Heh. I'm not...feeling as close to God as I hope to be one day, but...I'm at peace, and He's been showing me His love in many ways. I've been praying more, and reading more. 2 Corinthians is an amazing book (thanks Matt for the tip!), and...I don't know. I guess I'm just at that point where I want to get closer to God and I want to trust Him, even though I don't know how...I'm trusting He'll teach me in that. I've also...I've realized how much He's been there for me, even when I thought He wasn't. It's been an interesting journey so far, but I know I'm doing better because when I've been so depressed and in dark places, I've begun praying/crying again. It's a start.
Lots of writing ideas going on in my head at the moment....not going to do much about them until I get my laptop thing in the summer. Aaron and I have decided to do our "big" purchases in the summer when we're both working FT and am making a decent amount of money. Hopefully save some as well, we've been trying but we hardly make enough to start saving, unfortunately. We've been doing our best, though. So hopefully over the summer we can get those big things we need. I've begun doing a little bit of the rearranging I'm hoping to do. It's slow going with work and school, but I'm hoping to Thursday night at least move the boxes into the other bedroom and that big table we have that I'm going to use as a craft's table. Then move my writing desk out into the living room, so I have my own space to work on stuff while Aaron's working on his projects too. We'll see how that all goes.
Now I should get back to work. Folding fliers, stuffing them into envelopes, labeling and stamping envelopes. Whee! Heh. Best thing is I get paid to do it. What a life. Hehe.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
So, I went and saw Watchmen a couple weeks ago. I really enjoyed it and the plot was intriguing. They used this song for a funeral scene with one of the characters, and it was an amazing scene. Also one of my favorite songs. Didn't have much to write today, figured I'd put up the lyrics. I've been humming it off and on for the last few days.
Sound of Silence
Hello darkness, my old friend,
Ive come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
neath the halo of a street lamp,
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of
A neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one deared
Disturb the sound of silence.
Fools said i,you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you.
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon God they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning,
In the words that it was forming.
And the signs said, the words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls.
And whispered in the sounds of silence.
Sound of Silence
Hello darkness, my old friend,
Ive come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
neath the halo of a street lamp,
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of
A neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one deared
Disturb the sound of silence.
Fools said i,you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you.
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon God they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning,
In the words that it was forming.
And the signs said, the words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls.
And whispered in the sounds of silence.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Been a long few weeks
Well, been a long few weeks. Was at Winter Camp with my Jr Highers (had some really good talks), then weekend after that, I got horribly sick. Started on Wednesday night, slept, went to work on Thursday thinking it was just a cold, came home on Friday after being at work for only an hour and a half, fell into bed and slept. Felt better on Saturday, went out with some friends to a yummy crepes place and an amazing old bookstore, came home, feeling sick again, slept-Sunday night. Aaron was pampering me the entire time, cuddling and all that, which was nice. Being sick is so much nicer with a hubby to curl up next to you and hold you. Feeling much better now, but still have a bit of a runny nose and a deep wracking cough that makes me feel like my lungs are trying to escape my body. Or something. Annoying and gives me that slightly under the weather feel, the one where you can't get away with calling in sick but you're at work and feel kinda crappy kind.
I've been watching Dollhouse, the new series by Joss Whedon. It's really really good. Very interesting concept. A business that wipes people's memories completely so that they can be "imprinted" with whatever the buyer wants. So each show is a different "imprint" on the main girl, Echo. It's fun and creepy at times. It's interesting to see how Joss Whedon's matured in his writing. I'm also watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 3), and comparing that with Firefly or Dollhouse is interesting. I'm enjoying them a lot.
My writing's come to a standstill at the moment. Realized I would do a lot more if I could use my laptop, which is broken and we need to take it in. Cause then while Aaron's on the computer I could be on the couch typing up a wonderful fun new story. So I think I shall poke him to get it fixed asap. Would be nice for school too....
Overall, been good. Had some hard days in the past few weeks, but overall, it's been good. Just trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing, who I am, and where we should be aiming when my hubby graduates in December. You know, life stuff.
I've been watching Dollhouse, the new series by Joss Whedon. It's really really good. Very interesting concept. A business that wipes people's memories completely so that they can be "imprinted" with whatever the buyer wants. So each show is a different "imprint" on the main girl, Echo. It's fun and creepy at times. It's interesting to see how Joss Whedon's matured in his writing. I'm also watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 3), and comparing that with Firefly or Dollhouse is interesting. I'm enjoying them a lot.
My writing's come to a standstill at the moment. Realized I would do a lot more if I could use my laptop, which is broken and we need to take it in. Cause then while Aaron's on the computer I could be on the couch typing up a wonderful fun new story. So I think I shall poke him to get it fixed asap. Would be nice for school too....
Overall, been good. Had some hard days in the past few weeks, but overall, it's been good. Just trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing, who I am, and where we should be aiming when my hubby graduates in December. You know, life stuff.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Darkness and Light
So...life caught up with me over the last week or so. Winter Camp was fun, but incredibly exhausting. And our youth pastor thought it'd be a good idea to plan it on the weekend the time changes. Trying to get Jr Highers and High Schoolers out of bed at 7 with the time change...was near impossible. It was pretty hilarious though. Was able to have some good talks with a couple girls, and overall was able to connect with the youth group, which was really nice.
On a rather different note, it feels like when things are at their lowest, something else hits and causes it to get blacker. And you don't know why that something hit you right then but it did. It's so frustrating when it happens because it screws up the rest of whatever you had to do...but I guess it's why it happens then. Because it's the worse possible time. I dunno...
Light goes away, darkness comes...but light always comes back...no need to fear the dark...
On a rather different note, it feels like when things are at their lowest, something else hits and causes it to get blacker. And you don't know why that something hit you right then but it did. It's so frustrating when it happens because it screws up the rest of whatever you had to do...but I guess it's why it happens then. Because it's the worse possible time. I dunno...
Light goes away, darkness comes...but light always comes back...no need to fear the dark...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Hair's different...

So...I got my hair cut and styled, and dyed over the weekend. It looks amazing. I love it, as does my hubby.
I went to a Murder Mystery party last night where I was the bartender named "Molly". It was quite fun given that my hair is red so I really looked like a Molly. No alcoholic drinks but some good ones. It was loads of fun, and I don't think I've gotten so many compliments about how well I mixed drinks before. Guess all those times working as a waitress, multi-tasking paid off. And there's just something so natural about mixing drinks to me. I have a feeling of what tastes good with what, how much I should put in, etc. I love it. I'd seriously consider a bartending job at a nice Irish Pub if I didn't already have a good job.
This weekend has gone by so fast, and it's kinda a bummer. It's been an amazing fun weekend, just one of the more fast ones. This week will be busy because we have several things to do. Then Watchmen on Thursday night and Jr High Winter Camp this coming weekend. Should be a lot of fun but exhausting. First time I've been to a winter camp, and I'm excited. I love all of the Jr Highers and the Staff, so it shall be grand fun.
Off to muse more on my story and then watch a movie with my hubby before he has to go to a meeting on campus for a presentation. I'm going to go with him and relax. Maybe say hi to a few people, we'll see.
Hope your weekends been blessed and amazing!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Friday! Huzzah! I'm so very glad it's the weekend. It's going to be an amazing packed fun time. Tonight Cody and Raf are coming up, tomorrow I'm getting my hair done while my hubby and friends go airsofting, then I'm being a bartender named Molly at a Murder Mystery with some good friends which should be a grand old time. Then Sunday we're going to the LA Zoo to hang out for a while, which I'm extremely excited about! I haven't been to the zoo in ages...last time I can think of is when I was helping out with some preschoolers and we took a field trip there..but I must have been only 14? Weird!
Last night I saw a highschool's production of A Midsummer's Night Dream. It was very good, and also made me long for theater. Sounds slightly odd since I was never much involved till I got to college, and then it just fell away. But watching those kids perform, and seeing the ones who were adorably nervous and the seniors who had been doing this for a while, just made me long for that community and that fun time. I might try out for a play, if I get the chance. We'll see. I'm already so incredibly busy, I'm not sure I would want to add yet another thing onto my plate. Maybe the summer...?
My new story is coming along well. It's forming in my mind and coming out on paper decently accurate. Hehe. I've been trying to get some feedback on what people think, and so far everyone's been enjoying it. I'm confusing some, apparently, but that's alright because they are kinda jumping straight into the story...more like if you were watching something through a window for a period of time. We'll see how it goes. I've been urged by a friend to try to publish it just for fun whenever it gets done. I might...
I feel slightly gypsy-ish today. I'm wearing a pretty full flowing skirt, a white shirt, and boots. I really want to go twirl. Hehe. I should have worn my hoop earrings! Ah well, such is life, I suppose.
So after this long, rambly post, I think I shall go...do something else. Not sure what, but I'll think of something. Possibly write on my story some more...or sort the mail. That might be a good idea.
Last night I saw a highschool's production of A Midsummer's Night Dream. It was very good, and also made me long for theater. Sounds slightly odd since I was never much involved till I got to college, and then it just fell away. But watching those kids perform, and seeing the ones who were adorably nervous and the seniors who had been doing this for a while, just made me long for that community and that fun time. I might try out for a play, if I get the chance. We'll see. I'm already so incredibly busy, I'm not sure I would want to add yet another thing onto my plate. Maybe the summer...?
My new story is coming along well. It's forming in my mind and coming out on paper decently accurate. Hehe. I've been trying to get some feedback on what people think, and so far everyone's been enjoying it. I'm confusing some, apparently, but that's alright because they are kinda jumping straight into the story...more like if you were watching something through a window for a period of time. We'll see how it goes. I've been urged by a friend to try to publish it just for fun whenever it gets done. I might...
I feel slightly gypsy-ish today. I'm wearing a pretty full flowing skirt, a white shirt, and boots. I really want to go twirl. Hehe. I should have worn my hoop earrings! Ah well, such is life, I suppose.
So after this long, rambly post, I think I shall go...do something else. Not sure what, but I'll think of something. Possibly write on my story some more...or sort the mail. That might be a good idea.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
So I'm working on a new story, and I tried to post it up on here, but something about it wasn't getting recognized...which makes me sad. I'm wondering if it was the font or something. I'll keep trying.
Anyway...yesterday was a decent day. Not too bad, kinda long. I broke down pretty hard last night over some stuff...I'm realizing those are becoming much more regular now. Guess that's a good thing. It's the kind of breakdown you have when you can't even pray besides sobbing, because you have no words to speak, to anyone, let alone God. Aaron's been getting more hopeful, I'm still struggling with the idea of God's goodness in the midst of a decaying horrible evil world. And frankly, I don't know how to reconcile things I know and God. I don't know if I will ever see the goodness of the Lord or have it revealed to me, and I'm wondering if I would even recognize it for what it was, if He did. I'm...well...I'm not doing anything. I'm waiting on God, albeit sometimes angrily. The Bible says, "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?"
I just don't know anymore...I guess I'm stubbornly holding on to something I can't see and am unsure of, but won't let go.
Anyway...yesterday was a decent day. Not too bad, kinda long. I broke down pretty hard last night over some stuff...I'm realizing those are becoming much more regular now. Guess that's a good thing. It's the kind of breakdown you have when you can't even pray besides sobbing, because you have no words to speak, to anyone, let alone God. Aaron's been getting more hopeful, I'm still struggling with the idea of God's goodness in the midst of a decaying horrible evil world. And frankly, I don't know how to reconcile things I know and God. I don't know if I will ever see the goodness of the Lord or have it revealed to me, and I'm wondering if I would even recognize it for what it was, if He did. I'm...well...I'm not doing anything. I'm waiting on God, albeit sometimes angrily. The Bible says, "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?"
I just don't know anymore...I guess I'm stubbornly holding on to something I can't see and am unsure of, but won't let go.
Monday, February 23, 2009
So...it's Monday. Bleh. It makes this week worst too, cause I had last Monday off (yay for Pres' Day!). When I restarted this, I meant to post pretty regularly, but real life caught up with me over the last couple of weeks, and I didn't have anything to write on. Well, I had a lot of stuff I could write on, but nothing I wanted to.
Nothing too exciting in the past couple of weeks. Valentine's Day was lovely. We went out to dinner Friday night, then saw The International (it wasn't very good, unfortunately). Then on Saturday, we relaxed, and went out to see Coraline 3D (thanks to some good friends who gave us some $ as a Valentine's Day gift). Then Sunday we just relaxed, found out I had Monday off...so it truly felt like an extended Valentine's weekend, which was lovely.
Last week wasn't as good, unfortunately. Aaron and I both weren't feeling good all week, which made us more irritable, but we were able to talk out some stuff, which was good. The weekend was very nice. Went down to LA and Hollywood on Saturday, relaxed on Sunday, saw Twilight that night at the dollar theater (my soul still hurts!!). I don't know how anyone actually likes that story...it's horribly written, the characters are either under-developed or way over the top, and any instance of an interesting sub-plot is effectively killed. Plus you should never make a movie assuming the people who are going to watch it have read the book. Foolish and prideful. Ahh...what I do in order to relate to my Jr Highers.
Now it's Monday. Whee...? Wish the weekend could have been longer. This week should be decent, though. The end of the week is going to be fun. Thursday Aaron and I get to go see A Midsummer's Night Dream, getting put on by one of the high schools around here. The girl doing the costumes is in our youth group, so it'll be fun. Then Saturday I'm getting my hair done and have a Murder Mystery to go to that night! Next weekend is Winter Camp (hooray!). Busy next couple of weeks.
You know what's bad at the moment? Being married and wanting a baby. Hehe. I know we can't yet, we should at least wait until Aaron graduates, but damn...the longing's there. Especially whenever I see a cute little one. Saw a little baby a couple weeks ago, and I went, "Aww...I want one!" Silly biological clock ticking. All in good and God's time, I know. Doesn't mean I can't want one now...but perhaps I should be careful what I wish for? God has a sense of humor...
I've been trying to get back into writing...and I was rereading some of the stories I had started/written, and sometimes I can hardly believe that was me writing...it feels like my muse took off and ran. Or my imagination died because I've seen too much of the decaying world...and it feels like anything I try to write will be depressive and dark. Which might not be such a bad thing...So far, I have no idea of any kind of story to work on. Most of the stuff I've been writing is poetry to help me work out emotions, issues, and pains I've been dealing with. I can't really do that with stories...here's hoping my muse comes back soon. It should, she always returns.
Well, back to work for me, I suppose. And it's only 9:30. Wow...this day is going to be incredibly long.
Nothing too exciting in the past couple of weeks. Valentine's Day was lovely. We went out to dinner Friday night, then saw The International (it wasn't very good, unfortunately). Then on Saturday, we relaxed, and went out to see Coraline 3D (thanks to some good friends who gave us some $ as a Valentine's Day gift). Then Sunday we just relaxed, found out I had Monday off...so it truly felt like an extended Valentine's weekend, which was lovely.
Last week wasn't as good, unfortunately. Aaron and I both weren't feeling good all week, which made us more irritable, but we were able to talk out some stuff, which was good. The weekend was very nice. Went down to LA and Hollywood on Saturday, relaxed on Sunday, saw Twilight that night at the dollar theater (my soul still hurts!!). I don't know how anyone actually likes that story...it's horribly written, the characters are either under-developed or way over the top, and any instance of an interesting sub-plot is effectively killed. Plus you should never make a movie assuming the people who are going to watch it have read the book. Foolish and prideful. Ahh...what I do in order to relate to my Jr Highers.
Now it's Monday. Whee...? Wish the weekend could have been longer. This week should be decent, though. The end of the week is going to be fun. Thursday Aaron and I get to go see A Midsummer's Night Dream, getting put on by one of the high schools around here. The girl doing the costumes is in our youth group, so it'll be fun. Then Saturday I'm getting my hair done and have a Murder Mystery to go to that night! Next weekend is Winter Camp (hooray!). Busy next couple of weeks.
You know what's bad at the moment? Being married and wanting a baby. Hehe. I know we can't yet, we should at least wait until Aaron graduates, but damn...the longing's there. Especially whenever I see a cute little one. Saw a little baby a couple weeks ago, and I went, "Aww...I want one!" Silly biological clock ticking. All in good and God's time, I know. Doesn't mean I can't want one now...but perhaps I should be careful what I wish for? God has a sense of humor...
I've been trying to get back into writing...and I was rereading some of the stories I had started/written, and sometimes I can hardly believe that was me writing...it feels like my muse took off and ran. Or my imagination died because I've seen too much of the decaying world...and it feels like anything I try to write will be depressive and dark. Which might not be such a bad thing...So far, I have no idea of any kind of story to work on. Most of the stuff I've been writing is poetry to help me work out emotions, issues, and pains I've been dealing with. I can't really do that with stories...here's hoping my muse comes back soon. It should, she always returns.
Well, back to work for me, I suppose. And it's only 9:30. Wow...this day is going to be incredibly long.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
It's one of those days...
You know when you wake up and you just know it's going to be "one of those days"? Not necessarily bad, but still. I woke up like that this morning. Both my alarms went off, and I still manged to wake up ten minutes later than I meant to. Which meant I had to rush to get out the door because I needed to get bus money. Oh yes, that's right. I ran out of bus money yesterday (well, not ran out so much as needed more). I realized this fact at 1 AM when nothing is open. So I decided I would just go early. Set my alarms and went to bed with my hubby. Slept restless (we both woke up at 4 AM for some reason and couldn't fall back to sleep till later). Then, as I said before, woke up 10 minutes later than I meant even with my alarms going off. So rushed, got bus money, made it to the bus in time, and all that. But it feels like just one of those days. It was so cold this morning when I was out walking to my stop, freezing in my office building. I'm just now starting to get warm, and wistfully thinking of the warm covers and body I left at home this morning.
I suppose I shouldn't be complaining as much...I have a steady job in a recession, I have a husband who loves me and takes care of me, a roof over my head, food on the table, etc...
...except that I'm not at peace. I'm just so tired and worn out from everything. I feel like "butter scraped over too much bread". It feels like I keep giving and giving, putting out so much of my emotions and energy, but what's getting returned is only 1/4 of what I gave out...but somehow I'm supposed to keep doing the same amount, on less. I'm struggling with my faith, and have so many doubts. I don't know where to turn...God feels so very distant and sometimes not even there.
I just wish there weren't so many questions and so few answers...
I miss them terribly.
I suppose I shouldn't be complaining as much...I have a steady job in a recession, I have a husband who loves me and takes care of me, a roof over my head, food on the table, etc...
...except that I'm not at peace. I'm just so tired and worn out from everything. I feel like "butter scraped over too much bread". It feels like I keep giving and giving, putting out so much of my emotions and energy, but what's getting returned is only 1/4 of what I gave out...but somehow I'm supposed to keep doing the same amount, on less. I'm struggling with my faith, and have so many doubts. I don't know where to turn...God feels so very distant and sometimes not even there.
I just wish there weren't so many questions and so few answers...
I miss them terribly.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Yesterday was a bad day. And not for any particular reason. I can't point exactly and say, "Yep. That's when my day started going downhill." It was just bad. Little things bugged, big things bugged, everything was just awful, really. Now, there were several things that made the day hugely better (lunch, etc). And on top of work, I had to go to a 3hr class that I hadn't gotten the coursepacket for yet, so I had nothing to take notes with. Now, the prof let us out an hour early (yay!), and Aaron took me for ice-cream afterwards, but...I don't know. The overall tone for the day was just bad, awful, wearying.
To top it all off, I've been sleeping restlessly at night, because I don't want to sleep deeply, cause then I'll dream, but if I don't sleep, I get so worn out, I fall asleep. It's like a horrible cycle that never stops and never fixes itself. And the problem isn't that they are nightmares. That is the problem: they aren't. They're "just dreams"...of stuff I don't know what to do with. There's nothing I can do about it, and I don't know what...how I'm supposed to react, be feeling, or dealing. I just don't know.
I'm also struggling with my faith in God right now. Not that I'll leave the faith or something...I just don't know how to reconcile my faith with what I know. How could a loving God allow stuff like that to happen? Is it our place to question? Even Job questioned, but then he stayed faithful and trusted God. Is that the answer? There's a certain point when you just have to trust that God is in control? Faith and Reason go together, but how? Right and wrong, principles, laws...freedom. That age-old question, right? Why does God let bad things happen? How do you trust God in the midst of hell? How do you trust when you're out but others aren't? What do you do when everything is screaming in all directions?
...I don't know anymore...
To top it all off, I've been sleeping restlessly at night, because I don't want to sleep deeply, cause then I'll dream, but if I don't sleep, I get so worn out, I fall asleep. It's like a horrible cycle that never stops and never fixes itself. And the problem isn't that they are nightmares. That is the problem: they aren't. They're "just dreams"...of stuff I don't know what to do with. There's nothing I can do about it, and I don't know what...how I'm supposed to react, be feeling, or dealing. I just don't know.
I'm also struggling with my faith in God right now. Not that I'll leave the faith or something...I just don't know how to reconcile my faith with what I know. How could a loving God allow stuff like that to happen? Is it our place to question? Even Job questioned, but then he stayed faithful and trusted God. Is that the answer? There's a certain point when you just have to trust that God is in control? Faith and Reason go together, but how? Right and wrong, principles, laws...freedom. That age-old question, right? Why does God let bad things happen? How do you trust God in the midst of hell? How do you trust when you're out but others aren't? What do you do when everything is screaming in all directions?
...I don't know anymore...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sleepless Nights
I went to bed at 5 this morning, and didn't fall asleep till 6:15. I was up by 7. I have work till 5 tonight, and class till 9pm. So that's a 14-15 hour day, on 45 minutes of sleep. Me on no sleep can be one of two things. Either, I'll be extremely entertaining and make no sense, or I'll be in a horrid mood all day...it's up in the air at the moment.
My dreams are coming back...and they're not bad dreams, just dreams about life and past things. Problem being, it makes for extremely restless sleep. I don't want to be dreaming about reality. I want reality to stay where it's supposed to be, and dreams...well...to be normal, weird, like they're supposed to be.
Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you just did one thing differently? Said yes instead of no. Went one way instead of the other. It's a bit of a crazy thing to think on. I can picture several ways my life could have gone...I am very glad and joyful it went the way it did.
I've been changing my views on hope as well as other things I'm not going to go into. I don't believe hope is that happy feeling that everything will work out in the end. I think it's stubbornness and despair, to be honest. That you will keep going, no matter what, trudging on and on, hoping that one day, dawn will come. But until then, you march, trudge, along in the dark, fighting off all manner of evils, given no rest, hoping a deep stubborn hope that light will come again. You hope, even though deep down, you don't think it will. Why do you continue on then? Because, dawn will come. And you'd rather die fighting and waiting for it, than just lay down and admit defeat, and die there.
"Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: You don't give up."
~Anne Lamott~
I have decided that I shall write a book, someday, on my life. Or perhaps that is too arrogant? I don't know. I want to write out my story eventually and hopefully use it to help others. We shall see how that works out. I also want to open up a bookstore/coffeeshop/bakery. Perhaps all shall work out....
My dreams are coming back...and they're not bad dreams, just dreams about life and past things. Problem being, it makes for extremely restless sleep. I don't want to be dreaming about reality. I want reality to stay where it's supposed to be, and dreams...well...to be normal, weird, like they're supposed to be.
Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you just did one thing differently? Said yes instead of no. Went one way instead of the other. It's a bit of a crazy thing to think on. I can picture several ways my life could have gone...I am very glad and joyful it went the way it did.
I've been changing my views on hope as well as other things I'm not going to go into. I don't believe hope is that happy feeling that everything will work out in the end. I think it's stubbornness and despair, to be honest. That you will keep going, no matter what, trudging on and on, hoping that one day, dawn will come. But until then, you march, trudge, along in the dark, fighting off all manner of evils, given no rest, hoping a deep stubborn hope that light will come again. You hope, even though deep down, you don't think it will. Why do you continue on then? Because, dawn will come. And you'd rather die fighting and waiting for it, than just lay down and admit defeat, and die there.
"Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: You don't give up."
~Anne Lamott~
I have decided that I shall write a book, someday, on my life. Or perhaps that is too arrogant? I don't know. I want to write out my story eventually and hopefully use it to help others. We shall see how that works out. I also want to open up a bookstore/coffeeshop/bakery. Perhaps all shall work out....
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