I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday....well, I was supposed to. I got there right on time and waited, but around 2:15, the doctor called to tell the nurses he won't be in today because of 2 c-sections and 3 women in labor at the hospital. Understandably, he couldn't make it. However, I saw one of the nurses, who took my blood pressure/weight and all that good stuff. Then tried to get Baby's heartbeat. When I say "try", I mean it took her about 5 different tries to pinpoint where Baby was because apparently, Baby did not like the Doppler at all. Baby was running away. I thought it was the funniest thing, and figured I might be in for some trouble with this one. Though a freind poitned out Baby could be just shy or something. Nurse eventually got Baby's heartbeat, and it was going as fast as ever (150s!).
Everything looks good. I have another appointment on Wed, and I hope this time around we'll be able to schedule the ultrasound! All in good time, I suppose. I'm just rather impatient.
I've taken to telling Baby goodnight every night, rubbing my belly, and also singing (though that's mostly me jsut singing along to songs). Pretty sure I've been feeling Baby off and on. Been getting a lot stronger. It's pretty cool! Baby certainly was not happy after the Doppler. Totally was kicking me.
I've been doing pretty well. Popped out over the week, which is pretty cool. Definitely pregnant! Been getting headaches and feeling some round ligament pain, which isn't so fun, but oh well. I also have had trouble sleeping at night cause my back hurts. I mostly toss and turn and wake up multiple times, but what can you do. Apparently, over the weekend, I rolled over and my back popped so loud that Hubby glanced over and asked if I was ok. Ouch. He's tried to give me some backrubs but nothing's helping too much. Also getting some stretch marks, but I don't care terribly. Just figure it comes with the territory.
Overall though, been feeling rather amazing. I finally feel back to my normal self! Well, as normal as I can feel being pregnant, but not feeling constantly sick/nauseous/throwing up is a nice nice change.
I also went through my drawers and put away clothes that haven't/won't fit for a while, just to kind of get my bearings on what I have, what I might need, and what I just plain old want. Haha. Drawers look a bit bare now, but at least I kind of have an idea of what I do have and what I probably will need more of.
I can't believe Thanksgiving is in a week and a half! Where on earth is the time going? Before we know it, our Baby will be here in our arms. Yikes. I should get working on that shopping list!
Here's the picture for today. I took it on Friday, cause I really liked my outfit.
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