I just got off the phone with the disability company (EDD), and everything is all set up and ready to go. They mailed out the debit card (not doing checks anymore, apparently!) hopefully yesterday, so I should get it tomorrow or latest, Monday. That will be nice. I'll also get the form for the Paid Family Leave after May 20th. It's great that everything has gone through and is working out. Such a huge stress relief for us.
Molly is doing amazing. She's growing and much more wide-awake now, when she is awake. The other day, she totally looked me in the eyes when I was saying her name for several seconds! And kept doing it! Speaking of, she has the biggest eyes ever. When they're open, they seem to take up almost all of her face. It's rather adorable, imo. She also has started sleeping in her rocker/crib/thing we got for her! That is nice for Hubby and I, cause we can actually sleep at night now instead of holding her and sleeping very lightly because of it. I think her napping in her bouncer made her relax and fall asleep fine in the rocker. Just a guess though. Whatever the reason, it's nice to be able to put her in that.
I've been doing some pumping to try to get started. It's going...alright. Not the easiest thing in the world, mostly because of trying to find time to pump. Getting the hang of it though. I don't have to go back to work till July, so I figure I have time to figure it all out and get a stock-pile. Or at least, attempt to.
I'm adjusting to being at home. Getting a bit stir-crazy from the lack of options of places to go. But that's mostly cause I don't like having to plan to have the car. Which involves getting up, getting us all packed, drop Hubby off at work, do errands, come home, pakc up again, go pick Hubby up. I'm fine doing that for things like doctor's appointments or grocery shopping, but seems a bit needless when I want to go grab Starbucks or something. Which then makes me wish where we lived was nearer shopping centers so Molly and I could go walk there and have a nice outing. Oh well. Learning to adjust and balance it all out! On the bright side, it's nice being at home and relaxing and not having to go into work. I do not miss that in the slightest (yet).
Oh! Molly is getting herself on a schedule, which makes it nice for me and I can actually get things done! She has gone from sleeping an hour and a half to two hours to consistently sleeping closer to three,, three and a half hours! Enables me to get chores done around the house, catch up the budget, mess around online, go grocery shopping (if I need to with her), etc. She is eating a lot and gaining weight! I weighed myself, then with her, and it's about a 9lb difference now. I can hardly believe she's almost a month old! Time sure is flying by. Wow.
May 21st I have my checkup with my OB. Hopefully everything is fine (should be, I haven't noticed any problems), get on my birth control that I can take while breastfeeding, and be all back to normal!
Speaking of sleeping baby, I need to get going. She's starting to wake up and make her hungry noise/face. But first, a couple pictures!
This was from going out to Benihana for Hubby's Birthday this past Monday! We got our nanny to babysit for us, and had a lovely night out. It was rather nice to be able to get dressed up and go on a date with my Hubby. Food was amazing, as always!
And this I took yesterday in between nursing. I call it her "WTF" face. It makes me laugh everytime she makes it. Hehe!
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