You are one month old today! How that happened, I will never know. The time is flying by. Seems like just yesterday I was getting ready for you to be born, and not expecting to meet you so soon!
It's amazing to me to see how much you've changed in just four and some days short weeks. You've gained two pounds, grown a quarter (if not more) of an inch. You've also slowly but surely started outgrowing your onesies! You've gone from sleeping for most of the day to being awake and aware and looking around. Your eyes are so big and beautiful! Cannot wait to see what color they end up. Right now, they're blueish-green, and when you are staring at something, take up almost all of your face!
I love holding you and talking to you, cause you'll stare up at me, and I can just tell by the way you're looking and concentrating you are trying to figure out what's going on and what I am saying. You're also incredibly strong already! Holding your head up for several seconds and staring around. You've become chatty! Well, kind of. You definitely are not quiet anymore. You make so much noise and grunts, it's becoming easy to tell what your moods are by your chatter.
So many people adore you, and it's fun seeing you meet new people. You also are a sneaky little girl already and if I'm not watching too carefully, you start to roll over! Or scoot away.
There are times when I'm holding you that you look up at me and there is the glimpse of a smile that will soon be yours. Also a giggle. I cannot wait to see you smile. And hear your giggles and full-blown laughter. I think your Daddy will be very good at getting you to giggle all the time.
It's amazing to see you go from this:
That hat fits you now, by the way. And that sleeper is now just about too small!
To this:
So Happy One Month Birthday, Darling Girl! We love you soo much! Cannot wait to see what this next month has in store!
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