Guess that happens when life goes insane.
Not much I can talk about, unfortunately (or fortunately). Suffice it to say, the past two weeks have been ones of turmoil, insanity, and lots of trusting. Things have worked out for the better, thankfully, but it took lots of bloodsweattears (not literally but that idea), like most things.
I haven't been feeling very well the last couple of weeks. I caught a nasty headcold last week that has morphed into a wonderful chestcough and sore throat now (yay!).
I've also been trying to figure out what to do with my life. Yes, yes, wasn't it just a few weeks (months?) ago I posted a blog that I had figured out what I was doing? Well, yes. But I'm actually now trying to figure out how to do that. Sure, I have figured out ideally and abstractly what I want to do (even have a vague sense of how to do that), but currently am trying to figure out practically how to do that. A lot harder than it seemed. Well....more that I have to make some hard calls on how and what to do when. I've never been much of a planner, so having to plan 5-8 years of schooling....not really my cup of tea. I sometimes wish I had an administrative/organized mind, instead of the crazy unorganized chaos that is my artist's brain. But I suppose if I had that mind, I wouldn't be able to write as I do or what I enjoy writing.
Speaking of writing, I really need to get back on that. I haven't written anything (besides some blogposts and journal entries, which I don't really consider writing writing) in a very long time. Happened when our Netbook broke (which had most of my stories on it), and I enjoy having my Netbook to work on when that happened, kind of lost touch. We're getting it fixed soon, though, so I should be able to start working on them again. It's the summer, afterall, I might as well do something besides catching up on movies and reading a ton. Oh my goodness, I love the summer.
Speaking of summer, I have decided to swim 3x a week for the summer (if not longer). I did my first last night and while it was probably only about 20 minutes or so (if that), it felt glorious. Not only was the temperature just right, the time was perfect, and it felt a good way to start off my night at home (I got home from work, changed, swam, and then showered). So partially to get into better shape and partially because it was a glorious de-stresser from work and mostly for the relaxation and fun, I will do this consistently for the next few weeks and see how I'm feeling after that.
I realize I'll always be a bit of a curvy girl (and let's face it, most of my curves are things I can't and don't want to lose ;-) ), doesn't mean I wouldn't mind being a better toned curvy girl. So we shall see how it goes. I'll be happy just to tone up my stomach if nothing else. Hehe.
Though, oddly, I'm completely at ease with who I am and what I look like. Sure, I want to make some changes but mostly for fun than anything else. Sure I can see things in which I could be "better" (or perhaps healthier is a better term? Not better, because it's not like I'm bad or wrong or something)....but overall, I am content with who I am and how I look. The changes are for fun, to match who I see myself as inside, not because I need to change but because I want to. And that's the difference.
Hubby and I just finished watching the final few episodes of Battlestar Galactica. Oh my was one of the most amazing finales I've ever seen in a TV show. Ever. Soo amazing. And they actually pulled off making the good guys be good and the bad guys bad, and having that be the downfall. The reason the bad guys "get what's coming" is not through the good guys being tricky or the bad guys having a change of heart. No, it was from their own natures interacting with each other. The bad guys got what was coming because they acted according to their nature, and that was their downfall. It's very hard to do, and very hard to do believably. The BSG writers managed to do it believably and well. Go watch the series all the way through. It's really good, and the end ties everything together. I've never seen a character actually come full-circle as they made one of theirs do. I was in shock, and cried. A lot. At the end. But then again, this is me. I cried watching the "Dream On" episode in Glee. If you are going to spend your summer watching random TV shows, I'd highly suggest you spend it watching BSG. It's well worth your time. Trust me.
Also, there is a crack in the ceiling/wall at work. I am now on edge, trying not to look in the corner of my eye and also waiting to hear a certain sound.
...When on earth did I become such a nerd?
I cannot wait for Inception to come out. I will watch anything by the Nolan Brothers (practically) and Leo DiCapprio has really come into his own as an actor. I didn't like him for the longest time but he has done such good movies lately, that I've come to love him. So mix him with Ellen Page and the Nolan Brothers, and oh my goodness, can hardly wait!!! Think I'm going to plan an amazing date for me and Hubby around this movie. Seems too good not to.
Alrighty, now that I've
So say we all.
One of my favorite quotes:
Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.
Gloria Steinem
I love you and Aaron and can't wait to see you next Friday!!
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