To start out with, I'm going to out and out say this right now: When the hell did I get to be in week 30 (technically, 29 weeks and 3 days)?! Time is going by so quickly! It's hard to believe that in 10 short weeks (or sooner!), we'll be holding our dear little Molly.
Apparently, she is growing and gaining weight, which is good! She should be about 14-15inches long and weights 2 1/2-3pounds. She also is quite the mover. And also takes after Momma and Daddy in that she's definitely a night-owl. To the point of waking me up because of how much she's moving about and kicking. Thursday night, she gave me one heck of a smack in my ribcage, the kind that made me gasp for breath as I woke up. She liked that, cause she kept doing it. She also loves the somersaults (at least, it feels like that), kicks. She has gotten this habit of when I place my hand on her or Hubby does, she stretches up against it. We think she's already a cuddler! She also loovveess to hear Hubby's voice and we think, his pulse at night. Cause she feels him or hears him and won't stop moving about. She also either hates or loves oranges, but it's the sure-fire thing to get her moving about if I need to. Her eyes are opening and closing, and she can tell when it's light out or dark out (pretty cool!). Brain's developing and she's just growing and growing. I feel like she grows overnight at times.
As for me, I'm feeling rather wonderful! So far, the only complaint I have (still) is just the trouble of sleeping well. My back hurts and I can feel my pelvic bones expanding and also hips and such. Not so fun, but hey, all part of the deal right? My friends joke that it's just getting me ready for when Molly is here and she keeps me up all night.
I have a doctor's appointment this Wednesday, so I should get all the results back from my labwork, and I have some questions I need to ask.
It's so exciting that there's 10 weeks left! And also a bit terrifying. Baby Shower is planned in March, and I'm looking forward to celebrating Molly with family.
Hubby and I are at the point where we can't wait to meet her! Though we both (obviously) know that she needs to stay where she is for at least 6 more weeks.
April is coming up so fast. I can hardly wait!
Here's my full-29/starting Week30 picture! I'm very, very round! Only going to get more so from here on out! Hehe.
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