You are 4 months old today! How time is flying. That means I have officially been back at work for a month, and you have been in daycare for a month.
You have grown so much in such a short time. (Warning, this post will be full of pictures and videos!) You've gone from sometimes talking and laughing to constantly smiling and giggling. You are so observant! You stare and stare and think really hard about things; and then do them. You're like your daddy in that.
You've begun loving to play! You will giggle and laugh as you try to grab onto rattles. We got this new toy and you think it is the most amazing thing ever! Especially that monkey. You can't get enough of it. You keep bouncing up and down, and love the rattling noise it makes!
You are finding everything fascinating. And trying to repeat it all the time. You've discovered that Momma and Daddy will do silly voices and that it is the funniest thing ever. You are even more so now in the "must taste everything because OMG I HAVE A TONGUE" phase. Which means you alternate between trying to eat everything and trying to pull your own tongue out of your mouth. Momma and Daddy find this incredibly entertaining to watch.
You are trying so hard to talk. You babble away and look at us to see if we're paying attention/talking back. We also discovered that you love to watch cartoons! This gives Momma and Daddy a much needed break at times.
You thought Peter Pan was the best movie, which made Momma smile because it means you are a girl after her own heart.
Momma couldn't stop smiling at how much you were laughing and giggling at Peter Pan.
This past weekend, we took you on your first beach trip to Laguna to visit Daddy's aunt! It was so much fun!
Daddy's aunt was so very glad to see you!
You also got your first taste of strawberry! And boy, did you love it!
You even got super cranky when Forrest took it away!
You really nom'd that strawberry to death! Once again, a girl after Momma's own heart. If you hadn't liked strawberries, I would have been sad!
You weren't that excited for the beach. You mostly slept! However, I did manage to get a couple of cute shots of you in your swimsuit from Nana and Grandpa!
(That is your, "Momma, why do you always take my picture??" face)
And this is when you woke up and you were hanging out with Daddy. You were watching the kids on the playground!
We actually did take you down a couple slides at the playground! No pictures however. You looked rather confused and then smiled. But it didn't seem to be your favorite. I wanted to try the baby-swing, but there was already another baby in there.
Tomorrow you have your 4mos checkup. I cannot believe it is already time. The day after is my birthday! How time is flying.
We are so proud of you, Babydoll. You are growing up so quickly. It feels like anytime I blink, you are suddenly bigger and doing a new thing. You are pulling yourself up into a sitting position! And during tummy-time, you are holding your head up like a pro and starting to wiggle. I have a feeling you will be moving before we know it! You've also taken to divebombing off of me, if I'm holding you in bed. You kind of do this shove off and roll and fall onto the bed, and then start giggling. You love being "whooshed" up in the air, smiling so much.
You love to hear Daddy talk. Anytime you hear his voice you start smiling and trying to see where he is. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen. The more you grow, the more you look like him. You have some of my mannerisms, but you definitely have more of him. Including the annoyance of light in your eyes when you try to sleep. You literally grunt angrily in your sleep and pull your blankets over your head.
I cannot wait to see what the next month holds for you, MollyKat!
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