Good news, bad news, good news.
Bad news first!
First, had a pretty awful week. Didn't sleep enough, felt sick for most of it. Ate as regularly as I could, but stomach just wasn't liking it at all. Instant Breakfast has become my savior during the morning, because it is about the only thing that I can regularly drink without feeling worse. So this week just wasn't that great at all.
Then (now I want to preface this other thing as bad news but turns into good news. So don't freak out):
I got my letter from AIM. It was a rejection, claiming we made "too much" money. Now, bright side, they totally did their math wrong. So we wrote a letter appealing the decision and faxed it in Friday morning along with our tax returns.
This will lead into the good news. Hubby then called that afternoon to make sure they got everything and if they needed anything else and to make sure they would correct their mistake. So good: They always take the lowest income you send in (even if you've already sent in paystubs that are higher), they will review it, and given that the only reason I didn't get accepted was because of income being "too high", that should fix the problem! Bad thing: It could take up to 15 business days to get it all done. So more waiting for us, I suppose. I'm hoping that since I'm already in the system it won't take that long. But we shall see.
More good news, Hubby then took me out to Olive Garden because I was so stressed and tired and worn out after that, so that was lovely. I didn't eat as much as I wanted but oh well. My appetite is coming and going. It's very weird right now. But I'm glad I at least have some sort of appetite.
Anyway, today marks the beginning of Week 11 for Baby! Which all I can say, is this past week has been the most tiring for me. I've been exhausted even going to bed early! I decided, last night, to take a nap around 7:15, thinking I'd sleep for an hour, wake up and watch a movie with Hubby. I ended up going to bed and not waking up at all until about 11am (not counting the run to the bathroom moments of waking up). I slept for almost 15 hours! Apparently I was tired! The bad thing about this though was the fact that I hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday. Yah, dizzy, tired, nauseated me in the morning. I finally did get up and eat and feel much better now.
It's hard to believe that Baby is forming fists and is now moving about! And forming teeth! Apparently Baby will be practically fully formed by the end of this week. Wow! How amazing is that! And I'm almost done with the First Trimester! How crazy! Time is juts flying by! I cannot believe it.
No picture (yet) today. I haven't been feeling so great all week, and definitely NOT in the mood to take a picture of myself. Maybe later or tomorrow, when I'm feeling better.
Anyway though, I'm doing ok. I caught up on sleep, thankfully. Am eating more regularly. Insurance will hopefully be all taken care of, I just have to be patient for now. And I'm hoping that the 2nd Trimester, while not make me feel normal, will at least alleviate some of these annoying things.
I am super excited to meet this Baby! I cannot wait to hear the heartbeat!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
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